Be a ‘Double Crosser’ during the 2019 Labor Day Mackinac Bridge Walk

A 60-year tradition

By Jamie Westfall, Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce


Last year brought a lot of changes in the Labor Day Mackinac Bridge Walk, including the elimination of busing and the ability to start the walk from either St. Ignace or Mackinaw City. The new format introduced the opportunity to walk the entire length of the bridge, turn around, and walk back (a ten-mile circuit). While this option is certainly not for everyone, organizers recognized it as a unique draw to the event.

Courtesy Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce

In 2018, the Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce hosted the inaugural ‘Double Crossers Club’, which offered an opportunity to celebrate the hardy individuals who walked the entire length of the bridge and back, collecting a certificate from both sides. The Chamber sold 100 limited-edition, commemorative t-shirts.


Double Crossers are encouraged to start the walk promptly at 7am. If any participant does not make it all the way across and back to center span by 10am, they will be turned back to the nearest side and will be responsible for their own transportation across the bridge after the event ends. To be a Double Crosser, you will need to keep a steady pace and know your ability. There is no transportation option available through the Chamber of Commerce, so please plan accordingly and start early!


This year, the Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce will celebrate the second annual ‘Double Crossers Club’ by printing 200, limited-edition commemorative shirts, available for purchase by those who intend to walk the entire distance of the bridge and back and receive a certificate of completion from both St. Ignace and Mackinaw City.


Double Crossers may purchase the shirt in advance through the Chamber and walk independently; there is no designated meeting location. Participants will recognize the shirts and be able to wave to their double-crossing counterparts from the opposite shore as they cross paths near center span.


There is never a cost to participate in the Bridge Walk, but the official ‘Double Crossers Club’ t-shirt is available to purchase in person at the Chamber of Commerce in Mackinaw City (707 N. Huron Ave), by calling 231.436.5574 or online here. Proceeds from shirt sales will directly support community programs and events hosted by the Greater Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce.


T-shirts cost $25/ea., which includes tax, shipping, and processing fees. Order and pick up in person at our Chamber Office 707 N. Huron Ave. to save $5.




