By K.D. Norris
Kathey Batey is known for many things in the West Michigan community, including as an on-air volunteer at WKTV and as moderator of several Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce programs including its Government Matters.
But her day job — and her passion — is helping people overcome hardships as a domestic relations councilor and meditator.
That passion, late last year, earned her an award as Volunteer Meditator of the Year as part of the Dispute Resolution Center of Western Michigan 2019 Peacemaker Awards.
While she has a history in counseling and public speaking, in the last decade she has focused on mediation.
“My interest (in mediation) began when a man in my support group (Divorce Support Anonymous) about nine years ago, stated his legal fees were $129,000 and he wasn’t done with his divorce yet,” Batey said to WKTV. “I was so taken aback, since divorce is destructive enough for the individuals, the family, and especially the children, why should they devastate their finances as well?
“I had heard of mediation so I set out to find out how. I went through mediation training eight years ago and, since, have found mediation as a wonderful challenge that helps people, giving them control over their future with the power to self-determination of their future. And it saves them a lot of money. They can mediate with an attorney or on their own. When they mediate on their own I always advise they have an attorney review it prior to signing. Because the Mediation Agreement is legally binding.”
Also honored at the event, held in October 2019, was Grand Rapid Mayor Rosalyn Bliss.
The Dispute Resolution Center, at the time of the award ceremony, said of Batey:
“Kathey specializes in domestic relations mediation. She has been mediating with the Center since 2012 and has donated over 500 hours of her time. Her passion and dedication shine though everything she does. One recent mediation participant summed it up in her post-mediation survey, ‘I was appreciative of Kathey’s demeanor, skill in facilitation, and ability to keep on task . . . She was thorough and compassionate.’ Kathey is committed to helping those who find themselves faced with Divorce.”
The kind words from the center at the time of the award was an honor, Batey said.
“To be recognized for your commitment to this valuable organization and recognized for your skill as a mediator is very rewarding,” she said. “I believe in their cause and they provide mediation services on a sliding scale, the most it will be is $150 per person for 3 hours. So those without a lot of means can get these services and minimize legal costs.
“Plus, the only way to truly be skilled in any profession is to work at your skill continuously. There is a lot to know in the many facets of divorce. There are the individual needs, self-determination, financial issues, co-parenting children, the law, critical thinking. The art and science of a good question, discipline of the mind, dealing with multiple personalities, managing fears, tears and still maintaining professionalism.”
For Batey, however, there is also a very simple, and personal, reason for her mediation work with the Dispute Resolution Center and on her own — a reason that makes her earning a Peacemaker Award all the more fitting.
“It is a part of my giving back into the world,”, she said, referencing the biblical passage “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
The Dispute Resolution Center, also at the time of the Peacemaker Awards ceremony, said of Mayor Bliss:
“Bliss is the first woman mayor of Grand Rapids, MI. In honor of United Nations International Day of Peace, she declared September 21, 2019 as the International Day of Peace in Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids Public Schools participated in activities throughout the week in honor of the occasion. The Dispute Resolution Center of West Michigan is all about helping to create community and repairing broken relationships. Mayor Bliss understands that, ‘[H]aving a safe community is critical to our success, and that requires our continued commitment to strengthen community-police relations,’ Bliss said. ‘This requires building a strong foundation of trust between community members and our police officers.’”
For more information on the Dispute Resolution Center of Western Michigan, visit drcwm.org.
Batey is the author of “Suddenly Single: Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce” and, among other projects, is the founder of Divorce Support Anonymous. For more information on Batey and her other efforts, visit StayMarriedAmerica.com and/or spiritedpresentations.com.