Category Archives: Citizen Journalism

Lawmakers could change certification to ease paramedic shortage

By Sarah Atwood
Capital News Service

LANSING – Paramedics and emergency personnel are sharply divided over a plan that addresses the shortage of Michigan paramedics by creating a statewide certification program that would deviate from the national accreditation program.


Michigan looks at creating a statewide certification program for paramedics. (Photo from

A bill sponsored by Rep. Jeff Yaroch, R-Richmond, would allow the state to make its own requirements to be certified as a paramedic.


Yaroch previously spent 25 years as a firefighter and paramedic in Clinton Township. The bill recently passed the House, 102-6, and now goes to the state Senate, where it is likely to pass with bipartisan support.

To become licensed as a paramedic in Michigan, a person must be nationally accredited. The cost of becoming a licensed paramedic in Michigan can range from $1,400 to $12,000, according to Paramedic Training Spot, an online resource for those looking to become licensed paramedics.

With its own accreditation program, the state would no longer need to adhere to the national standards.

Trying to balance cost with need

Paramedics would still need to pass an examination proctored by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.


That agency estimates $2 million would be required to establish a training program, with yearly costs of $1.6 million. Michigan now spends $2.3 million per year on EMS funding.

“Right now, a person needs national accreditation to be a paramedic,” said Angela Madden, the executive director of the Michigan Association of EMTs, which supports the bill. “That costs a lot of money, and needing national accreditation makes it harder for small paramedic departments to pay for certification.

“This means that these small departments won’t have paramedics and will have to shut down, leaving the people in that area without that care,” Madden said.

Shoring up the paramedic shortage

There are more than 1,000 open positions for paramedics in Michigan, and two paramedic departments have had to shut down, Madden said.


One is in Mason, in rural Ingham County. The other is in Pickford Township, in Chippewa County. The people living in these communities now have to wait longer for emergency care, which could be a life or death problem, she said.

“There’s no real difference between what this bill would do and the national accreditation program,” Madden said. “Students will still need to pass the Michigan test to be accredited.”

“The goal of this bill is to get more people to become paramedics,” Madden said. “I believe that this bill will enable more people to become paramedics and benefit communities across Michigan.”

But not everyone agrees.

Cost not the only issue

“I don’t think that, if passed, this bill will do much in terms of recruitment,” said Anthony Cerroni, a paramedic instructor coordinator in Dearborn Heights.

“It’s not an issue of money. It’s a generational issue. Kids aren’t choosing to become paramedics, just like they’re not choosing to become police officers or other public safety officials,” he said.

Cerroni said he is unsure if much can be done to encourage more people to become paramedics. Benefits have increased over the past five years, but not even the better pay is enough, he said.

“Another concern I have about the state having its own accreditation board is that a paramedic’s license might not be transferable to other states. A national requirement makes it so anyone can practice in any state without this concern,” he said.

Bryan Harmer, a full-time professor of emergency medical services at Lansing Community College who spent nearly 20 years as a paramedic, testified in a House committee hearing that the bill does not address the real causes of the paramedic shortage.

“This bill fails to address the root causes of our workforce shortage: low wages, bad working conditions and lack of professional advancement,” said Harmer. “It isn’t uncommon for EMS providers to work multiple jobs and well over 60 hours a week to make ends meet and feed their families.”

Making sure standards are met

It would be a waste of taxpayer money to create a state accreditation program when a national one exists, he told the committee last May. A state accreditation program could put lives at risk if it fails to adequately train paramedics.

“The most egregious error I ever encountered in EMS resulted from a paramedic who had recently graduated from a paramedic program in Michigan, back when unaccredited programs were permitted in Michigan,” Harmer testified. “This error resulted in the death of a young mother with two children.”

The bill does not mean paramedics could practice without a license from an accredited program, Madden said. She disagreed that paramedics would receive subpar training.

“Paramedics will be held to high standards through the Michigan state accreditation program,” Madden said. “My agency would never support a bill that could put patient lives in danger.”

Bill cosponsors are Reps. Terry Sabo, D-Muskegon, Sara Cambensy, D-Marquette, Gregory Markkanen, R-Hancock and Kelly Breen, D-Novi.

Supporters include Lake Michigan College and the Michigan Professional Fire Fighters Union. Opponents include the Michigan College of Emergency Physicians and Michigan Health and Hospital Association.

Wyoming police arrest two in connection to Nov. 1 robbery

By WKTV Journal staff

The Wyoming Department of Public Safety recently stated that detectives were able to locate and take into custody two suspects for a Nov. 1 robbery at a Division Street store.

The two suspects are allegedly involved in the 7:15 p.m. Nov. 1 robbery at 3530 Division Ave. Three suspects were involved in the robbery with one being shot during the incident by an employee at the store. The 15-year-old suspect who was shot was funday’s short distance from the business and transported to a local hospital for treatment. He currently remains under medical care at this time.

Police noted that the suspects arrived at the store in a Ford Fusion that had been reported stolen earlier that day. The vehicle was recovered at the robbery scene. In the original police report it stated that information found in that recovered vehicle provided leads regarding to the other two suspects who had fled the scene.

Both suspects were juvenile males ages 14 and 17. they were taken into custody without incident by investigators.

Once the investigation is complete, the Kent Count Prosecutor’s Office will review the circumstances in this case, including a review of the employee’s action in shooting the individual who was robbing the store.

Update on Indian Mounds Drive shooting

Earlier on Nov. 1, the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to a shooting along Indian Mounds Drive that resulted in an 18-year-old male being struck by gunfire. The victim died at the scene.

At this time, the department spokesperson said the department does not have an update on the case.

The department continues to appeal to the public to provide information regarding this case. Anyone who was in the area of Indian Mounds Drive on Nov. 1 between the hours of 2 and 3 p.m. is asked to contact the Wyoming Department of Public Safety at 616-530-7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345 or 1-866-774-2345.

Environment links to cancer focus of new Michigan study

By Cameryn Cass
Capital News Service

A new University of Michigan study aims to understand how environmental exposures in Michigan contribute to cancer.

Sara Snyder is project director of the Michigan Cancer and Research on the Environment Study, or MI-CARES. (Credit: University of Michigan)

The Michigan Cancer and Research on the Environment Study, or MI-CARES, is largely motivated by Michigan’s history of toxic environmental exposures and environmental injustice, said Sara Snyder, the project director.

Researchers are recruiting 100,000 ethnically diverse, cancer-free Michiganders ages 25 to 44. It’s a statewide survey, but they’ll focus enrollment on what they’ve identified as six major environmental injustice hotspots: the Detroit metropolitan area, Saginaw, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids and Flint, Snyder said.

Environmental injustice refers to people who belong to groups that are discriminated against and are disproportionately exposed to contaminants and other health hazards.

June 1 marked the soft launch to test the website used to recruit candidates. People enroll every day, but the study’s full launch was earlier this fall.

A first in Michigan

“Nothing like this has been done in the state of Michigan before, which is almost shocking if you know about the levels of environmental injustice that have taken place,” said Lilah Khoja, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan on the MI-CARES team.

“There isn’t a community in Michigan that hasn’t been impacted in some way by environmental injustice,” she said.

It dates back decades: the PBB contamination of dairy products in the 1970s, the Flint water crisis, industrial pollution in Detroit and now PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, nicknamed “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the environment, Snyder said.

