Volunteers of two local commissions will plant four redbud trees at the Wyoming Veteran’s Memorial Garden for WWII and Korean War veterans (Courtesy, The City of Wyoming Historical Commission)
Only one evergreen tree (not pictured) currently remains to the east of the monument. With funding from the Greater Wyoming Community Resource Alliance, The Tree Amigos and Historical Commission plan to spruce up the memorial originally erected in 1945 at the intersection of Lee Street and Porter Street. Plantings adjacent to the monument will be updated in the spring.
(Courtesy, The City of Wyoming Historical Commission)
“The Wyoming Historical Commission is grateful to The Tree Amigos for beautifying the Wyoming Honor Roll Memorial dedicated to our veterans from Wyoming who served during WWII and the Korean Wars,” says Vicki Briggs, board member of The Historical Commission.
“This memorial was dedicated on May 30, 1945. The original plantings had been removed due to their age and now will be renewed.”
Tree dedication ceremony
A brief ceremony dedicating the trees and remembering the veterans named on the monument will take place at 12 p.m. on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11.
Representatives from the City of Wyoming and the Historical Commission will say a few words, along with American Legion Post 154 Post Commander Keith Wakefield. The Tree Amigos will also make an announcement about future projects.
“That’s so exciting, and I appreciate what Tree Amigos is doing to beautify the neighborhood,” says Kalene McElveen, owner of Tasteful Vegan Ice Cream Shop, a business adjacent to the planting site.
Local history
Boyce Slootmaker lied about his age to join the Navy at age 16 (Courtesy, Slootmaker family)
Among those named on the memorial are family members of The Tree Amigos chairperson, Estelle Slootmaker: Boyce Slootmaker (WWII), Howard Joyce (Korean War), and Clayton Burkholder (WWII).
Lieutenant Commander Roger B. Chaffee was added to the memorial in 1967. Born and raised in Wyoming, Chaffee died on Jan. 27, 1967 in the Apollo spacecraft flash fire during a launch pad test at Kennedy Space Center, FL.
McDonald’s restaurants across the region will be recognizing Veterans Day in a special way, by offering current and former military members a free meal (Courtesy photo)
McDonald’s restaurants throughout Grand Rapids are honored to serve veterans, active-duty military members and their families each and every day. This year, McDonald’s restaurants across the region will be recognizing Veterans Day in a special way, by offering current and former military members a free meal.
Participating McDonald’s restaurants will offer a meal to all veterans with a valid military ID on Monday, Nov. 11. For breakfast, veterans can enjoy an Egg McMuffin or Bacon Egg Cheese Biscuit, along with a hash brown and any size soft drink, tea or coffee.
Meals are only available via dine-in or drive-thru, and are not available in the McDonald’s app. Breakfast meals are only available until 10:30 a.m.
(Courtesy, McDonald’s)
Supporting community
Local McDonald’s owner/operators are committed to feeding and fostering communities by providing meals in honor of veterans, teachers and first responders, and through support of youth sports leagues and neighborhood jobs.
Wyoming Public Schools Superintendent Craig Hoekstra delivers an important message to the community on the eve of national, state and local elections.
Read Hoekstra’s letter to the community below:
Wyoming Public Schools Superintendent Craig Hoekstra (Supplied)
Dear Wyoming Public Schools Families and Community,
As we approach the upcoming national, state, and local elections, I want to highlight two important messages for our school community.
First and foremost, I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. This fundamental right is one of the most impactful ways we can shape our community, our state, and our nation. Voting not only allows us to have a voice in the decisions that affect us, but it also demonstrates to our children the value of civic engagement.
Secondly, as the election draws near and results unfold, it is vital that we, as a community, stay focused on our role as positive role models for our students. Regardless of the election’s outcome, our ongoing commitment must be to remain civil, respectful, and supportive of one another. Our actions and words will serve as powerful examples to our children on how to engage thoughtfully and constructively, even during challenging times.
Wyoming Public Schools is built on the strength of a supportive partnership between home and school. I am grateful for each of you and your dedication to fostering a positive environment for our students. Together, we can model the importance of kindness, empathy, and healthy discourse in all that we do.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support in helping us create a positive and respectful atmosphere within our schools and community.
Craig Hoekstra
Wyoming Public Schools
WPS Superintendent Craig Hoekstra’s letter to the community (Courtesy, WPS)
Marie was last seen near 56th Street SW and Byron Center Avenue in the City of Wyoming on Nov. 3, 2024 at approximately 5 p.m. Marie suffers from dementia and left this area on foot in an unknown direction. She has not been heard from or seen since.
Marie is a white female with gray hair, approximately 5’4” tall and has a thin build. She was last seen wearing a navy-blue scrub jacket, pink shirt, black sweatpants, black shoes, glasses, and walks with a cane.
Wyoming Police continue to search for Marie.
If Marie is located or seen, please contact Wyoming Police at 616-530-7300 or 911.
Carlson shows off his tricked-out bowling pin trophy (Courtesy, Brian B.)
Local comedian Simon Carlson was crowned the Sunday Night Funnies (SNF) 2024 Kingpin of Comedy on Sunday, Oct. 27.
“It was a tight contest with just a handful of votes separating the top four vote-getters,” said Brian Borbot (Brian B.), SNF creator and MC. “But Simon had a terrific set and deserves the crown.
“I was really happy with the turnout for the finals. We had a packed house – absolutely no seats left. The audience saw an amazing show from some talented comedians.”
Simon Carlson on winning the competition: “Thanks for giving comics a good room to get better at stand up. Also, I wish I got to keep the big check. When do I get the keys to the SNF mobile?”
The SNF mobile Carlson referenced is the SNF “Sunny” car that is wrapped in various shades of yellow and gold. “Sunny” acts as an advertisement for the weekly comedy show.
The “Sunny” car helps advertise the weekly SNF comedy show (Courtesy, Brian B.)
As the Kingpin of Comedy competition winner, Carlson receives a prize package valued at $1,000 from local businesses including Craig’s Cruisers, LaughFest, Midtown GR, and show host Spectrum Entertainment Complex. Carlson also receives $500 cash, a bowling pin trophy and a personalized Kingpin bowling shirt.
About SNF
The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of comics from around the Midwest. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.
With Halloween days away, the tiniest patients at the Trinity Health Grand Rapids Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are ready to celebrate! Their Halloween costumes were all hand-made by NICU nurses to fit these tiny patients without disrupting their care and monitoring.
Though the babies are not able to go outside to trick-or-treat, dressing up in the costumes allowed families to experience a childhood milestone.
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
(Courtesy, Trinity Health)
About Trinity Health NICU
Trinity Health Grand Rapids NICU is a licensed 15-bed, Levell III NICU, that cares for 200 to 300 newborns on the unit every year. We have successfully cared for babies born at 22 weeks gestation and weighing as little as 11 ounces.
To learn more about Trinity Health Grand Rapids NICU services, visit their website.
Davenport University and LAUP have entered into an all-encompassing partnership to support education for Latinos at all stages of life (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
Located in Holland, LAUP was formed in 1964 with the mission to empower Latinos to participate in creating a better community for all through advocacy, celebration and education. Davenport’s newly created Casa Latina online degrees program complements that mission.
LAUP empowers Latinos to participate in creating a better community (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
A powerful catalyst for change
The partnership, which includes scholarships and other benefits, covers LAUP’s youth programs called ¡Adelante! and ¡Más Adelante!, and the LAUP workforce development program Educate, Elevate!.
“Everyone at Davenport University is excited about partnering with LAUP,” said Casa Latina Executive Director Carlos Sanchez.
This partnership fosters equitable access and opportunities for youth and adults (Courtesy, Davenport University)
“Casa Latina supports LAUP’s mission by offering dual language undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as a bilingual student support system for high school graduates and adult learners alike. We look forward to working together for the benefit of the West Michigan community.”
Graduates of the LAUP programs who meet Davenport’s requirements will receive up to $9,200 toward tuition for Casa Latina undergraduate programs, and up to $7,000 toward tuition for general Davenport undergraduate programs. There is a special early admission category for graduates of the ¡Adelante! program at the completion of 8th grade.
“This partnership, driven by LAUP’s transformative efforts, is a powerful catalyst for change,” said Maria Morales, Director of Workforce Development & Strategic Impact. “It fosters equitable access and opportunities for youth and adults, empowers skilled immigrants to upskill and integrate into the workforce, and unlocks career pathways—harnessing the untapped potential within our community.”
