By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing
Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).
Here are the Cliff notes version of Beverly Leslie’s tale of woe and wonder. The frail but fabulous four-year-old (born in late 2013) was found hanging around the Wyoming condo of two of our volunteers in late October, but they weren’t able to wrangle her until two weeks later. Beverly Leslie’s initial laundry list of issues included being bloated due to a presumed pregnancy, a flea infestation, severe gingivitis and a rip-roaring bilateral ear infection secondary to untreated ear mites that ended up rupturing both eardrums.
A week later she was healthy enough to take to surgery to spay her where Dr. Jen discovered that the kitty was suffering from a uterine infection (no babies thankfully). At that time Dr. Jen also flushed out Beverly Leslie’s infected ear canals which unfortunately led to a complicated upper respiratory infection involving her nasal passages; this caused excessive post-nasal drip and literally weeks of batting fevers, drainage and a helluva roller-coaster ride of recuperation.
When Dr. Jen took her back to surgery on Nov. 27 to again address kitty’s aural issues, yet another problem presented itself: Beverly Leslie had developed nasopharyngeal polyps in both middle ears, further complicating her recovery; removal was a success but her white blood cell count was astronomically high due to the chronic nature of her conditions.
Thankfully with Christmas came the return of her health, and Dr. Jen was able to allow Beverly Leslie to take her hard-won spot on our adoption list!
In spite of everything, this darling little lady never squawked or complained, taking her nose wiping and temperature taking like the fierce warrior princess she is! Small yet feisty, she got her name from that quirky yet beloved character on the TV show Will & Grace, and let me tell you, she is a force to be reckoned with, as nothing keeps her down for long! She loves, loves, LOVES people and simply cannot get enough of their attention! It took her quite some time to adjust and accept the other kitties as her roomies, but once she did, she made a few furry friends.
Beverly Leslie will absolutely thrive in a place where cuddles and snuggles are plentiful and would most definitely do great with kids. We can tell you that she will receive a marvelous send off, once it is finally time for her to pack her bags and go home; if anyone deserves it, it is our magnificent marmalade Bev Les!
More about Beverly Leslie
Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.
Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!
Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.