The project, funded by the National Cancer Institute and the University of Michigan, will track participants through annual questionnaires for at least six years, Snyder said.


They’ll be asked about employment and residential histories, race, ethnicity, major health and life events and overall lifestyle to gauge participant health and previous exposures to industrial chemicals or other contaminants, Snyder said.


Beyond cancer, the surveys might also shed light on how exposures to chemicals in the environment cause heart disease, asthma or even Alzheimer’s disease, said Dana Dolinoy, the principal investigator of biomarker evaluations for MI-CARES.

Compiling the data needed for change

Such surveys have a proven track record. For instance, cancer rates are significantly higher in Flint compared to the rest of Genesee County and the state after lead contaminated the city’s water supply.

“My cousin, my aunt, my friend have all died of cancer,” said Arthur Woodson, a Flint resident and community activist. “People are dying in high numbers here of cancer.”


Community activists at the Pittsfield Farmers Market offer information about MI-CARES. Credit: MI-CARES.

Such anecdotal reports can be reinforced by hard data produced by health studies from the Genesee County Health Department proving elevated cancer levels in the area.

A study recently published in JAMA Network Open found that 1 in 5 Flint residents have presumptive major depression and another 1 in 4 have presumptive post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

“They fixed the water, but they didn’t fix the people,” Woodson said.

Providing people with the data they need

A large goal of MI-CARES is to give people access to data that will help them advocate for a cleaner environment and a healthier life, Khoja said.

“You can’t advocate for change if you don’t have the numbers to show that this is why it needs to change,” she said.

Cancer-centric studies like this one, whether linking it to smoking, a lack of physical activity or poor diet, played a role in a 29% drop in cancer death rates between 1991 and 2017, according to the American Cancer Society.


MI-CARES’ data will help improve Michiganders’ health while informing policy to reduce environmental injustices and harmful exposures, Snyder said.


Researchers looked at what was going on in the state and narrowed the study’s focus to the most prominent of the 80,000 chemicals in the environment: exposure to metals, like lead, chemicals in personal care products, air pollution and PFAS, Dolinoy said.

Addressing the issues

Michigan has the highest known PFAS levels of any state.

To measure some contaminants like lead, participants from the six environmental injustice hotspots will send in blood and saliva. These measurements, called intermediate biomarkers, show if a past environmental exposure changed the epigenome – the instruction book telling genes how to behave – to make them more susceptible to cancer and other diseases, Dolinoy said.

The study focuses on a younger population so that researchers might recognize any diseases before they manifest, Dolinoy said.


“This gives us time to intervene and treat individuals, because when the disease is already on board, it’s really hard to reverse it,” she said.

There’s evidence, though, that relatively easier things like changes in lifestyle and diet might reverse changes to that epigenetic instruction book, especially early in life, Dolinoy said.

Building a better tomorrow

The hope is to inspire policy intervention with MI-CARES findings, forcing industry and other institutions responsible for poisoning the environment to change. That is a challenge that the health survey hopes to meet.

“It’s very difficult to translate some of this science in a way that will directly change the economics of a company,” Dolinoy said. “But studies like MI-CARES can provide a weight of evidence that shows our environment can negatively contribute to disease status.”


To apply to be part of the survey, visit and click “Join the Movement!” Applicants must be 25 to 44 years old and cancer-free.

Cameryn Cass reports for Great Lakes Echo.

How to protect your pets from the cold this winter

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

While Michigan law does not prohibit dogs from being left outside in the cold, state law requires that all dogs who spend time outside have access to adequate shelter, fresh water, and dry bedding. (Photo from

The weather is turning colder and before it does, the Kent County Animal Shelter is reminding residents to make sure their pets have appropriate shelter.

While Michigan law does not prohibit dogs from being left outside in the cold, state law does require that all dogs who spend time outside have access to adequate shelter, fresh water, and dry bedding. The statute also stipulates separate shelter requirements for livestock.

“The best place for our pets is in our home but we know that is now always possible,” said KCAS Director Angela Hollinshead. KCAS is working in collaboration with the Kent County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Division to remind residents of the special care their pet needs during the cold weather. “We encourage all pet owners to take appropriate steps to protect those animals that may be left outside for long stretches of time.

“Many pets are not equipment to handle the effects of cold temperatures so we want to remind pet owners of their responsibilities to care for them during the winter.”

A few of the cold weather requirements in state statute include:

Maintain adequate shelter, which can be one or more of the following:

Inside the owners’ home

An enclosure or shelter with at least three sides and a roof that is appropriate for the size and breed of the dog.

A structure, including a garage, barn or shed, that is sufficiently insulated and ventilated to protect the dog from exposure to extreme temperatures, or if not sufficiently insulated and ventilated, contains a doghouse inside the structure.

Structures or natural features such as trees or topography for livestock

Provide dry bedding, such as straw when the temperature is or predicated to be below freezing. Avoid using blankets or cloth bedding as these materials will likely get wet and freeze.

Provide water that is safe to drink and suitable for age and species of the animal. Owners are encouraged to check every few hours to ensure the water is not frozen.

Although Michigan law does not directly address free-roaming cats, the KCAS encourages residents to also be mindful of their needs. Cats are typically well adapted for living in colder climates but they greatly benefit from having access to a shelter. Simple cat shelters made from a storage tote lined with foam and stuffed with straw make great places for cats to escape from the cold.

“It someone suspects an animal is being neglected or is in danger due to cold weather, we encourage them to contact Animal Control,” said KCSO Lt. John DeGroot. “The KCSO is prepared to investigate all reports of animal neglected throughout the winter.”

All reports of animals being kept outside for an extended period without adequate shelter, water, and bedding should be reported to Animal Control at 616-632-7310.

“Michigan winters are certainly beautiful but an be dangerous fo some animals if they do not have appropriate resources,” Hollinshead said. “If you cannot keep your pet indoors and need resources, please call the KCAS to see how e can help.”

Spacewalk to be featured on WKTV

By Kelly Taylor
WKTV Program Manager

On Tuesday, Nov. 15, WKTV will be featuring live coverage of the U.S. Spacewalk to install an IROSA (ISS Rollout Solar Array) modification kit on the starboard truss on the International Space Station.

The Artemis 1 mission will be televised Nov. 15 by NASA. It will air on WKTV 26 Governement Channel on Comcast and AT&T U-verse 99 Government Channel 99. (Courtesy, NASA)

Coverage begins at 6:30 a.m. with the actual spacewalk scheduled to start at 8 a.m.

Following the spacewalk at 4 p.m., there will be live coverage of the cryogenic fueling of the Space Launch System for launch on the Artemis 1 mission.


Artemis 1 is the first integrated flight test of NASA’s Space Launch System rocket, an un-crewed Orion spacecraft, and the ground systems at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida that will pave the way for a crewed test flight and future human lunar exploration.

The live coverage continues at 11 p.m. with the launch of the Space Launch System and the Orion spacecraft on the Artemis 1 mission. The actual launch is scheduled 1:04 a.m. with the post launch news conference tentatively scheduled for 4 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16.

Stay tuned for the Artemis/Orion outbound trajectory correction burn scheduled at 7:51 a.m., with the first imagery coverage starting at 10 a.m.