Learn more!
Click here for a full description of the Davenport University/LAUP partnership: English, Spanish.
Michigan Veteran Homes at Grand Rapids (MVHGR), in partnership with Zero Day, will host their Veterans Day 5 Remembrance 0.5-Mile Walk/Roll, 5K, and 5-Mile Run on Nov. 9 at 2950 Monroe Ave. NE.
Event check-in will begin at 7:15 a.m. The Kent County Honor Guard will present the colors while Army Veteran Danielle Engle sings the national anthem. The 5-mile run will begin at 8:30 a.m., followed by the 5K at 8:50 a.m., and the 0.5-mile remembrance walk at 9 a.m.
myTeam Triumph – Michigan Chapter Angels push Home members as Captains during the 5K run (Courtesy, MVH)
Registration for the race is currently open and will accommodate walk-ups the morning of the event. To register, click Veterans Day 5. Please enter off Monroe Avenue NE and follow signs for parking and check-in.
“We are always seeking opportunities to enrich the lives of the veteran members living at the Home as well as providing ways for the greater community of Grand Rapids to engage with veteran members,” said Ryan Engle, Director of Development and Strategic Engagement for Michigan Veteran Homes (MVH).
“The funds raised through the event will support the charitable support fund that provides therapeutic and leisure activities for every veteran member we have the honor and privilege to care for.”
Participants, volunteers and spectators are invited to join veteran members and staff in the Home’s bistro for the SpartanNash Community Pancake Breakfast from 9 – 11:30 a.m. Race participants, volunteers and veteran members will receive a complimentary breakfast courtesy of SpartanNash, while guests are asked to make a minimum $5 donation to MVHGR.
Zero Day will donate 100% of event proceeds and donations to MVHGR following the event.
Sponsorship and giving opportunities
Those interested in sponsorship opportunities for the Veterans Day 5, please email dmva-mvhgiving@michigan.gov.
MVHGR is seeking monetary donations to improve members’ quality of life through life enrichment activities (Courtesy, MVH)
In support of life enrichment activities that improve the quality of life for members, the Home is seeking monetary donations. Monetary donations can be made on-site by cash or check during the race, online at Michigan Veteran Homes – Make a Gift, or via checks made out to MVHGR and mailed to 2950 Monroe Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505.
This year’s race is supported by Zero Day, SpartanNash, myTeam Triumph – Michigan Chapter, The McGraw Family and Village Caregiving.
Big Apple Bagels® in Grand Rapids (6670 Kalamazoo Ave.) will hold their official Grand Re-Opening Open House event to benefit the Kentwood Little Free Pantry on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 7 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Kentwood’s Little Free Pantry is a free resource that provides food to community members in need.
Helping those in need
All are encouraged to stop in, see the new Big Apple Bagels décor and receive a free coffee when you donate a non-perishable good to the Kentwood Little Free Pantry. During this one-day event, Big Apple Bagels will be offering bagels for just $0.75.
(Courtesy, Big Apple Bagels)
“We are grateful for the support from Big Apple Bagels for hosting a food drive for the Little Free Pantry. We typically see an increased need for donations around the holiday season,” said Val Romeo, Director of Kentwood Parks and Recreation.
“Whether it’s a collection of canned goods or a financial contribution, all donations help families in our community.”
Big Apple Bagels will be collecting non-perishable goods for the pantry through Nov. 30.
Pantry suggested donations
More information about Kentwood’s Little Free Pantry, including a list of suggested donations, is available at kentwood.us/littlefreepantry.
Bestselling fantasy author Erin A. Craig talked with readers about the inspiration behind her new release and her personal writing journey (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
West Michigan author Erin A. Craig has been making headlines with her macabre fairy tales – and her new release, The Thirteenth Child, is no different.
Released on Sept. 24, The Thirteenth Child was celebrated at Schuler Books in Grand Rapids, with its New York Times bestselling author in attendance.
The dark and Grimm
(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
Craig’s fourth foray into the fantasy realm is inspired by the Grimm brothers’ classic tale, Godfather Death – but with a twist.
“I like to take fairy tales and think of all the ways you can make it even darker than the Grimm brothers did,” said Craig. “[The Thirteenth Child] is no different. This is a retelling of Godfather Death, which is one of their classic top ten fairy tales.”
Though Craig typically enjoys more obscure tales, she confesses The Thirteenth Child is her favorite work to date.
“Usually I like the darker fairy tales that Disney hasn’t really touched on,” said Craig. “They were always the ones I was drawn to as a kid. There’s something fun about being scared.”
While Craig might fantasize about shadows and crave chills, the author exudes light – in more ways than one.
Clad from head to toe in sequins and sparkles for the book launch, the 6’1” author wields a quick wit, sparkling humor and easy smile that are in direct contrast to the dark tales she weaves.
Erin A. Craig (left) answers questions from readers (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
180 rejections and a trademark twist
Before becoming a bestselling author, Craig lived out her love of dark fantasy on theatre stages.
After obtaining a B.F.A. in Theatre Production and Design from the University of Michigan, Craig worked as a stage manager for tragic operas. A ten-year tenure as Director of Production at Opera Memphis in Tennessee led Craig to her husband and, subsequently, the birth of their daughter. The family of three moved back to Michigan in 2020.
“After I had my daughter, I realized the opera stage manager lifestyle doesn’t compete with newborns.” Craig added with a laugh, “She didn’t really like the sopranos. Did not like them.”
Author Erin A. Craig (Courtesy, Cynthia Whipkey)
Staying home with the newest family member, however, left Craig feeling a bit lost.
“My whole identity is what I’m doing,” says Craig. “If I’m not a stage manager, who am I? I wanted to show her that Mom can do all these things…and set a good example.”
Craig unearthed a novel she wrote in college and queried agents, hoping to receive a book deal.
“In my head, this [novel] is the best concept ever!” Craig paused. “I racked up about 180 rejections in six months. I realized this is not the book that’s going to do it.”
Craig decided to retell Annabel Lee, a favorite work of Edgar Allan Poe, with her trademark twist.
After a pitch contest tweet ended with 80 agents asking Craig for the manuscript, she pitched it to ten – and received five offers before the week’s end.
Small Favors, a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, came next. House of Roots and Ruin, a retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses and Bluebeard, followed.
A twist on the familiar
Craig’s new novel features two embossed cover styles, one for Hazel and one for Merrick (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
Craig’s inclination for retelling fairy tales is due to her time as an opera stage manager.
“There are many wonderful modern operas being created right now, but we go back to those classics for 200-300 years,” said Craig. “We want to hear that story told again in a different way and set in a different location. The wonder of taking something familiar and twisting it is always fun.”
The Thirteenth Child explores a unique view on death.
Hazel, the thirteenth child of a couple struggling to make ends meet, is given to Merrick, the god of death. Godfather Merrick gives Hazel the gift of healing and the ability to see the exact cure needed to treat the sick. However, Merrick’s gift comes with a price, and Hazel is also tasked with permanently ending the suffering of those Death claims.
Then Hazel faces a predicament that requires her to choose between her heart and the will of her godfather, sparking a philosophical twist.
Humanity, meet Death
Every person’s lifeline is connected to a candle in The Thirteenth Child (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
That philosophical aspect was what caused Merrick to claim the title of Craig’s favorite character.
“It was really interesting to take death as a character because we have so many cultural representations of him,” said Craig. “The one thing that really drew me to this story wasn’t that [the parents] gave Hazel away to Death, it was that Death came to her. That Death wanted this child.”
Craig pondered what that meant for Death, and what that said about him as a person.
“It was such an eye-opening look into his backstory and his character. He wants this child, he wants someone to care for…he wants a human companion. He wants a legacy of sorts. It was a really fun exploration, and a different look at death.”
Creative and quirky rituals
When asked if she is ever not thinking of a storyline, Craig laughed and said she tries, but gets antsy. “I need something to get characters and banter out, or my head gets very cluttered.”
Erin A. Craig signs books for readers (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
Craig keeps a strict writing routine, beginning at 5 a.m. every morning to hand draft her books.
“I really like when the house is dark and quiet. I’ve got this huge window, and when it’s dark outside, all I can concentrate on is the words. And my coffee – I have to have that.”
After taking her daughter to school, Craig types what she has written into the computer, using that process as a first edit. Afternoons are reserved for research.
