By Alison Clark, Clark Communications
It’s not only elite athletes and experienced runners who are preparing for this weekend’s 42nd River Bank Run. For the ninth year, former and current residents of Dégagé Ministries Open Door Women’s Center will participate in the Amway River Bank 5k Walk. Dégagé’s walking group, the ‘Heartside All Stars for Health’, is a group of approximately 12 women who have overcome or are working to overcome things like poverty, addiction and homelessness. With the support of Dégagé’s staff and volunteers, the organization’s walking group totals nearly 30 people.
The Heartside All Stars for Health participate in weekly training sessions lead by a volunteer community nurse at Dégagé. Of course, the walking provides physical benefits, but it also offers emotional, social and spiritual benefits, particularly for women who are facing so much difficulty in their lives and for whom exercise is not always a priority. Training for the walk gives the women an opportunity to support each other as they try to achieve big dreams, like securing safe and permanent housing. One of these women, Linda, says that participating with the walking group helps her “pick up her shoes instead of a bottle”.
On Wednesdays, it is a common sight to see the group gather outside Dégagé’s doors looking bundled up and eager to get moving. One of these eager walkers is Linda, who is a recovered alcoholic. She credits her involvement with Walking Club and Dégagé as one of the things that keeps her sober, motivated, and focused.
Linda’s journey to healing has been a long trek. For thirty years she struggled with addiction. Before finding Dégagé, Linda was homeless for four years, bouncing from shelter to shelter each night. But eight years ago, something changed. Linda made a commitment to get sober. She had heard about Dégagé through a friend and started coming for the services offered on the 1st and 2nd floor. She got an ID, earned vouchers for meals, and got help finding permanent housing.

Along the way, Linda heard about Dégagé’s Walking Club. She began showing up on Wednesdays and soon found walking was one of her true passions. She discovered that lacing up her tennis shoes was a great way to keep her from being tempted to pick up the bottle. Linda loves the challenge and activity as well as the community and conversation. Finding Walking Club and Dégagé meant finally having a place to belong. It is her support and her community.
When Linda was asked what she hopes to achieve through her participation in Walking Club, she contemplated the answer for a moment before breaking into a smile, “Continue in my sobriety and helping others through their journey.”
And with that, she finished tying her shoe and raced off to walk with her friends.
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