For more information on NASA TV or the International Space Station, log on to

NASA TV can be seen on the WKTV 26 Government Channel on Comcast and AT&T U-verse 99 Government Channel 99.

Guess what is coming to a bank near you?

By Dave Stanley
Integrity Financial Services, LLC

Image from Alan Levine

What appears foreign will become commonplace, and you might as well prepare for it. Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance are all the rage right now, and you’ve probably heard of things like Bitcoin or Ethereum. However, the real story lies in the mechanism that drives these new technologies and forever changes the digital landscape. This is where blockchain enters the picture, the novel technology that enables things like cryptocurrency to exist in the way they do.

What is a blockchain, and what is with all the hype?

Blockchain is a digital database used to catalog all kinds of information (e.g., money, goods, properties, and services). The power behind these databases lies in their ability to create blocks of data which are then chained together with timestamps attached for easier tracking purposes. This makes an unbreakable audit trail documenting every action taken on the platform – from transfer payments between users to how many calories were burned during your morning run! Digital databases are powered by a computer network that is either part of a centralized or decentralized network.

Bitcoin, for example, uses blockchain to record peer-to-peer transactions through a distributed database. This distributed database exists between the computers of all users of the cryptocurrency. The idea is that having the database distributed amongst all the users allows for greater transparency and enhanced security. It enables users to access, audit, trace, and verify digital assets without working through an intermediary. By cutting down on intermediaries, blockchain cryptocurrencies put the power to control data back into consumers’ hands.

Why are cryptocurrencies more secure?

The adage “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket” sums it up. Like banks and universities, many institutions with valuable and personal consumer information operate using a central database. This information is stored within a centralized computer network housed in one location. All that data is controlled by one entity and is more vulnerable to hacks because it would require only a single point of failure to gain access. For a potential attacker to compromise a distributed database like Bitcoin, they would have to gain control of at least 50% of the computers within that network. Even then, the other 50% can fact-check and sniff out discrepancies, making it very unlikely that a hack would ever occur.

Why is this important when it comes to managing digital assets?

· No third-party involvement

· Transactions of authenticated digital assets made via blockchain are typically available in 10 minutes, versus a traditional bank transaction that may take 24 hours or more to complete, not including weekends and holidays

· Blockchain technology guarantees the data’s integrity through cryptography and a distributed database.

Why is this important to us now?

This is the evolution of our data future, and the future of all banks is being reshaped by new technology. Protecting and maintaining control of data is more critical now than ever. In the past few years, major companies like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Morgan Stanley have been impacted by massive data breaches affecting millions of users. Blockchain technology is making waves in the digital world by providing much-needed security measures and by giving them the power to control data back to consumers.


Yes, your bank is now 100% digital; it is now our future. Be informed.

Dave Stanley is the host of Safe Money Radio WOOD1300 AM, 106.9 FM and a Financial Advisor and Writer at Integrity Financial Service, LLC, Grandville, MI 49418, Telephone 616-719-1979 or  Register for Dave’s FREE Newsletter at 888-998-3463  or click this link:  Dave Stanley Newsletter –  Dave is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management.

Green is the color to support veterans

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Journal Managing Editor

University of Michigan Health-West celebrates veterans by participating in Operation Green Light. (Courtesy, University of Michigan Health-West)

In observance of upcoming Veterans Day, the University of Michigan Health-West has joined Kent County by changing its illumination of its hospital tower to green for this week.

The project is part of Operation Green Light, which runs through Nov. 13 residents, business and organizations are encouraged to change their exterior lighting to green. The new national initiative of the National Association of Counties is to show support of military veterans and to raise awareness about the resources available to them through the Kent County Veterans Services.

“There are nearly 40 thousand veterans in Kent County who deserve to be recognized and honored for their sacrifices and services to our country and community,” says Martha Burkett, manager of Kent County Veterans Services. “We want our veterans to know that their service mattered, and there are available resources to assist them and their families.”

There is a connection University of Michigan Health-West to veterans as it shares its hospital campus with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Wyoming outpatient clinic. The VA clinic provides primary care and specialty health services, including mental health services, treatment for hearing loss, cardiology, dental care, gastroenterology, pain management, physical therapy, podiatry, women’s health services, and more.

“We are proud to show our support for the many veterans we serve as patients — and those we work with as colleagues,” said Steve Polega, chief nursing officer at University of Michigan Health-West and a military veteran. “Respect for veterans runs deep in our culture.

“Our hope is that Operation Green Light helps raise awareness about services from the VA and others, including Kent County Veterans Services, just as we send a message of respect to all veterans.”

Many veterans struggle with the transition from military life to becoming a civilian. Kent County Veterans Services serves as a connector to programs and services that can help address everything from housing insecurity to applying for benefits to providing financial assistance in times of crisis. While every program has different qualification requirements, many veterans who honorably served qualify for programs after the completion of their service. Unfortunately, many veterans and their families do not know that the programs exist, or they have never inquired about them. Operation Green Light hopes to illuminate this issue and encourage more veterans to use the programs that best their needs. Green was chosen for the initiative because green is the color of hope, renewal, and well-being. The term “greenlight” is also commonly used to activate forward movement. The simple act of changing one light bulb signifies that movement.

How to navigate hospice services and access care

By Emmanuel Hospice

Many of us realize that hospices are there to serve us.

It’s never too early to inquire about hospice care. With just a click or a call, you can learn about services available, eligibility, costs and more to find a good fit. (Adobe Stock)

But sometimes, it’s difficult to break the ice. How do you reach out – with a call or a click? And how do you express the need? With whom do you ask to speak? And what exactly do you say?

In a perfect world, there are protocols in place to accommodate all the above and more. And you should be able to reach out anytime – day or night, weekday or weekends, even on a holiday.

“At Emmanuel Hospice, we understand that life doesn’t stop when you have a need for hospice,” says Elizabeth Mangiapane, a patient access specialist there. “That’s why any time you call our main line, it’s going to be answered on a 24/7 basis. Easter Sunday? Middle of the night? It doesn’t matter. You will connect with someone who can help.”

Mangiapane emphasizes that a referral to Emmanuel can originate in more than one way. Often, a physician will make the connection. But sometimes, family members serving as caregivers become involved at the outset, and naturally they have questions about eligibility, timing and more.

While a physician’s order is required to perform a formal assessment, a representative from Emmanuel will welcome the opportunity to meet with a patient and/or their loved ones if they simply have questions.

In either case, “we do all the legwork,” Mangiapane says. If it’s determined someone qualifies, the hospice care provider will integrate the patient’s physician and medical history into the equation as needed.

“We’ll set up meetings. We’ll work with the doctors. We are glad to serve in any capacity that lessens the burden on that patient, on that family.”

Mangiapane notes that there’s never a “wrong time” to inquire about hospice. Too often, people will act on the misconception that hospice is only “for the last few days a patient has.”

On the contrary, “We’re trying more than ever to educate the community on how it can be for a much longer time period, so that we might focus earlier not on the quantity of life someone has left, but the quality of life that remains.”

For someone who lives in a nursing home or assisted living facility, that institution may have a working relationship with a preferred provider. But Mangiapane explains that a patient and their family have the right to choose any hospice, and shouldn’t feel pressured.

Mangiapane says it’s important you come away with a full understanding of the services a hospice provides. At Emmanuel, for example, a full slate of complementary services is available – pet visitors, massage therapy, music therapy, virtual reality and more.