Since Craig heavily outlines her novels, writer’s block is nonexistent. However, on days when she doesn’t feel like writing, Craig goes for a walk to stimulate creativity.
Craig chooses a particular song for each book she writes, listening to it at the beginning of each writing session to get her into the right headspace. A musical playlist is also assigned to each novel, and is retired after the book is finished.
Fun Facts about Erin A. Craig
Erin A. Craig…
doodled words instead of pictures as a child
carried a Thesaurus throughout childhood and experimented with new words in sentences
owns a mint condition pink 1953 Royal Quiet De Luxe typewriter that receives more tune-ups than her car does
knew her husband was “the One” when he revealed he owned an Underwood typewriter
collects typewriters: “We had 67 when we hit our peak. We pared it down to 23.”
loves the horror novel, The Woman in Black by Susan Hills
regrets listening to the audiobook, Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman, at night
has watched The Others with Nicole Kidman 50 times – with the exception of one scene where she closes her eyes every time
has a secret love of cheesy romance stories
prefers sci-fi over paranormal
hates fairies and substituted fairies in her upcoming adult debut novel (a retelling of Tam Lin) for vampires instead
will not choose between scary stories and horror movies: “Both. That’s a mean question!”
What’s next?
(Courtesy, Erin A. Craig)
Craig’s adult debut novel, A Land So Wide, will be released in 2025 by Pantheon Books. She is currently working on another adult novel inspired by Elton John’s final concert at Dodger Stadium that she dubs “the Elton John cult book.”
Craig is also drafting the third (yet unnamed) book in the Sisters of the Salt series.
One person is dead after a crash in the 3400 block of Burlingame Avenue SW.
At approximately 1:40 a.m. Oct. 25, police and fire personnel from the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to the 3400 block of Burlingame Avenue SW on the report of an individual riding a skateboard that had just been struck by a vehicle. Despite lifesaving efforts, the victim, a 22-year-old male resident of Wyoming, died at the scene.
Street view of the 3400 block of Burlingame Avenue SW (Courtesy, Google Maps)
Preliminary investigation indicates the male was riding a skateboard in the travel lanes of Burlingame Avenue when he was struck by a southbound vehicle. The driver of the vehicle remained at the scene to speak with police.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Wyoming Police at 616-530-7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345; 1-866-774-2345; or https://www.silentobserver.org.
“We have a good mix of comedians performing in the finals this year,” says Brian B. (Brian Borbot), creator and MC of the SNF.
“The Grand Rapids metro area is obviously represented, but we also have two comedians from Detroit, one from Lansing and one from Kalamazoo. The lineup is diverse too. Not only in terms of race, but age-range as well.”
Along with the nine comics participating in the competition, former professional football player and comedian, Peter Cender, will close the show while votes are counted.
The competition winner will receive $500 cash and prizes from Wyoming businesses: Craig’s Cruisers, Spectrum Entertainment Complex, Midtown GR and Gilda’s LaughFest. The winner also receives a Kingpin bowling pin trophy, a customized bowling shirt and the opportunity to close the Sunday Night Funnies LaughFest show in 2025.
The total prize package is worth $1,000 in value.
“Seeing that Wyoming is the 14th largest city in Michigan, I thought the eventual winner deserved a prize package worthy of the title, Most Humorous Person in Town,” said Brian B.
(Courtesy, Brian B.)
About the SNF
The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of comics from around the Midwest. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.
The WAR Chest Boutique in Wyoming is inviting families to stop by the Boutique Oct. 26 – Oct. 31 for some Halloween fun!
Bring your costumed kids into the Boutique during regular business hours. Staff will be giving out treat bags to the kids and coupons to accompanying adults (15% off one regular-priced item).
Event details:
The WAR Chest Boutique is located at 2790 44th St. SW in Wyoming.
Over 785,250 visitors experienced art, culture and nature at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park in the last year, marking the highest annual attendance in the organization’s near 30-year history.
Meijer Gardens announced record-breaking attendance for its 2024 fiscal year ending Sept. 30, solidifying its place as one of Michigan’s most-visited cultural destinations and one of the country’s most visited art museums.
An exceptional year
This milestone is in addition to Meijer Gardens welcoming its 15 millionth visitor in April 2024, and being ranked the 90th most popular art museum in the world and 15th in the country by attendance, according to The Art Newspaper’s March 2024 Visitor Figures 2023 Analysis.
2024 marked the highest annual attendance in Meijer Garden’s near 30-year history (Courtesy, FMG)
A key factor contributing to this blockbuster year was its continued recognition as one of the top destinations in the country. Meijer Gardens was named Best Sculpture Parkin the United States for a second straight year (2024, 2023) by USA Today’s 10 Best Readers’ Choice Awards, underscoring its status as a must-visit cultural landmark and an internationally acclaimed destination.
Other contributing factors include the popular Fred & Dorothy Fichter Butterflies Are Blooming exhibition in March and April, the Fifth Third Bank Summer Concerts at Meijer Gardens concert series, and the loan of a rare blooming corpse flower from Grand Valley State University in June.
Meijer Gardens summer concert series are a popular annual event (Courtesy, Michael Moran)
“We are deeply grateful for the support of our members, guests, and community partners who have made this significant achievement possible,” said Charles Burke, President & CEO of Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park.
“As we prepare for our 30th year, we remain dedicated to providing exceptional experiences that inspire and engage all who walk through our doors.”
30th anniversary highlights
Kicking off the organization’s 30th anniversary, Meijer Gardens will debut ENLIGHTEN, a new outdoor holiday light spectacle running on select dates Nov. 27 to Jan. 4.
Created in collaboration with the teams at Lightswitch and Upstaging known for producing immersive events and shows for major attractions worldwide and for Grammy, Emmy and Academy Award-winning artists, ENLIGHTEN promises to delight audiences of all ages.
This immersive, one-mile outdoor experience fuses art, light, and nature – showcasing masterpieces by artists including Henry Moore, Alexander Leiberman, Roxy Paine and Ai Weiwei highlighted by cutting-edge light installations, synchronized music and interactive elements. The experience continues indoors with the University of Michigan Health-West: Christmas & Holiday Traditions exhibition, celebrating global cultures and holiday customs.
ENLIGHTEN tickets are now on sale! (Courtesy, Frederik Meijer Gardens)
With timed tickets now on sale, ENLIGHTEN will offer an unforgettable holiday experience, blending festive holiday fun with the beauty of Meijer Gardens.
The 30th anniversary will be commemorated with other special programs and events throughout 2025 to be announced at a later date.
New board members
Meijer Gardens also announced the appointment of eight new members to its Board of Directors:
Rosalyn Bliss – Mayor, City of Grand Rapids
Nicole Dandridge – CEO, VA Enterprises
Terri Gaskey – SVP of Family & Talent Services, RDV Corporation
Mark Gurney – Founding Chair/CEO, Tetra Therapeutics (retired)
Joe Jones – President/CEO, The Hekima Group
Randy Thelen – President/CEO, The Right Place
Al Vandenberg – County Administrator/Controller, Kent County
Richard Winn – President, AHC Hospitality
Find out more!
For more information and a full listing of upcoming events, including details on the new ENLIGHTEN experience, visit MeijerGardens.org.
Dr. Scott Kaufman will give insight into President Ford’s long-lasting impacts (Courtesy, Ford Library & Museum)
President Ford’s relationship with President Carter demonstrates how leaders can transcend political divides for the greater good of a nation.
Esteemed author and professor Dr. Scott Kaufman will visit the Gerald R. Ford Library in Ann Arbor, and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, to discuss President Ford’s legacy and relationship with President Carter.
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear about the fascinating relationship between Ford and Carter – two presidents from opposite political parties who found common ground in public service and bipartisanship. Their relationship evolved into a friendship that is cited as a model of post-presidency cooperation.
“We are fortunate to be able to bring Dr. Scott Kaufman to both of our locations as a guest speaker,” said Brooke Clement, director of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum. “It’s an honor to have the opportunity to hear his insights on President Ford’s long-lasting impacts, especially during this 50th anniversary year.”
Event details
Scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 30 at the Library and Oct. 31 at the Museum, these programs are free and open to the public. Registration is encouraged, and a Zoom option on Oct. 30 will be available for those who cannot attend in-person.
Both programs will conclude with a book sale and signing.
