Adventures at San Diego Comic-Con: The Big Bang Theory, creative costumes, and a camp out

Comic-Con CostumesFor the second straight year, Katelyn visited Comic-Con in San Diego. In case you missed it: Wonder Woman had an anniversary and Her Universe had a fashion show.


Written and photographed by: Katelyn Kohane


“Okay, Okay. When he’s at Comic-Con, I’m bringing in the wrecking ball.”


Day 3 turned out to be just as exciting as the first two. I made sure to get to the convention early and headed to Ballroom 20 to see Inside the Big Bang Theory Writers’ Room. They had a great start and played a bunch of hilarious clips from Season 9!


Many of the writers came on stage – Bill Prady, Steve Molaro, and Dave Goetsch just to name a few – along with Melissa Rauch, the actress who plays Bernadette, was introduced as the guest speaker. She was very funny, especially when she first arrived on stage and debated whether or not to stand on the stool they provided for her. She eventually decided to use the stool because we wouldn’t have been able to see her without it.


The panel talked a lot about the show and how many of their own mistakes from personal life make it into the show. They mentioned that we would see more of Penny’s family and that Katie Segal would player her mother. On top of the upcoming season Easter eggs, Jack McBrayer walked onto the stage and was introduced as the actor set to play Penny’s brother.


Overall, it was a lot of fun sitting in on The Big Bang Theory panel and awesome to see Melissa Raunch!


The Costumes


This year was loaded with a lot more costumes! Check out the slideshow below.


75 Years of Captain America


Captain America celebrates his 75th Anniversary this year! To celebrate the momentous occasion, they made a huge statue of Cap to commemorate the anniversary. The statue is going to travel around the world and has already made its first stop in Caps’ hometown in Brooklyn, New York!


Ashley Eckstine even celebrated Captain America’s 75th Anniversary this year with a clothing line that you can find at Kohl’s.


While on the floor with Captain America’s statue, I spent a little extra time wandering around and came across some pretty cool stuff.


Camp out for the famous ‘Hall H’


This year I decided to camp out on Friday night to get in to Hall H on Saturday. It was a lot of fun! One of my friends even joined me in line and we met a lot of new people during the camp out. Around 9pm, the convention started passing out wristbands that would be used to enter Hall H the next morning. We ran into a bit of trouble as they were handing out wristbands because people started cutting in line to make sure they could get a wristband as well. Eventually, order was restored and we got our wristbands around midnight.


After handing out the wristbands, the camp out line was shifted over to another section for the reminder of the night. We heard that Benedict Cumberbatch was walking through the line!


Don’t forget that Blindspot Season 2 starts on September 14th with Supergirl following a few weeks later on October 10th.  “Your mission should you choose to accept it…” is to stay tuned to see what I saw in Hall H. As a spoiler I will mention Wonder Woman!


“Is she with you? No. I thought she was with you.”