Location of care is important to ask about, too. A common misconception is that hospice is a place you go to, but for most providers, hospice care can be provided anywhere. With Emmanuel, it can be in the hospital, a care facility or wherever a person calls home.

Cost is another consideration. Medicare and most commercial insurances will cover 100% of virtually everything provided by hospice – medications and visits, personal care, counseling and other services – but there are some limitations. A phone call can help you discover where you stand.

“Make your choices based on the needs of the patient and family,” says Mangiapane. “You want what’s right for you, and that can look different from person to person.”

For more information, visit or call 616-719-0919.

Fitzgerald heads to state House

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

With Wyoming City Councilmember John Fitzgerald securing a state House of Representatives seat in the 2022 elections, it means there will be three new faces on the Wyoming City Council.

Fitzgerald, the Democratic candidate for the 83rd District, received 15,318 votes with Republican candidate Lisa DeKryger receiving 12,963 votes. He will be vacating his seat on the Wyoming City Council in order to fulfill his role as the 83rd District House Representative.

One of the tasks for the new Wyoming City Council, which will take office later this year, will be appointing a person to fill Fitzgerald’s seat.

At the November 2022 elections, residents did fill two vacant council member at-large seats and the first ward seat on the Wyoming City Council. Councilmember Sheldon DeKruger ran unopposed for the first ward seat. Three candidates sought the two council at-large seats. The top two vote getters for the race were Dr. Renee Hill, 12,045 votes, and Rob Arnoys, 10,462 votes. The third candidate, Robert Kilgo, received 8,600 votes. 

US House of Representatives 3rd District

As predicted by many, Kent County flipped blue as Democratic candidate Hilary Scholten was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives Third District seat. She was about 40,000 votes ahead of the next candidate, which was Republican John Gibbs. For full election results, click here.

State House and Senate races

John Fitzgerald and who wife Kellie after voting in Tuesday’s midterms. (Courtesy, John Fitzgerald)

For the 29th State Senate Senate, which included both the cities of Kentwood and Wyoming, Democratic incumbent Winnie Brinks secured she would be returning to Lansing with 59,400 votes. Republican candidate Tommy Brann received 39,115 votes.

In the state House of Representative races, Democratic candidate Phil Skaggs with 23,762 votes secured the 80th District seat over Republican Jeff Johnson, who received 18,441. The district includes all of the City of Kentwood.

In the 82nd District, which includes an eastern portion of the City of Wyoming, Democratic candidate Kristin Grant took the seat with 23,972 votes to Republican candidate Ryan Malinoski’s 7,945 votes.

As mentioned earlier in this article, Fitzgerald won the 83rd District seat, which covers most of Wyoming, with 15,318 votes to Republican candidate Lisa DeKryger’s 12,963 votes.

Kent County races

In the Kent County Commission races, all of the incumbents took back their seats:

7th District, which covers most of the City of Grandville and a portion of the City of Wyoming: Republican incumbent Stan Ponstein received 7,312 to Democratic challenger Sue Merrell’s 6,053.

8th District, which covers a portion of the City of Wyoming: Republican incumbent Dan Burrill received 7,383 votes to Democratic challenger Jennie Chatman’s 5,994.

9th District, which includes a southern portion of the City of Wyoming: Republican incumbent Matt Kallman received 9,801 votes to Democratic challenger Chip LaFleur’s 4,664.

10th District, which includes a southern portion of the City of Kentwood: Republican incumbent Emily Post Brieve received 7,977 votes to Democratic challenger Julie Humphrey’s 5,230.

12th District, which includes both the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood: Democratic incumbent Moncia Sparks received 6,037 votes to Republican challenger Lee White’s 4,034.

13th District, which covers a large portion of the City of Kentood: Democratic incumbent Michelle McCloud received 7,054 votes to Republican challenger Tom McKelvy’s 4,769.

In the newly created 20th District which includes the northern portion of the City of Wyoming (mostly the Godfrey-Lee Public Schools district), Democratic candidate Ivan Diaz will be the first to hold the seat as he received 3,565 votes to Republican candidate Elisa Rodriguez’s 1,977 votes. 

School Boards of Education

Godfrey-Lee Public Schools: Josephine Coleman and Lynn D. Velthouse ran unopposed for two six-year terms on the school board.

Godwin Heights Public Schools: There were four candidates seeking two six-year terms on the board. The top vote getters were Kathy Crow DeYoung, 1,367 votes, and Megan Erskine, 1,048 votes. Colleen Anderson was the only candidate seeking one of the two partial terms that will end on Dec. 31, 2024. The board will fill the remaining position.

Grandville Public Schools: There were five candidates seeking two six-year terms. The top vote getters were Bob Wondergem, 6,203 votes, and Trent Joseph Taylor, 5884 votes.

Kelloggsville Public Schools: Crystal Reidzas and Gladys Townsend ran unopposed for two six-year term seats.

Kentwood Public Schools: There were four candidates seeking three four-year term seats. The top vote getters were Sylvia A. James, 12,917 votes; Kim Taboada-Arzate, 9,505 votes; and Pete Battey, 9,404 votes. Tanya Powell-May was running unopposed for the two-year term seat.

Wyoming Public Schools: Jeff Norton and Audrey L. Zapata. Norton ran unopposed for the two six-year term seats. Two candidates were running for the four-year seat ending in 2026 with Lisa Manley taking the seat with 6,330 votes.

For more election results, visit the click here

South Christian tangles with undefeated Whitehall in D-4 Regional Final Friday

South Christian knocked off Unity Christian 35-20 last Friday to grab another district title. (WKTV/Zach Fanko)

By Cris Greer

WKTV Managing Editor

After getting a third-straight district championship last week with a 35-20 win over Unity Christian, South Christian faces undefeated Whitehall in a regional final Friday night at East Kentwood.

Both teams enter the contest with perfect 11-0 records and will have to perform at their best levels to advance to the state semifinals. Last Friday, Whitehall beat Fruitport 51-26.

“We expect when you get to this point in the season you gotta play good teams,” said South Christian Coach Danny Brown, after their win over Unity Christian. “If you’re chasing a state championship you want to beat good teams to get there.

“I know they have some athletes and are pretty big up front. It should be fun.”

Senior quarterback Jake DeHaan had five touchdowns against Unity, including 209 yards passing and 155 on the ground.

“You need your best players to shine in these moments,” Brown said. “Any big game we’ve had, he’s done it.”

Last year, the Sailors lost 28-14 to Edwardsburg in a regional final.

Look for our story after the game

Check out our story right after the Sailors’ big game, including highlight videos and pictures on late Friday night on the WKTV Journal.

South Christian Quarterback Jake DeHaan earlier this season. (Courtesy, Eric Walstra)

Helpful tips for open enrollment

By Emily Armstrong
Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan

Open enrollment for Medicare/Medicaid is through Dec. 7. (Photo from

The world of Medicare/Medicaid can be an extremely confusing one. Each year, open enrollment occurs from Oct. 15-Dec. 7. This provides the chance for individuals to review and make changes to their Medicare Part D prescription plans and Medicare Advantage plans. Changes that are permittable include monthly premiums, yearly deductibles copays, prescription copays, prescription formulary (list of covered medications), and pharmacy network.