About Dr. Kaufman
(Courtesy photo)
Dr. Kaufman is professor of History and a Board of Trustees Research Scholar at Francis Marion University in South Carolina where he has taught since 2001.
He is the author, co-author, or editor of twelve books, including A Companion to Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter (2015) and Ambition, Pragmatism, and Party: A Political Biography of Gerald R. Ford (2017).
Dr. Kaufman is currently working on two books: a history of impeachment in the United States, and a comparative history of the Panama and Suez Canals.
Register today!
For more information and to register for the events, click here.
Wyoming Public Schools (WPS) has partnered with Feeding America Mobile Pantry to host a Mobile Pantry once a month.
*WHS October Mobile Food Pantry will be held Monday, Oct. 21 from 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
What to expect
Though the selection of food varies each month, there are always a variety of fresh and frozen items available at the Mobile Pantry.
The Mobile Pantry is drive-thru style, and families are asked to remain in their vehicles for safety.
WHS Mobile Food Pantry Map (Courtesy, WPS)
Cars enter at the main entrance to WHS (1350 Prairie Parkway). Volunteers will direct traffic in the parking lot to help with efficiency.
Once in line, a volunteer will approach each car to record the name, address, number of people in the household, and the reason the food is needed for each family. Once a car has reached the front of the line, volunteers will load a box of food into the trunk.
To learn more about Feeding America West Michigan and the services they offer, click here.
For the Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry schedule, click here.
The rivalry game, supported by the Grand Rapids Sports Hall of Fame, spotlights the success of the two programs, while developing a marquee rivalry for two West Michigan institutions in the Grand Rapids area.
Representatives from the two universities gathered in Grand Rapids’ Calder Plaza Sept. 26 to announce the new annual tradition (Courtesy, DU Comms)
The series will begin this fall with the teams squaring off in the regular-season finale on Nov. 16 in Big Rapids at Ferris State’s Top Taggart Field as part of the GLIAC schedule. The two teams will play for the Calder City Classic trophy.
The rivalry will then return to Davenport’s home field in 2025. Plans call for the third matchup in 2026 to take place at a neutral site in the Grand Rapids area. Every third game in the series will potentially be played somewhere near Grand Rapids, with neither team having a home-field advantage.
Additional details about the Calder City Classic will be announced before the Nov. 16 game, including the rivalry logo and trophy design.
A new tradition
Representatives from the two universities gathered in Grand Rapids’ Calder Plaza Sept. 26 to announce the annual tradition against the backdrop of “La Grande Vitesse.” The bright red sculpture by Alexander Calder has been a symbol of the city since it was installed on Calder Plaza in 1969.
Two outstanding football programs will go head-to-head in this new athletic tradition (Courtesy, DU Comms)
Davenport University President Richard J. Pappas and Ferris State University President Bill Pink were on hand to support the creation of the Calder City Classic.
“Ferris State University has a rich athletic tradition,” Pink said. “This game will give us a chance to establish a new tradition. West Michigan sports fans will have the opportunity to see two outstanding football programs go head-to-head, and also learn more about the excellent educational programs each of our great universities have to offer.”
Pappas noted that both institutions have long histories featuring strong academic and athletic programs.
“We are looking forward to this named rivalry between our institutions,” Pappas said. “We expect the Calder City Classic to be an example of fierce competition for our student-athletes who will show teamwork, discipline, compete well and win graciously.”
Artistic spirit and civic pride
The athletic directors at Ferris and Davenport recognize the future possibilities of the partnership.
“This is an awesome way to showcase these two outstanding football programs and highlight the value of each institution right here in the Grand Rapids area,” Ferris State Athletic Director Steve Brockelbank said. “We appreciate the great partnership with Davenport University and the support of the Grand Rapids Sports Hall of Fame to help develop this rivalry series and look forward to watching this grow.”
Davenport Athletic Director Paul Lowden agrees: “‘The Calder’ is a symbol of Grand Rapids artistic spirit and civic pride. It is only fitting that two historical West Michigan universities battle on the gridiron to win the Calder City Classic trophy.
“Davenport University is excited to be part of this new football tradition with Ferris State University while honoring an iconic piece of Grand Rapids history.”
More than just football
The Calder City Classic showcases sportsmanship alongside fierce competition (Courtesy, DU Comms)
The programs have close ties in addition to their West Michigan location. Davenport head coach Sparky McEwen played at Ferris State and served as its assistant coach under Bulldogs head coach Tony Annese.
McEwen said the Calder City Classic is an opportunity to show more than football.
“The Calder City Classic exemplifies sportsmanship, along with great competition,” McEwen said. “I appreciate the partnership with the Grand Rapids Sports Hall of Fame.
“This recognition of the immense football talent and fierce competition here is a testament to the passion of our student-athletes, fans and communities. We look forward to competing for the Calder City Classic trophy each year.”
Journey to the top
Last fall’s regular-season matchup at Davenport’s home field in Caledonia marked the eighth meeting between the universities. It also represented the first time in which both schools were ranked in the top 10 teams in the country in the American Football Coaches Association national poll at kickoff time, with Ferris State seventh and Davenport ninth.
FSU and DU have both finished among the top three squads in the GLIAC for the past two seasons (Courtesy, DU Comms)
Both schools made the NCAA Division II Playoffs in 2022, with Ferris State defeating Davenport in Big Rapids en route to the Bulldogs’ second-consecutive NCAA Division II national championship. The Panthers’ appearance in the DII playoffs in 2022 was the school’s first in program history.
Both teams have also finished among the top three squads in the GLIAC each of the past two seasons.
Grand Valley fans are encouraged to join Grand Valley Athletics and its partners, WLAV, SpartanNash and the American Red Cross, in relief efforts for hurricane victims across the southeastern United States.
Donation items
The American Red Cross is asking the public for donations of individually-wrapped snacks such as granola bars; fruit cups; bags of pretzels, chips, popcorn, or crackers; juice boxes or beef jerky.
Help hit GVSU’s goal of contributing 150,000 individually wrapped snacks. Something to eat can make a big difference for someone dealing with the aftermath of a disaster.
Even something as small as a snack can help those in need (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
Where and when to drop off
Lakers fans can drop off these items prior to Grand Valley’s home game against Northern Michigan from 3-7 p.m. on Oct. 12 in Parking Lot B2 at WLAV’s location in Tailgate Town.
Three SpartanNash store locations are also accepting donations through Saturday: Family Fare, 6370 Lake Michigan Drive, Allendale; D&W, 1116 Robbins Road, Grand Haven; and Forest Hills Foods, 4668 Cascade Road SE, Grand Rapids.
The American Presidency on Screen, a new 80-minute documentary, will make its debut screening at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
The American Presidency on Screen, a new 80-minute documentary, will make its debut screening on Oct. 9 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids. A panel discussion with subject matter experts will follow.
Five centuries of American history
What connects us as Americans is far stronger than what divides us (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
The Washington Political Film Foundation is set to premiere its latest documentary, The American Presidency on Screen, at events cosponsored by two of the National Archives Libraries & Museums this fall. This initiative highlights how Hollywood has interpreted history to captivate, inspire and entertain audiences through movie, television and streaming platform depictions that explore pivotal moments in American history.
The primary focus of the initiative is to explore the role of American Presidents. From portrayals of real-life Presidents to fictional Chief Executives in films and television series, the documentary roars along to cover key moments in the timeline of American history.
This timely documentary spans five centuries of American history, from the colonial era to present day. In exploring historical portrayals of the U.S. Presidency, the film serves as a reminder of the shared history and democratic ideals that unite all Americans.
Released during the lead-up to the presidential election, The American Presidency on Screen carries a critical message of unity, emphasizing that what connects us as Americans is far stronger than what divides us—an especially important message in today’s polarized political climate.
Documentary contributors and sponsors
The documentary highlights the power of film and common bonds of American citizens (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
The film benefited from important contributions made by veteran LA-based producer Kirk Saduski, known for his high-profile work with CNN, HBO, and Apple TV+. Saduski was an advisor to the Washington Political Film Foundation, which developed the idea and produced the film.
“This project underscores the unifying power of film in a divided political landscape and a violent world,” said Lee Johnson, Chairman and CEO of The Foundation. “For over a century, Americans have been inspired, educated, and entertained by some of the greatest creative talent ever assembled in film and television.
“With The American Presidency on Screen, our hope is that audiences will be reminded of our common history and the ties that bind us together.”
