By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing
Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).
On October 27th, 2016, we got a call at the clinic from a Meals On Wheels worker who was out and about and came across this hungry, flea-ridden little lady who was hungry for human contact even more than she was craving food. A kindhearted volunteer scooped her up and took her home, offered her some tasty treats and then tried to figure out what exactly to do with her. The cat appeared to have an injured rear leg and her paws looked odd, so the volunteer thought it best to seek help from Dr. Jen.
Although we really didn’t have any extra room at our facility, turning away a cat in need of medical care just isn’t anything Dr. Jen is comfortable with, so she said to bring the kitty on in. Thankfully, the injury sustained to kitty’s left rear leg was minor, and the pododermatitis (or ‘pillow foot’ as it is commonly called) affecting all four foot/toe pads is easily treatable if actively inflamed or painful. Since her tootsies weren’t bothering her, the condition was noted and would be monitored.
Dr. Jen set about treating the kitty for fleas and a mild case of flea allergy dermatitis, spayed the 2-1/2 year old (born in the spring of 2015) and got her program-ready.
Once at Crash’s, Nessarose immediately took to the volunteers. In the words of our cat care director: “What a doll! Nessarose just can’t get close enough to people. Whenever you pick her up, she snuggles up and burrows to the point of almost crawling inside of your clothing — and never wants to be put down. She loves everything about shelter life, especially the never-ending supply of volunteers to cuddle with her. She also makes feline friends eagerly. She really doesn’t need to go into a home with other cats though — as long as there are plenty of people to give her attention — but since she thrives on physical contact, another kitty to claim as her BFF would be fabulous”.
You really couldn’t find yourself a nicer cat than Nessarose, so seriously consider doing something wickedly wonderful by welcoming this darling, delightful girl into your heart and home!
More about Nessarose
Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.
Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!
Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.