This process can be overwhelming—how do you know which option is the best fit for you? Here are a few tips for navigating the open enrollment season:

  1. Know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. “Medicare is a medical program for people over 65 and younger disabled people and dialysis patients. Medicaid is an assistance program for low-income patients’ medical expenses,” explains the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. If you are a senior, then you are likely navigating the world of Medicare. All changes to your plan must be made by December 7, and new coverage begins on January 1, 2023.

  2. Seek help from a trusted source. The Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP) provides unbiased help with Medicare and Medicaid at no charge. This state-wide program doesn’t sell Medicare plans—certified volunteer counselors are there to help you understand your options. It is designed specifically to help older adults, their families, and caregivers understand, access, and apply. As Bob Callery, MMAP Regional Director, explains, “When people contact us, they may not be sure of what types of questions they need to ask, MMAP counselors can help people navigate the complexities of Medicare. Our counselors are unbiased and want to help people find what will work best for their needs and is the most cost-effective.” You can set up an appointment with a MMAP specialist at 1-800-803-7174, through the Area Agency of Western Michigan at (616) 456-5664, or email

  3. Watch out for scams. During open enrollment especially, scammers take advantage of this time of year by posing as representatives that offer assistance in signing you up for healthcare. Some quick tips from the Kent County Elder Abuse Coalition include:
    1. Scam: An unsolicited “agent” calls and offers to help enroll you in a health plan. Legitimate agents need your permission to contact you.
    1. Scam: The scammer will ask for your personal information, such as Medicare or Social Security number. You are always able to get information about Medicare plans without providing an ID number. ID numbers are only required when actually enrolling.
    1. Scam: Scammers may offer “free gifts” in exchange for your personal information. Real agents will never withhold service in exchange for your personal information.

An important part of open enrollment is making the best choice for your healthcare needs. Being aware of scams, understanding your options, and getting support from the Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program are all things that can help make your open enrollment season a smooth process!

A look at the candidates in tomorrow’s midterm election

By WKTV Journal staff

With the midterm elections tomorrow, the WKTV Journal offers a look at the local candidates running for seats on local school boards, Wyoming City Council, and state seats.

Three vie two seats on the Wyoming City Council

Kentwood, Wyoming help decide seven Kent County Commission seats

Brann, Brinks face off for 29th State Senate Seat

Wyoming to decide DeKruger, Fitzgerald race for 83rd State House of Representatives

Kentwood considers Johnson, Skaggs for 80th State House of Representatives seat

18 school board positions up in six local school districts: Godfrey-Lee, Godwin Heights, Grandville, Kelloggsville, Kentwood, Wyoming

‘Best year’ in long time boosts Christmas farms

By Liam Jackson
Capital News Service

Levi Dutcher, with his family outside Old Grove Christmas Tree Farm in Caledonia, will carry on a family tradition of selling trees. Credit: Levi Dutcher.

LANSING – Christmas trees are in Levi Dutcher’s blood.

His parents planted 2,000 while his mother was pregnant with him in 1988. Now, he is preparing for his first holiday season as the owner of a choose-and-cut Christmas tree farm.

“It takes a lot of work and a lot of money to make a little bit of money in the end,” said Dutcher, of Old Grove Christmas Tree Farm in Caledonia. “But it’s definitely a lot of fun.”

Dutcher is one of nearly 500 Michigan Christmas tree farm owners benefiting this year from an exceptional growing season.

Ideal weather conditions made it the best

“It was pretty much the consensus of the Michigan Christmas Tree Association board that it was the best year they’ve had for growing in a long time,” said Amy Start, the executive director of the group that promotes Christmas tree farms.

Dutchman Tree Farms near Cadillac benefited from ideal weather conditions in northern Michigan.

“We had decent moisture throughout the summer and did not have any late-season frosts,” said Scott Powell, the nursery manager of Dutchman in Manton and president of the association.

A good growing season is a good sign, but when it comes to actually selling the trees, other factors come into play.

“Usually what affects the selling season is good weather,” Start said.


“A little bit of snow for atmosphere is always lovely,” she said. “But if not, we at least hope it’s not raining. Because nobody wants to go to a farm when it’s down pouring or muddy.”

A ‘fresh start’ to the season

Michigan is third in the nation for Christmas tree production, according to the tree grower group. Each year the state supplies two million trees nationally.

Choose-and-cut farms appeal to younger families who want to “make a day of it,” Start said.

“They feel as if it’s the freshest way to get a tree,” she said. “Because it is. You are cutting it down yourself.”

That experience is the culmination of nearly a decade’s worth of work for the farmer. It takes Christmas trees seven to 10 years before they are ready to cut.

Each growing season is critical and has lasting impacts for farmers beyond that. Drought during one season can delay growth, Start said.

“It takes a lot of work and a lot of care to get them to the full size to sell so the growers are really, really diligent about those trees,” she said.

Some new choose-and-cut farms are set to open to the public this year, but an opening is the completion of a project started long before – sometimes several decades.

A longtime coming grand opening

Dutcher is opening his choose-and-cut farm this year, seven years after the trees were planted.


The events that led to the grand opening began before Dutcher was born. The 2,000 trees his mother helped plant in 1988 were nearly all wiped out by a drought.


When Dutcher was 8-years-old, his parents sold trees for one year. They never did it again.

“During that season I thought, ‘Wow, this is a lot of fun,’” Dutcher said. “The whole family was hanging out. I didn’t come from a lot of money, so anytime someone came up to buy a $20 tree, it was really exciting.”

About 20 years later, Dutcher bought property in Caledonia. His sister-in-law recommended planting Christmas trees so the family could gather each year and cut their own.

Dutcher took the idea one step further and planted 1,000 trees.

“It was a mixture of me remembering all the good times we had the one year my parents sold trees and my sister-in-law’s suggestion,” Dutcher said. “That’s how we’ve arrived at this.”

Dutcher’s family will still bond over the farm, including his aunt, who will fly from Oregon to help out.

More than just trees

Christmas tree farmers find other ways to make ends meet while the trees grow.


Photo ops with Santa and a fire pit to roast marshmallows are ways that Creekside Christmas Trees in Port Austin attract local residents during the Christmas season.

Creekside owner Lisa Szymanski planted trees two years ago. She anticipates that the choose-and-cut portion of the farm will open in 2027.

“We are doing things on the retail side to keep us relevant and keep people in the area knowing that we are here and getting in the habit of coming,” Szymanski said.


Liam Jackson is a journalist from Trenton, Michigan. He enrolled at Michigan State in 2018. His journalistic interests include feature stories and sports journalism. In addition to writing for Spartan Newsroom, Liam has also served as the News Editor and Sports Editor at Impact 89FM.

Hospitals invest nearly $1 billion in community health programs

By Janelle James
Capital News Service

LANSING – More therapy dogs and tourniquet emergency training are among the programs Michigan hospitals are investing in to better serve patients, health officials say.

Corewell Health Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids has been making tourniquets more accessible in public spaces as part of its Stop the Bleed campaign (Chris Clark | Spectrum Health Beat)

The state’s hospitals invested more than $860 million in community-based partnerships and programming in 2020, according to a recent report by the Michigan Health and Hospital Association. 

“Michigan hospitals and health systems serve and care for any patient that walks through their doors,” said John Karasinski, director of communications for the association. “ We know that there are some patients with … challenges and burdens and we do not want to be a detriment to them receiving the care that they need.”