The American Presidency on Screen is made possible through the generous support of the Goldman Sachs Foundation.
Additional screening and film information
The second screening will be held at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor on Oct. 17.
The third event will take place Oct. 18 at The Carter Center in Atlanta, sponsored by the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum in Atlanta, also featuring a post-screening discussion.
For more information about the film and upcoming screenings, click here.
Benteler Automotive’s proposal to build a new battery components assembly plant on Site 36 was approved at a recent City Council meeting (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
The Wyoming City Council recently approved a $150 million investment project that will bring new life to the long-vacant former General Motors stamping plant.
The GM plant opened in 1936, closing operations in 2009. Over the years, the city worked to prep the land for redevelopment. Benteler Automotive’s proposal to build a new battery components assembly plant on Site 36 was approved at a recent City Council meeting. The plant will focus production of a battery tray, tray cover and charging modules weld vent for the V801 Ford Transit Van.
“We are really excited to have them,” said Nicole Hofert, Director of Community and Economic Development for Wyoming. “It’s a huge investment in the community. They already have a location in Wyoming, and it’s always great to see a local business grow.”
City documents show the project includes a 299,845-square-foot facility and an additional 17,120-square-foot single-story office area. Site plans include access off 40th Street and Stafford Avenue, a shared drive off Buchanan Avenue, and loading docks adjacent to the railroad.
City officials estimate the Benteler plant will generate 150-170 new jobs.
Benteler Automotive Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Benteler Automotive Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Benteler Automotive Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Benteler Automotive Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Benteler Automotive (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
But wait – there’s more!
The Benteler plant is one of three developments coming to the 75-acre parcel of land that was sold to commercial real estate investment company Franklin and Partners in 2022.
In March 2024, the Wyoming City Council approved Corewell Health’s proposal for a 296,515-square-foot consolidated service center.
“All of their medical supplies for all their hospitals throughout the region will have a centralized location, and that will take place here in Wyoming,” said Hofert.
The development project will provide space for Corewell Health’s supply chain offices, document and mail services, a 36,000-square-foot shell space and a dedicated parking area for lab courier fleet vehicles. EV charging stations will also be included.
This development will generate an estimated 240 new jobs.
Corewell Health will also develop a non-motorized path along the east edge of the property to provide residents a direct path to the new 36th Street Marketplace.
Corewell Health Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Corewell Health Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Corewell Health Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
Corewell Health Rendering (Courtesy, City of Wyoming)
The third and final section of Site 36 has garnered notice by other businesses.
“Franklin Partners still retains ownership of this third parcel, but they are in conversations with a business,” said Hofert. “We’re hoping that we’ll be able to hear some good news about that shortly.”
Turning the page…
City officials have seen an abundance of support for the Site 36 revitalization.
“It’s no secret that when the GM stamping plant closed, Division Avenue and that surrounding neighborhood suffered because a lot of the people who worked at the plant lived in that neighborhood and patronized the shops on Division Avenue,” said Hofert.
Hofert went on to say that when she spoke with city residents during the Wyoming master plan efforts, she noted enthusiasm and support for bringing more industry to Site 36.
“What we saw during the Corewell approval process and the Benteler approval process is that the community is really excited for these developments, and excited to be turning the page into something new,” said Hofert.
(Courtesy photo)
Hofert believes the infusion of Corewell Health, Benteler Automotive and additional area developments will also bring more business investments along the Division Avenue corridor.
“I see a very positive trajectory based on the types of development that we’re seeing in Wyoming,” said Hofert.
Though the former GM plant property sat vacant for 15 years, Hofert said city officials have never stopped striving to develop Site 36 and the City Center project. That dedication, she said, is the product of Wyoming’s city leaders.
“We really believe in this community and want to continue to see advancement,” said Hofert. “Some of these projects take time, but now we’re seeing something happen.
“We’re really lucky to be a community that’s a little bit more forward-thinking and wants to make sure that we’re making investments into our community.”
Though Benteler Automotive has not revealed a construction timeframe for the new plant, they hope to break ground this fall.
Stay in the know
For more information on Wyoming happenings, visit the city website.
The contest began May 12 with its first of 14 qualifying rounds, followed by six quarterfinal rounds. Three semifinal rounds run Oct. 6, 13, and 20 with finals held Oct. 27.
Competition details
Kara Coraci performs during the SNF (Courtesy, SNF)
Seven comedians are given eight minutes to perform in each round. The line-up order is drawn as the show progresses, with comedians unaware of when they will be performing.
Audience members are given a ballot before the show begins. Following all performances, the audience votes for three out of the seven comedians they feel should advance to the next round. Once collected, the ballots are tabulated while a non-competing comic performs, with the three finalists announced at the closing of the show.
“We have a very diverse lineup of comedians going into the semifinal round,” says Brian B. (Brian Borbot), creator & MC of the SNF. “Of the 21 moving on, there are eight comics of color, four women and one senior citizen!”
Kingpin prize package
The competition winner will receive $500 cash and prizes from Wyoming businesses: Craig’s Cruisers, Spectrum Entertainment Complex, Midtown GR and Gilda’s LaughFest. The winner also receives a Kingpin bowling pin trophy, a customized bowling shirt and the opportunity to close the Sunday Night Funnies LaughFest show in 2025.
The total prize package is worth over $1,000 in value.
“Seeing that Wyoming is the 14th largest city in Michigan, I thought the winner deserved a prize package worthy of the title, Funniest Person in Wyoming,” said Brian B.
(Courtesy, SNF)
About the SNF
The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of comics from around the Midwest. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.
The Kent County Department of Public Works (DPW) has released its annual fall recycling guide, which shows residents how to properly dispose of common household items.
The fall recycling guide highlights items that are commonly used in the fall – like disposable coffee cups, soup cartons, jugs, foil and cans – that can be recycled, but are often thrown away and are placed in a landfill. It also shows items that are not recyclable but can still be disposed of in a way that avoids landfilling.
“Each year we are proud to help Kent County residents take steps to reduce their landfill waste with the Fall Recycling Guide,” said Dar Baas, director of the DPW. “We can all do our part to protect our land, air and water and have more sustainable fall season for the benefit of our whole community.”
(Courtesy, pxhere.com)
Online waste disposal resources
The DPW’s recycling guides are a helpful tool for Kent County residents to learn how to do their part to reduce landfill waste.
Beyond common fall items, the DPW has an online Recycling & Waste Directory that allows users to search virtually any item and find ways to dispose of it through donation, composting or the safe disposal of hazardous waste.
The Kent County DPW provides municipal solid waste disposal services to ensure the effective removal, storage and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste through various facilities and programs, including Waste-to-Energy, the Recycling and Education Center, North Kent Transfer Station and South Kent Landfill.
Lee Middle School has rekindled their partnership with Affinity Mentoring in a recent ribbon cutting ceremony at their newly renovated mentoring space (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
South Kent Chamber of Commerce presents Affinity Mentoring with a certificate at the ribbon cutting ceremony (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
“I see you, I hear you. You are valued, and I know things you have to say right now are things that need to be heard by all of us.”
This is the value Affinity Mentoring provides youth in our local schools, says Lauren Enos, Affinity Mentoring Program and DEI Director.
Lee Middle School in Wyoming has rekindled their partnership with nonprofit Affinity Mentoring after a two-year hold due to necessary school roof renovations.
Focusing on schools facing disadvantages, Affinity supports students in K-8th grade by matching them with a caring adult role model and striving to create a safe space for local youth to utilize their voice.
Small commitment = big impact
Affinity mentors journey alongside students for one hour each week.
“All of our mentors have said it’s the smallest commitment they’ve ever made for the biggest impact on their life,” says Enos. “We have a 90% retention rate. Mentors come back year after year to work with the same student because they become friends. It’s a true relationship.”
Affinity Mentoring Executive Director Rocio Moreno (left) talks about their partnership with the Godfrey-Lee School District (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
Holly Kroeze, mentor and Mars Hill Bible Church staff member, is entering her seventh year mentoring Lee Middle School student, Eternity. During that time, Eternity was adopted by her foster mother – and Kroeze has built a relationship with Eternity’s entire family.
“I have found that developing a relationship with [her] mom has been helpful because she gives me insight into things that are going on in Eternity’s life,” says Kroeze.
Kroeze went on to say that she has enjoyed partnering with other adults in Eternity’s life to give more extensive care and support.
