By WKTV Staff
The Kent County Recycling Center in Grand Rapids, which closed to all inbound loads of recyclables March 27 to limit exposures to COVID-19 to Kent County staff and workers, will come back online Monday, May 4, the Kent County Department of Public Works announced April 30.
Not only was the main recycling center — where household recyclable material is accepted, separated and processed for other uses — not accepting any recyclables but Kent County’s South Kent and North Kent transfer station were not as well.
Starting Monday, the main downtown center and the North Kent center will now be accepting household recyclables, although neither facility will be open on Saturdays at this time, according to the Department of Public Works (DPW) statement.
The DPW statement also acknowledged that dutiful recyclers were finding their bottles, cans and papers piling up.
So DPW is “celebrating” the restart by inviting recyclers to post photos of the recyclables they’ve been storing while the drop-off sites have been closed, tagging #returnofrecycling on Instagram or Facebook, or sending an email to recycle@kentcountymi.gov.

“We thank residents who have stored their recyclables during the shutdown for their patience and commitment to recycling and reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills,” Kristen Wieland, DPW communications manager, said in supplied material. “We encourage anyone with recyclables piling up in their garages to begin putting them out at the curb for collection now that we’re operating again.”
The DPW, in the statement, urged residents with stockpiled materials to recycle to follow the established guidelines for recycling in Kent County, which are available in the recycling guide on its website. (A graphic of which is shown below.)
If residents have been storing materials for recycling in bags or other containers, they are asked to remove all materials from bags before dropping them off or placing them in a recycling cart. If residents use a recycling drop-off station, they are reminded to keep 6-feet of distance between themselves and other recyclers.
“We’ve heard countless stories from dedicated recyclers who have been holding on to their recyclables and now have overflowing garages,” Wieland said. “I’m sure people are excited to get some of their space back, knowing their recycling is going to get processed and put back into new products.”
In addition to worker safety, the shutdown was necessary due to disruptions in recycling markets for processed materials. As other manufacturing processors shut down their facilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kent County DPW’s ability to get recyclables to processors and end-users was constricted.
But Kent County DPW has now confirmed material sorted at the recycling center will be accepted by processors.
Early in March, the Recycling & Education Center received upgrades to its paper sorting equipment. These upgrades will improve the quality of paper sent to paper mills and will significantly reduce the daily maintenance time spent keeping the screens clean. The upgraded equipment also helps to keep workers safe by avoiding tangles that forced equipment shutdowns in the past.
The Kent County Department of Public Works provides municipal solid waste disposal services to ensure the effective removal, storage and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste. Additionally, Public Works operates the Kent County Waste-to-Energy Facility, an electrical generation facility. More information about the Kent County Department of Public Works facilities is available at reimaginetrash.org.