The report outlines six major areas of investment: health education and guidance, support services, community outreach, health professional, community building and clinical research.


Hospitals have invested $60 million in mental health services like counseling, support groups and family support, the report said.

Teaching the public to stop the bleed

One example: Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids is making tourniquets more accessible in public spaces as part of its Stop the Bleed campaign, the report said. The campaign started in 2012 in response to the increase in mass shootings across the country.

 One goal is to put tourniquets in public places where mass shootings are likely to occur like in malls, schools and grocery stores.


“We were able to supply some tourniquets to schools in the area,” said Meaghan Crawley, senior improvement specialist with trauma services at the hospital.

The hospital also provides low-cost or free training on how to stop bleeding. The training is open to anyone who could be a bystander to an emergency – even children as young as 11 years old can receive training.

 “We’ve taught at many different local schools … and local churches and that is still ongoing,” Crawley said.

The addition of therapy dogs

Another example: McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital has expanded its pet therapy program after gaining success using it with geriatric psychiatric patients. Therapy dogs and their owners now even accompany doctors on their rounds to patients, the report said. They are also used in the Intensive Care Unit and the orthopedic hospital.


Some Michigan hospitals have added therapy dogs. (

St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital in Pontiac has expanded to meet the need for dental care for people with disabilities. The dental office now has five rooms including one wheelchair-accessible room, the report said. The General Dental Residency program has expanded from three to four residents.


Michigan hospitals also provided $42 billion in financial assistance to patients with unpaid medical care costs, the report said.


The report is in response to the Affordable Care Act requirement that hospitals conduct a community health needs assessment at least every three years, Karasinski said. This assessment helps hospitals to accurately allocate funding where it is needed most.

The Michigan Health and Hospital Association represents more than 150 hospitals, including community hospitals, teaching hospitals, children hospitals, rural and urban hospitals and critical access hospitals. 


Janelle James is a senior at Michigan State University double majoring in journalism and political science with a minor in Spanish. Janelle aspires to one day secure a position as an investigative journalist, White House correspondent or politician.

Tips on voting in the mid-term election

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

Voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 8. (

In only a few days, the mid-term elections will be taking place which means many residents will be heading to the polls.

For those heading to the polls to vote in-person, Kentwood City Clerk Dan Kasunic reminds them that the state went though a redistricting. Some residents’ precincts or voting locations might have changed for that reason. Residents should have received a new voter information card from their municipality earlier this year. 

Voters should review their voter card to make sure they are heading to the right voting location, Kasunic said.

Voters can also find their voting location and a sample ballot at Michigan Voter Information Center.

Voting in Person

Voters do not need their voter card to vote. The resident must be registered to vote. If a voter has a photo ID, such as a state ID or driver’s license, he/she should bring it with him/her. Those who do not have such an ID  will sign the affidavit on the back of the application to vote.


The election worker will verify your information matches the details in the e-pollbook. Once verified, the voter will be issues a ballot.


On the City of Wyoming’s website, it does state that residents should leave any political material at home. This would include political hats, shirts, masks, or brochures. These items are considered campaigning and it is illegal within 100 feet of the precinct location.

Poll locations will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on day of the election, Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Absentee Voting

It is past the time to get an absentee ballot in the mail. Residents may come to a city clerk’s office to get an absentee ballot. Registered voters have up until 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, to request an absentee ballot.

All absentee ballots must be returned to the person’s municipality by 8 p.m . Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Kasunic noted that those planning to mail their absentee ballot should have done so by Oct. 31. At this time, voters should hand-deliver their absentee ballot to the clerk’s office at the Kentwood City Hall, 4900 Breton Ave. SE, during regular business hours or use the 24-hour drop boxes located at city hall and the Kentwood Activities Center, 355 44th St. SE.

Wyoming residents can also hand-deliver an absentee ballot to the clerk’s office at Wyoming City Hall 155 28th St. SW., or use Wyoming’s 24-hour drop off box also located at city hall.

Residents can check on the status of their absentee ballot by visiting Michigan Voter Information Center.

Register to Vote

Due to the 2018 changes in voting, residents are able to register to vote up to and on the day of election. In order to vote in a Michigan election, you must:

Be a U.S. citizen

18-years-old when you vote

Be a resident of Michigan when you register

Be a resident of the city or township for at least 30 days when you vote

Not currently be serving a sentence in jail or prison. 

Residents registering to vote must bring proof of residency

Those registering on the day of the election may either get an absentee ballot and vote at the clerk’s office or drive to their designated polling location to vote.


Only those residents registering to vote or changing their address may request and receive an absentee ballot on the day of election.

Both clerk offices will be open Saturday

Both the Wyoming and Kentwood clerk offices will be open this Saturday to help with voting and absentee ballots.


The Kentwood city clerk’s office will be open from 7 a.m. to 3 pm. Saturday. Otherwise the Kentwood clerk’s office is open 7:30 a.m – 4:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays; 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays; and 7:30 a.m. to noon Fridays.


The Wyoming city clerk’s office also will be open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. The regular hours for the Wyoming clerk’s office is 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Thursday and closed on Friday.

Both clerk offices will be open until 8 p.m. on election day, Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Lots of goodies to be found at the LowellArts

By WKTV Staff

The LowellArts Artist Market returns starting Friday, Nov. 4, and running through Dec. 24 at the gallery, 223 W. Main St., Lowell.

The event features giftable fine art and fine craft works by 40+ Michigan artists. The gallery space is transformed into a retail setting with unique, one-of-a-kind items available for sale at a range of price points. The annual market is a great place for people to purchase handmade items during the gift giving season. Gift items include: pottery, paintings, photography, jewelry, textiles, glasswork, handbags, woodwork, metalwork, ornaments, soaps, and more.

The Artist Market is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. The event will have extended houses during Christmas Through Lowell. Those hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18; 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19; and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday Nov. 20.

For more information, visit

An ancient building material could be the wave of the future

By Cameryn Cass
Capital News Service

Michigan’s first mass timber building at Michigan State University, the STEM Teaching and Learning Facility, stores nearly 2,000 metric tons of carbon in its timbers, the equivalent of not burning more than 2 million pounds of coal. (Capital News Service/Cameryn Cass)

LANSING – Michigan businesses interested in reducing their carbon footprint are looking to build with large wooden panels instead of steel or concrete.


Nationwide, demand for what is called mass timber tripled between 2018 and 2021.

There are different kinds of mass timber, but the term refers to multiple wood panels either nailed or glued together and that are strong enough to replace concrete and steel, which contribute 8% to greenhouse gas emissions, according to Canadian architect Michael Green.

Mass timber is more sustainable, Green said.


Nearly half of America’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the building industry.

Why mass timber is a good option

Since a little more than a cubic yard of wood can store 1 ton – about the weight of the Liberty Bell– of carbon dioxide, mass timber is a great way to reduce our footprint, said Sandra Lupien, the director of MassTimber@MSU, a research and education group promoting mass timber in the Great Lakes region.


Half of the weight of a tree is from stored carbon in its wood, and the rest is water, oxygen, hydrogen and a mix of other elements. In other words, wood is a carbon sink.

Building with it can prevent or delay carbon from being released into the atmosphere when a tree dies or burns, Lupien said.