“It’s fun to see kids like Eternity get care from multiple adults,” says Kroeze, adding that kids need support from five adults in order to thrive. “I’m grateful I get to be one of those people for her because she has grown a lot. It’s been so fun to watch her journey.”
Lee MS Principal Adrianne Rose speaks at the Affinity Mentoring ribbon cutting ceremony (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
“We’re really excited to be back in Lee Middle School,” says Enos. “We’re now able to follow the kiddos from early childhood into middle school.”
Lee MS Principal Adrianne Rose echoes Enos’ enthusiasm.
“We wanted to rekindle that partnership because this is an incredibly important piece to the whole child in our academics,” says Rose. “Our 6th graders, they’re excited to see their mentors. They ask about them, they want them to be here, and that to me tells me the mentors are doing what they’re here to do.”
A safe and inclusive space
While Affinity’s mentoring program has seen positive results such as increased school attendance and class engagement from students and a decrease in truancy, bullying and behavioral concerns – there are also personal benefits.
“We really hone in on our mentor centers to be a safe, inclusive space for our mentees to be able to share their difficulties,” says Rocio Moreno, Executive Director at Affinity Mentoring. “Some of it might be home-related or life-related, and we can tailor our program to that.
“Behavioral concerns tend to decrease because they’re able to engage in those hard topic conversations with their mentor as to why they might have made a particular choice throughout that time.”
Staff and mentors are excited for this opportunity to support Lee Middle School youth (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
An overall improvement in self-esteem comes from knowing that one-on-one support is available.
“[Students] feel more confident,” says Enos. “They’re willing to take risks and make mistakes because there’s someone there to say, ‘I was in that same place, and I made those mistakes too,’ normalizing all the everyday things they go through.”
That support can often go both ways.
Since beginning her journey as a mentor, Kroeze and her husband became foster parents.
“Eternity was the first person to give me the best advice about what to do and what things she liked,” says Kroeze.
“Our relationship has been mutually beneficial because I’ve learned a lot from her. Learned how to be a good parent, and learned how to relate to foster kids. For Eternity, she’s [gained] some stability and accountability in her life.”
100+ students are waiting…
Affinity Mentoring is always in need of new community volunteers who are willing to donate an hour of their time once a week.
“One hour a week eating your lunch, hanging out and making slime will go by so fast,” said Moreno with a smile. “But the need for volunteers is high as we currently have over 100 students on our waitlist that desire a mentor.”
Kroeze recommends joining the mentoring program with a spouse or partner.
“My husband and I do it together, and we’ve done it together since Day One,” says Kroeze. “It’s fun to put faces to names when you talk about what your day was like with your mentee.
“Mentoring together makes things a little bit crazier – but a lot of fun.”
Eventually, Moreno would love to expand Affinity’s mentoring program to Lee High School as well. “Because this is a middle school-high school, it would be an easy transition to continue for the students we currently work with.”
For more information about Affinity Mentoring services, click here.
LOVED youth program founder Steve Carigon and VP of Advancement Brooke Jevicks talk with Managing Editor Deborah Reed on WKTV Journal Soundbites about how they WOW kids with love at Wedgwood Christian Services.
“The majority of the kids that come into our care have been chronically neglected and abused,” says Brooke Jevicks, VP of Advancement at WCS, adding that many youth go through 7-12 failed placements before being referred to WCS for help.
(Courtesy, WCS)
When youth are critically neglected and abused, it reinforces doubt and the question: Am I worthy of being loved?
“It’s critically important for a human to know that they are valued and worthy, and that they are loved,” says Jevicks. “You want to work on yourself differently when you know and believe that. You work harder for yourself, you fight for yourself, you advocate for yourself.”
Love – with intention
Youth pastor Steve Carigon founded LOVED when the previous WCS youth ministry faltered under pandemic gathering restrictions.
Based on bible verse John 3:16, LOVED was born shortly after – with intention.
“It’s something that the kids need,” says Carigon. “These kids have not been loved properly, and we’re going to do everything we can to show them that they are loved by God, and by us, any way we can.”
LOVED is held at 4 p.m. every other Thursday and is open to all WCS home residents. However, attendance is not mandatory.
Even the bubbles are intentional
LOVED begins at the front door with a bubble machine and a red carpet.
“We want them to feel like stars and that they are awesome,” says Carigon.
Wedgwood supporters play a game similar to a game LOVED youth play while being cheered on (Courtesy, WCS)
Jevicks agrees. “Staff are cheering for every kid. They are seriously in the business of making sure those kids know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are worthy of being loved.”
Upon entering the building, youth choose a flavored sucker and receive a raffle ticket. They are then ushered into the music-filled chapel where kids can sit or play games before the program begins.
A countdown on the screen gets things rolling. After the welcome and a reminder that they are loved, an interactive on-screen game begins that typically involves a lot of…yelling and candy-throwing.
For the next game (anything from flipping bottles to using sticky gel hands to retrieve items off a table), youth approach the stage when their name is drawn, are introduced, and then cheered on by everyone in the room.
Raffle tickets, crab legs and a…unicorn?
Next onstage is the…raffle unicorn.
“We have a unicorn costume, and kids always want to be the unicorn,” says Carigon with a laugh.
Wedgwood guests cheer when names are called as is done for youth who attend LOVED (Courtesy, WCS)
Raffle numbers are read, and winners choose what they want for lunch the next day.
“They love it,” says Carigon. “The kids are starting to understand that I literally will get them anything they want for lunch. Last week I went to Red Lobster and got crab legs.”
A 10-minute talk on God’s love wraps up the program.
“They’re getting it.”
“I see a bunch of kids receiving and expressing love in normal conversations,” says Carigon, noting that a large portion of that happens outside of actual LOVED events.
One of Carigon’s favorite things is hearing youth shout, “You’re loved!” across campus.
“It means they’re getting it,” says Carigon.
(Courtesy, WCS)
Carigon also enjoys seeing WCS youth wear LOVED wristbands, shirts and hats around campus.
“They wear the shirts, and it’s like a proclamation saying, ‘I’m loved. I’m wearing the shirt, I’m loved.’”
That declaration is about more than shirts – it is about relationships.
“It’s me, the leaders, the other chaplains building relationships with kids,” says Carigon. “We’re well-known around campus because we work at doing rounds and seeing kids in between classes, at lunch and after school. We try to intersect their lives as much as possible.”
Loved people…love people
“The same question all humans ask is, am I loved?” says Carigon. “I’m also a human, so I feel that too. Our own brain is really good at telling us that we’re not good enough.
(Courtesy photo)
“Even though you may not think you’re enough, you are exactly enough.”
Carigon firmly believes that consistently hearing we are loved and valued changes the way we interact with ourselves and with other people.
“When you feel love yourself, you start loving other people,” says Carigon. “[And] we’re supposed to love other people. My hope is when these kids feel loved, it changes their outcome.”
Jevicks says that is the heart of LOVED. “They’ve put so much thought and intention into it, [and] there is a meaningful message for youth so they know that they are loved by their Heavenly Father. Exactly who they are right now, today, He loves them deeply.”
That extravagant love is why Carigon loves his job.
“When you love people – especially kids that haven’t been loved well – how can you have a bad day?”
Refusing to abandon our youth
“What sets WCS aside is that deep love for these kids – and not abandoning them,” says Jevicks. “LOVED is not a mandatory program to receive good care and to be loved. We’re going to love you anyway. That’s the gift of Wedgwood.”
A LOVED event guest writes a blessing for a youth in WCS residential care (Courtesy, WCS)
WCS staff continue demonstrating support and love even when youth push them away.
“We anticipate that, we understand it, we’re not surprised by it,” says Jevicks. “It’s a trauma response; it’s protection. It’s all they know.”
When youth push, WCS staff plant their feet, respecting boundaries while continually acknowledging and caring for them. Over time, youth often take steps to close that gap.
“Those are powerful moments,” says Jevicks. “It illustrates the power of love. True, sincere, Christ-like love. Go ahead and push me away, because I understand why you’re pushing me away. You do what you need to do, and I’m going to keep being right here for you.
“That’s what Wedgwood does for these kids, and they get even more of that at LOVED.”
For more information on LOVED and other WCS programs, click here.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) raises several ethical and controversial questions regarding topics such as privacy and surveillance, human autonomy, job displacement, the role of human judgment – and many more.
Kent District Library (KDL) is hosting the Next Nexus Summit: AI for Business to provide community members with an opportunity to hear unbiased information presented by local AI leaders. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the Summit ethics panel.
