By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing
Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).
On Oct. 2, 2017, this totally adorable, 21-toed, intact male was unceremoniously dumped on the doorstep of our shelter, in a filthy travel carrier with a note attached. Evidently he was thought to be suffering from a urinary blockage and his owners couldn’t afford to have him treated, so instead of asking for help, they left him behind in the hopes that we would: 1) be able to care for him and 2) have the space to accommodate him once his medical issues were addressed.
As luck would have it, even though the unexpected addition of 2-1/2 year old Captain Kidd (Dr. Jen’s name for the handsome bloke who was born in the spring of 2015) put us up over our acceptable head count, he wasn’t afflicted by a urinary tract blockage but rather a non-infectious, inflammatory condition of his bladder.
Dr. Jen suspects that Kiddo was showing symptoms of discomfort and either straining to pee, producing bloody urine or going outside of the box. His issues have been simply remedied by neutering him, making sure his daily water intake is increased by feeding him canned food, and inexpensive medical management in the form of twice weekly anti-inflammatory tablets that he takes like a champ. And his litter box manners are something to behold, as he is a proud piddler and uses those massive mitts to cover his business when all is said and done.
Captain Kidd is not only drop-dead gorgeous but he is HILARIOUS! He is always in the thick of things, sticking his nose (and those toes) into anything and everything he isn’t supposed to! He is like our very own Energizer Bunny and he cracks us up with his playful antics and his zany, kitten-like behavior.
He gets along famously well with the other kitties at Crash’s but in all honesty he wouldn’t have to go into a multi-cat household; as long as he is the center of attention and has plenty to keep him occupied (think rambunctious children or perhaps even a boisterous canine companion), he is absolutely going to make a fabulously fun addition to any family that is fortunate enough to end up with him! And c’mon, those tootsies alone are simply stupendous!
More about Captain Kidd
Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.
Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!
Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.