Last year, Michigan State University opened one of the first mass timber buildings in the state, the STEM Teaching and Learning Facility. Already there are two more mass timber projects underway in the state, one at a K-12 school in Kalamazoo and another at the Great Lakes Boat Building School in Cedarville.


Another 27 projects in Michigan on the drawing board plan to incorporate mass timber. One of those was in Muskegon where Grand Rapids-based Leestma Management was scheduled to constructe a mass timber building at Adelaide Point this summer.

The biggest hurdle: Getting it

At minimum, the building in Cedarville will have a roof made of mass timber, though those involved with its construction are hoping to build the whole building out of it, said Nikki Storey, the president of the Great Lakes Boat Building School.

The only thing stopping them is funding.


“That’s part of the problem with mass timber: I don’t know that the economy of scales exists yet to be able to get good pricing on it,” Storey said.

Since mass timber comes in sheets that are easy to put together – Lupien equates it to building with Lincoln Logs – there’s a major time savings with using it. But since there are no mass timber manufacturers in Michigan – the closest is outside of Chicago – it’s not always easy to get it.


Typically, mass timber products are made from softwood trees – think coniferous, like evergreens – which make up 30% of Michigan’s forests. The remaining majority of the state’s trees are hardwood, meaning they’re deciduous and lose their leaves, Lupien said.

Using Michigan’s resources

Researchers at Michigan Tech University are experimenting with making mass timber out of hardwood instead, a niche that might provide economic opportunity.

Mass timber advocates hope that Michigan State’s STEM Teaching and Learning Facility will be a place where contractors can learn to build with the more sustainable alternative. (Capital News Service/Cameryn Cass)

It is an untapped opportunity.

“Michigan is a forestry state,” said Conan Smith, the president of the Michigan Environmental Council. “If we can advance the construction materials that are rooted in wood, it’s to our economic benefit.

“It’s not just a great environmental opportunity, it’s a great economic opportunity for the state of Michigan.”

Each year, the state removes 30% to 40% of the forest’s growth, said Brenda Haskill, a forest marketing and outreach specialist at theDepartment of Natural Resources. That still provides enough capacity to harvest for mass timber and manage forests sustainably.

“We’re at a really interesting place in terms of moving the forest industry forward,” Haskill said.

Meeting the demands

Talks of attracting a mass timber manufacturer to the state are underway. However, an aging workforce and the rising cost of diesel fuel mean a decline in logging firms, Haskill said.

Making sure we have loggers to harvest trees and get them to the mill is really the biggest concern, Haskill said.

“I’m hopeful, but there’s a lot of pieces that need to be addressed,” Haskill said.

Michigan is in the same boat as the other Midwestern states. There’s more mass timber manufacturing and interest out west, Haskill said.

Looking at the building codes

Another challenge is the states outdated building codes, said Brian Craig, the board chair at the Michigan Forest Biomaterials Institute.


Michigan State University revamped a power plant and added two mass timber wings to create a hybrid structure in the STEM Teaching and Learning Facility. (Capital News Service/Cameryn Cass)

The most recent version of the International Building Code is from 2021 and offers more flexibility and clarity for how high you can build and how much wood can be exposed with mass timber, Craig said.

Right now, Michigan follows 2015 codes, making it two cycles behind the current thinking on mass timber and fire safety, Craig said.


But mass timber doesn’t behave like a 2 x 4.

Instead, it behaves like a tree.


Think of an unsplit log in a fire pit, and how it chars on the outside: That’s what mass timber would do in a fire, Lupien said.

Craig said that timber can be even safer than steel when it burns.


“Think about what happens when steel gets hot. It sort of turns into spaghetti, whereas mass timber’s surface chars and then protects the rest of the timber,” Craig said.


Lupien said that even with the outdated building codes, builders in Michigan are still able to use mass timber, and they should.

Bringing the beauty indoors

People using the buildings – at least the one on MSU’s campus– express the aesthetic benefits of bringing nature indoors, Lupien said.

“There’s actually a word for that. It’s called biophilia,” Lupien said.

That’s a Greek word that translates to “love of life. ” It taps into our inborn desires of being close to nature. Biophilic design – like incorporating wood into buildings – has even been found to promote human wellness and productivity, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Putting the more sustainable, attractive alternative into Michigan buildings is a question of price and supply.


“It’s been used in Europe for better than a decade now,” Smith said. “It’s a product that’s far better for the planet than concrete.


“Why we’re not using it more, I don’t know.”

A fresh look at whole life insurance

By Dave Stanley
Integrity Financial Service LLC

Whole life has a simple objective, to ensure your “whole” life, in other words, it will pay the benefits anytime during your whole life, regardless of how long you live. All you need to do is pay the premium.

Image from

Life insurance is a contract between an insured person (the policyholder) and the insurer. The premium pays for guaranteed benefits in case of death, but there are other features that can provide additional protection as well.

In exchange for fixed premiums, whole-life policies offer life insurance protection and tax deferral on growth by accumulating cash value with competitive interest rates.


In exchange for fixed premiums, an insurance company promises to pay a set benefit when the policyholder dies but also offers additional benefits as well. Whole life insurance policies can build up cash value, effectively a cash reserve that pays a modest rate of return, and the growth is tax-deferred. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.

Borrowing still option

Most whole life insurance policies allow policyholders to borrow a portion of their policy’s cash value. Access to the cash value can allow you to pay for things like college expenses, a home down payment, or any other needs you may have.


When the policyholder dies, his or her beneficiaries receive the benefit from the policy. Depending on how the policy is structured, benefits are usually not taxable.

Whether whole life insurance is the best choice for you may depend on a variety of factors, including your goals or circumstances.

Considering options

Whole life insurance can be an excellent investment for those who want to be protected financially after death. The policies promise a fixed benefit but also offers additional benefits such as cash value – which can build up and provide returns tax-deferred in order of security against personnel losses caused by unforeseen events like accidents or illnesses, and guarantees based on claims-paying ability from issuing companies.

The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) does not insure life insurance. It is not insured by any federal government agency, bank, or savings association. Each state’s Department of Insurance regulates life insurance.

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information in this material is not intended as tax or legal advice. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation.  

Dave Stanley is the host of Safe Money Radio WOOD1300 AM, 106.9 FM and a Financial Advisor and Writer at Integrity Financial Service, LLC, Grandville, MI 49418, Telephone 616-719-1979 or  Register for Dave’s FREE Newsletter at 888-998-3463  or click this link:  Dave Stanley Newsletter –  Dave is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management.

Wyoming fire welcomes new fire truck by giving it a little push

Wyoming firefighters push one the city’s new fire trucks into the Gezon station. (WKTV)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

With the help of the community, the Wyoming Fire Department welcomed its newest truck Tuesday night by pushing it into the station.

The Wyoming firefighters who helped to push the new pumper truck into the Gezon station. (WKTV)

It is a tradition that dates back to the 1800s, according to Wyoming Fire Chief Brian Bennett.

“So the push-in started back in the days of the horse-drawn carriages,” Bennett said. “Every time the firefighters returned from a call, the horses could not back up and push the equipment into the station.”

The firefighters would have to disconnect the horses and physically push the equipment back into the station, he said.

As the equipment modernized and the need for horses lessen so did the need for the firefighters to push the equipment.