“Even though the focus is on how AI impacts your business, this is a good way for everyone to get a somewhat unbiased approach of what AI really means,” said Hannah Lewis, KDL Community Engagement Librarian.
“AI just kind of came out of nowhere, and you can’t escape it. That’s scary, and it’s okay to feel that.”
AI is impacting libraries and several educational fields (Courtesy, KDL)
Lewis went on to say that the Summit evolved due patron feedback and AI impact on education.
“A lot of patrons have been coming in to ask questions about AI,” Lewis said. “AI is impacting libraries too; they’re impacting the educational fields a lot.”
Bright local minds in artificial intelligence, technology, innovation, and legal considerations will come together to explore the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on our world and business.
Local AI leaders are willing to answer questions and provide clarity for the community (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
Those minds include:
Joe Chrysler With a deep background in machine learning and AI ethics, accelerator manager and software consultant at Atomic Object Joe Chrysler will discuss how you can leverage AI in marketing and business development using AI tools that are available today.
Amy Baddley A leading data privacy attorney, Amy Baddley will address the legal implications of using AI as part of your business model and the concerns of AI, intellectual property, and privacy.
Jessica Bratt An advocate for inclusive technology, Jessica Bratt, an instructional designer from Casual Simulation, will provide a visionary outlook on where AI is headed and how you can stay ahead of the curve.
Morgan Hanks Kent District Library’s User Experience Manager and a pioneer in bringing AI to the library to support staff and patron needs, Morgan Hanks will introduce each speaker and moderate the closing panel discussion on the ethical concerns related to the use of AI.
“This is a group of people that are not Google, they’re not Microsoft, they’re just telling you the pros and the cons without mega corporation baggage behind it,” said Lewis.
A safe place for conversation
The event ethics panel is prepared to answer tough questions regarding AI (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
There will also be an ethics panel where these experts will answer honest questions people have been asking, Lewis continued. Questions such as: how can we avoid issues and build trust? How do we determine what’s true and what’s not true? Will this take over the world?
“We’re totally experienced in handling any questions, especially those tough ones,” said Lewis. “Part of what [the event] is about is being able to ask those questions.
“I do think that, for the most part, this is going to be a very positive and optimistic experience. We know this is something that’s on a lot of people’s minds.”
Through the Next Nexus Summit, KDL is providing avenues for community members to gain information and clear takeaways while in a safe environment.
Registration details
Each event can accommodate 100 patrons, and both event programs feature identical content.
Interested participants can register themselves and one other person using a KDL account. Registration can also be completed using an email address.
Those unable to attend but who have questions for the presenters about AI can submit questions on the event website.
Business owner attendees are invited to bring business cards and/or other promotional items to give away.
Little ghouls and goblins are invited to participate in this trick-or-treating adventure where local businesses and organizations will be passing out candy and goodies.
Treats, bounce houses, and fun surprises can be found along the way!
(Wyoming Parks and Rec)
“We’re thrilled to bring back the Trick-or-Treat Trail,” said Krashawn Martin, Director of Wyoming Parks & Recreation. “Our goal is to provide a safe, enjoyable experience for families to celebrate the season together.
“It’s a wonderful alternative to traditional Halloween festivities, and we’re excited to see the community come together to enjoy all the amenities of Lamar Park and the beauty of the fall season.”
In previous years, the event has welcomed over 50 local businesses and organizations, and more than 4,000 attendees.
To be considered for the honor, organizations needed to be Great Place To Work-Certified™, have under 1,000 employees and provide senior housing or care. To determine the rankings, FORTUNE and Great Places to Work analyzed survey feedback from more than 181,000 U.S. employees on issues from pay and benefits to personal development opportunities and collegiality.
In the past year, Great Place To Work surveyed companies employing 8.2 million people in the U.S. and received 1.3 million survey responses. Of those, over 181,002 responses were received from employees at companies who were eligible for the 2024 Fortune Best Workplaces in Aging Services list.
National recognition – in triplicate!
(Courtesy, Beacon Hill)
This is the third national recognition for Beacon Hill in recent months.
“We are as dedicated to supporting our staff as we are to serving our residents,” President and CEO Jeffrey Huegli said. “We believe each and every employee is a valuable and integral part of our community’s well-being.
“This award underscores our commitment to our team and to creating an exceptional work environment. We are again delighted to receive national recognition in our industry.”
Heart and hospitality
Beacon Hill at Eastgate is a distinctive, nonprofit, continuing care retirement community nestled in the established and vibrant Eastgate neighborhood. The retirement community offers residents a host of tasteful living and care options, including independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled nursing. The nonprofit also provides rehabilitation services.
Beacon Hill at Eastgate is known for their heart and hospitality (Courtesy, Beacon Hill)
Beacon Hill hires for heart and talent – its team of approachable, passionate experts not only provides the highest level of hospitality but also emotional connections, spiritual support and resources residents can use to flourish in their homes and live independently.
The nonprofit helps residents feel at home by giving them access to a variety of on-site amenities that include four restaurants with weekly rotating menus, an indoor pool and state-of-the-art fitness center, art and exercise classes, community gardens and walking paths.
To learn more about Beacon Hill at Eastgate, click here.
The Bridge of Arbor Circle is a safe, no cost shelter program for youth, ages 10-17, who are facing homelessness or considering running away (Courtesy, Arbor Circle)
Join Arbor Circle on Sept. 25 from 4-6 p.m. to learn more about The Bridge of Arbor Circle and services for youth experiencing homelessness during the End of Summer Celebration.
During the event, guests will have the opportunity to tour The Bridge youth shelter and learn more from staff about the different programs available for youth. In addition to a sneak peek of some exciting construction projects underway at The Bridge, this year’s open house will feature snacks from New City Neighbors’ New City Café as well as a mural created on site during the event.
The Bridge End of Summer Celebration will offer sneak peeks of construction projects, snacks and a mural created on site (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
Offering youth stable and accessible shelter
The Bridge of Arbor Circle is a safe shelter program for youth, ages 10-17, who are facing homelessness, housing instability, or considering running away. The Bridge offers youth a stable and accessible place to stay. Located in Grand Rapids, The Bridge is open 24/7/365.
“We are excited to open this space to the public for the evening and spread awareness of the important services provided at The Bridge,” shared Monique Carter, Director of Youth Development Services at Arbor Circle. “This space is incredibly special and we want folks to know what support is available to youth in our community.”
Free event registration
For more information and to register for this year’s free event, click here.
Sponsors for this year’s event include Veneklasen Construction.
The Wyoming Fire Department responded to several reports of a garage fire located near 44th Street and Oriole Avenue SW on Sept. 21 (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
At approximately 12:15 p.m. on Sept. 21, the Wyoming Fire Department responded to several reports of a garage fire located near the area of 44th Street and Oriole Avenue SW.
(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
The first arriving fire units observed a garage that was fully involved and quickly spreading to nearby homes and garages. Explosions were noted, likely from tires within the garage. The fire had already spread rapidly throughout the garage, causing significant smoke that could be seen from several miles away.
The fire also involved a Consumers Energy power pole and power lines above the area. Consumers Energy was contacted for an emergent response to cut power to this area while the fire was being extinguished.
The fire was extinguished, preventing it from fully spreading to the nearby house. A neighbor’s garage adjacent to the structure fire also sustained damage, along with nearby homes that suffered melted siding from the intense heat of the fire.
There were no injuries or fatalities, as the occupants were able to evacuate safely.
Importance of fire safety
The Wyoming Fire Department was notified of this fire due to the actions of observant neighbors and passers-by who saw smoke and flames arising from the garage. Notifying 911 quickly helped Wyoming firefighters get on scene and successfully extinguish the fire and limit damage to nearby properties.
The Wyoming Fire Department would like to thank the many local and municipal partners involved with this fire either directly or indirectly to include: Wyoming Police Department, Kentwood Fire Department, Byron Township Fire Department, American Medical Response for standby for firefighter safety, Grandville Fire Department for covering other emergency calls during this incident, Consumers Energy for their quick response, and DTE.
Additional information regarding fire welcome
This fire is currently under investigation for origin and cause. Anyone with additional information regarding this fire is asked to contact the Wyoming Fire Department Fire Marshal’s Office Fire Investigator at 616-257-9764.
“We are thrilled to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Cook Carillon Tower, an iconic landmark of our campus,” said Jenny Hall-Jones, Vice President for Student Affairs.
“Its melodies have welcomed countless individuals to Grand Valley over the years, and we are excited to welcome our community to campus for a series of memorable concert experiences.”
Concert schedule and details
Each 45-minute concert will include a unique selection of music played by a professional carillonneur. Music will range from well-known GVSU classics, like the fight song and alma mater, to an evening of Taylor Swift-themed tunes on Oct. 11.
Attendees are encouraged to bring snacks, or grab some from a selection of food trucks that will be present.
An inside look at the Cook Carillon Bells (Courtesy, Bernadine Carey-Tucker)
Concerts currently scheduled for this fall include:
Sept. 21 at 12 p.m. – Family weekend concert
Sept. 28 at 1 p.m. – Classical concert
Oct. 11 at 5:30 p.m. – Love Story: A Taylor Swift-inspired concert event
Nov. 2 at 11:30 a.m. – Homecoming concert
Dec. 5 at 2:30 p.m. – Holiday concert
More information on the concert series can be found on Grand Valley’s Student Affairs website.
The magazine states on its website, “The list is a celebration of the incredible contributions that Latinos have made to our state, and it serves as a reminder of the many ways in which we are shaping the future of Michigan. The individuals included on this list are role models who have made a significant impact in their communities and beyond, and they serve as an inspiration to us all.”
About Gilda Gely
Gilda Gely is a proven leader in higher education (Courtesy, Davenport U)
Gely is a proven leader in higher education. Prior to joining Davenport, she held leadership positions at Cambridge College in Massachusetts, Aquinas College and Grand Rapids Community College. Prior to that, she held academic roles at universities in her native Puerto Rico.
“I am honored to be part of this group of 25 esteemed leaders in the Latino community across Michigan,” Gely said. “The attention is on us for a moment because the work we do as a group will last into our collective future. I am grateful that Vive Michigan is committed to helping our community provide access to education and opportunities, so more Latinos are able to assume leadership positions across our state.”
Gely earned her Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Illinois from Urbana-Champaign, her Master of Arts in Spanish from Middlebury College and her Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting and Spanish from Kansas State University.
She has been in her current role at Davenport for more than five years. She spearheaded the creation of Casa Latina at Davenport, a new online bilingual initiative that enrolled its first students this fall.
Sanchez came on board to lead the unique degrees program.
About Carlos Sanchez
Carlos Sanchez worked diligently to bring the first students to Casa Latina (Courtesy, Davenport U)
“This has been such an exciting year launching Casa Latina, and now this special honor,” Sanchez said. “I admire my colleagues on the list and look forward to continuing our good work to improve the lives of Latinos in our community. Thank you to Vive Michigan for this recognition.”
Sanchez earned a Master of Arts in Design from Kendall College and a Bachelor of Science in International Business from Davenport University.
“I am proud that two of Davenport’s leaders have been named among the most influential Latinos in our community,” said Pres. Richard J. Pappas, Ed.D. “Gilda and Carlos are tremendous leaders at the university and in the larger community. Provost Gely brings her talent and energy to the university every day and has been instrumental in our strategic planning and the design and development of new degrees, including Casa Latina.
“Carlos, as the leader of this new innovative program, continues to work diligently as our first students in Casa Latina have just started classes. They both deserve this honor given by Vive Michigan for their work in education that will pay dividends for years to come.”
Before joining Davenport, Sanchez led initiatives at Ferris State University and spent time as the executive director of the West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He serves on numerous boards, including those of the Grand Rapids Economic Club and Trinity Health.
Gely has also served on numerous boards, including the Grand Rapids Public Museum and the World Affairs Council. She was honored in 2011 with the Distinguished Woman in Higher Education Leadership Award by the Michigan ACE Network.
West Michigan families and their four-legged best friends are invited to attend Paws With A Cause’s fourth annual Retriever Fever! This free, dog-friendly gathering will take place on Saturday, Sept. 21, at Riverside Park located at 2001 Monroe Ave NE in Grand Rapids.
What to expect
This event is centered around a friendly competition between Labrador Retriever and Golden Retriever fans with retriever races, raffles, and merchandise sales contributing to deciding which dog breed is named “Top Dog” and raises the most money for PAWS.
Retriever Fever will also include food trucks, games and activities, local community vendors, Dog CPR/First Aid Demonstrations by Blue Pearl Pet Hospital, Pet Headshots by Tailwagger Dog Photography, and the opportunity to get your dog’s nails trimmed. Attendees will also be able to hear about the life-changing impact of a PAWS Assistance Dog from a Client Speaker and see PAWS Assistance Dogs in action through demonstrations.
Dogs enjoy the Retriever Fever Race on the day of the event (Courtesy, PAWS)
“We’re so excited to be hosting this event back to our community for a fourth year in a row,” said Kristy Blackmore, Special Events Manager at PAWS. “There are new additions this year including dog nail trims, CPR demonstrations, new community vendors, and new PAWS Dogs to meet.
“It’s going to be a fun day. We hope people bring their dogs join in on the excitement!”
Supporting the PAWS mission
Opportunities to support the PAWS non-profit in their mission to serve people with disabilities through assistance dogs are available through event sponsorships and donations.
A PAWS Assistance Dog rests at the feet of its owner (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
“Thank you to our incredible event sponsors, Blue Pearl Pet Hospital, Dan Vos Construction, Outfront Media, and Chrispy Media. With their support, we’re able to host events like these and continue our mission.”
More information about Retriever Fever can be found here.
Treasured Brown Girl aims to restore confidence, hope and belonging in brown girls with Alopecia by normalizing their condition and unlocking their confidence (Courtesy photo)
September commemorates Alopecia Awareness Month, and a Grand Rapids organization is looking to shed light on the hair-loss disease and bring awareness to those living with it in their day-to-day lives.
Treasured Brown Girl (TBG) was founded by Tyra Thomas after she witnessed a loved one dealing with Alopecia firsthand. TBG aims to restore confidence, hope and belonging in brown girls with Alopecia by normalizing their condition and unlocking their confidence.
Providing confidence and strength
TBG Alopecia wig box with custom contents (Courtesy, TBG)
TBG specializes in “wig boxes” for young girls living with Alopecia. Each box comes with a custom, age-appropriate, natural headband wig, and confidence-boosting supplies that include a mirror, nail polish, pens, and accessories for the wig. Also included in the boxes is a charming story about the impact of Alopecia on a little girl, and a guided journal for girls to process their emotions and examine their strengths.
Boxes can be curated to fit the needs of each individual.
“Treasured Brown Girl came to be because someone I love has Alopecia,” said Thomas. “Alopecia has several stages, and she tried different oils, different shampoo, but nothing was working and the condition kept getting worse.”
TBG journal (Courtesy, TBG)
Thomas, who previously owned a hair salon, found that many of the wigs they were looking into buying weren’t the right texture, or were not age appropriate. Even though vendors Thomas was familiar with through her salon could provide wigs, they did not supply them for children often.
“No one is looking at the whole emotional impact this hair loss has, or what support systems are out there,” Thomas said. “With the emotional toll that Alopecia takes, it’s important that the product feels like your natural hair.”
Giveaway registration details
To honor Alopecia Awareness Month, TBG is giving away a wig box and a makeover for a girl between the ages of 8-16 with Alopecia. The giveaway is supported by Opportunity Empowered.
Registration for the giveaway is online from Sept. 8-18, and the winner will be chosen Sept. 19.
Wyoming Public Schools (WPS) has partnered with Feeding America Mobile Pantry to host a Mobile Pantry once a month.
*WHS September Mobile Food Pantry will be held Monday, Sept. 23 from 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
What to expect
Though the selection of food varies each month, there are always a variety of fresh and frozen items available at the Mobile Pantry.
The Mobile Pantry is drive-thru style, and families are asked to remain in their vehicles for safety.
WHS Mobile Food Pantry Map (Courtesy, WPS)
Cars enter at the main entrance to WHS (1350 Prairie Parkway). Volunteers will direct traffic in the parking lot to help with efficiency.
Once in line, a volunteer will approach each car to record the name, address, number of people in the household, and the reason the food is needed for each family. Once a car has reached the front of the line, volunteers will load a box of food into the trunk.
To learn more about Feeding America West Michigan and the services they offer, click here.
For the Feeding America Mobile Food Pantry schedule, click here.