“It was a really cool tradition that they had done for years and firefighters wanted to figure out a way to continue that tradition,” Bennett said. “So it came to be that when a department received a new piece of equipment, the push-in still stayed there as the department would push that piece into the station to signify the equipment’s start of service.”

A little help from the community

In fact, the Wyoming Fire Department has done push-ins with all of its equipment over the years but what made Tuesday’s event special is it was the first time the public was invited to join the department for the push-in.

“The public needs to be involved in this too because you are just as much a part of this as we are,” Bennett said to those in attendance. “We get to play with the shiny new toys but without the support of the community none of this takes place.”

There was supposed to be two new fire trucks at the event but one was still having the final touches done in Kalamazoo.

A design that fits the community

The new trucks, which replace two older fire trucks that were sold in June, are smaller than the standard engines many residents are use to seeing. However, outside of the fact that the new trucks seat two people versus six, the trucks have all of the capacity of a larger engine at about half the cost, Bennett said, adding the trucks are able to pump water and have ladders. A fire truck that seats six is around $650,000 while the two-person vehicle is closer to $350,000.

Because of its versatility, the trucks are able to complete many different tasks that are needed in the city such as responding to a medical request or putting out a dumpster fire. The trucks also will be able to support the other vehicles in the fleet and vice versa.

“You really need to design your equipment by what you do in your community,” Bennett said. “It is not about the community neighbor who has the flashier, shiner truck. We design our trucks to help with what we do most in our city.”

Pierce Manufacturing, a manufacturer of custom fire apparatus, built the trucks at its Florida plant. The trucks were delivered to the city in August.

Outdoor Explorers program gets kids outside examining nature

(WKTV/Deborah Reed)

By D.A. Reed, WKTV Contributor

Designed to spark a love of science and biology in children, the new Kentwood Parks and Recreation Outdoor Explorers program offers a nature-focused curriculum.

Basic survival skills, plant identification, campfire safety and cooking are just some of the activities taught in the program.

“Our goal is to get kids outside and exploring nature,” said Cassie Wielard, Outdoor Explorers program leader.

Outdoor Explorers Leader Cassie Wielard prepares the group for their adventure in Covenant Park. (WKTV/Deborah Reed)

Designed for children ages 6-12, the Outdoor Explorers meet Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. primarily within Covenant Park. The program offers many of the same skills and experiences kids may find through a scouting program, but with much greater flexibility.

Focused on the five senses

Outdoor Explorers often focuses on the five senses, encouraging participants to investigate various textures of plants and other aspects of their surroundings through touch, exploring scent as they smell flowers and campfire smoke, and tasting s’mores and other treats.

Leader Cassie Wielard shows the Explorers goldenrod on a walk in Covenant Park. (WKTV/Deborah Reed)

The purpose, Wielard said, is to give children “experiences that maybe not every kid gets to have outside in nature.”

Along with experiencing nature, instilling a respect for the environment also is a central principal of Outdoor Explorers.

“This feels like an extension of things that I love to do, and it’s been really fun,” said Wielard, who has a background in elementary education.

Covenant Park has three color-coded trails located just outside the clubhouse, each offering approximately one mile of natural space to explore. The park also offers an optional “Hide and Seek” activity for each trail along with maps to help guide explorers.

Rain, no worries

Less than ideal weather doesn’t hinder the young explorers from trekking through the park.

“The rain doesn’t faze them,” Wielard said. “To them, it’s fun.”

If a planned activity is not possible due to weather, Wielard and her volunteers easily improvise and ensure explorers are still learning and having fun.

“Last week it was raining, so s’mores were microwaved,” Wielard said.

Outdoor Explorer Kristofer shows off a bat he made with sticks and bark. (WKTV/Deborah Reed)

Simple crafts offered during each class highlight animals and other aspects of the environment. From building bird feeders, to creating owls and bats out of sticks and bark, participants are treated to a lesson about animals and the natural materials used in their creations.

Looking for winter Explorers

Even though the fall Explorers program has wrapped up, plans are already in motion for a winter session with dates and activities in development stages.

“We are hoping to explore Covenant Park in all the seasons,” Wielard said. “Signs of nature (such as animal tracks) should be obvious with snow on the ground. And, of course, snow opens up a lot of opportunities for activities.”

The winter session is seeking participants for early 2023. To find out more about the program and its benefits, contact the Kentwood Parks and Recreation Department.

D. A. (Deborah) Reed is an award-winning author of young adult novels and a creative writing instructor from the Grand Rapids area. To find out more about D.A. Reed, visit her website: D.A. Reed Author

Recent shooting has police reminding people to be aware

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

The Wyoming Department of Public Safety is investigating two unrelated shootings that took place on Tuesday, Nov. 1 and providing some words of caution to residents.

The first incident took place at around 2:50 p.m in the 2200 block of Indian Mounds Drive SW.


An 18-year-old male on a bicycle was struck by gunfire resulting in a fatal injury. The male was deceased at the scene. The victim of this shooting has been identified as Kane Allen Coronado of White Cloud.


A vehicle was seen leaving the area immediately after the shooting and was described as a light-colored sedan with an unknown number of occupants. The vehicle was last seen traveling east on Indian Mounds Drive.


Investigators are working to determine the circumstances surrounding the shooting. According to a statement from the department, the department is appealing to the public to provide information regarding this case. Anyone who was in the area of Indian Mounds Drive on Nov. 1 between the hours of 2 and 3 p.m. is asked to contact the Wyoming Department of Public Safety at 616-530-7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345 or 1-866-774-2345.

Tips for those who are walking or riding

As a reminder to residents, Lt. Rory Allen, spokesperson for the department, said the department recommends that citizens take precautions when utilizing recreational areas such as bike paths and walking trails.

If possible, residents should not travel alone when walking, jogging, or bike riding. Residents should be aware of their surroundings and who is around them. They also should a phone with them to call for help or see anything that is suspicious or feels unsafe. Always call 911 in those incidents.

Shooting on Division Avenue

A 7:15 p.m. on the same day of Nov. 1, officers from the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to a hold-up alarm at 3530 S. Division Ave. A short time later officers responded to a report that a 15-year-old male with a gunshot wound had been located near the business in questions.

The investigation indicates that the individual with the gunshot wound arrived at 3530 South Division Avenue with two other individuals. It is believed that they arrived in the Ford Fusion that was stolen out of Grand Rapids earlier in the evening.


According the police report, these three individuals were involved in, what was reported to police as, a take-over robbery attempt at that location. The three suspects entered the business with masks covering their faces and surrounded the employee. A fight between the three suspects and the employee broke out and the employee fired one shot from a handgun that he legally had on his person.


All three suspects fled the store after the shooting. The 15-year-old is believed to be the only one who was injured during this incident. He was located a short distance away from the business and was transported to a local hospital for treatment. He is currently in serious condition. The other two robbery suspects fled the area on foot and have not been located yet. The stolen Ford Fusion was recovered at the scene.

Officers have clues to the other two suspects

Officers are still looking for the two other suspects. One is described as wearing a blue sweatshirt with a hood up, black sweatpants, and a mask covering his face. The second suspect is described as wearing a multi-colored zip-up sweatshirt with a red shirt underneath, black pants, and black shoes. Information located inside the recovered vehicle has provided leads regarding the suspects’ identities. These leads are being pursued by investigators. In the meantime, these individuals are encouraged to turn themselves in to the Wyoming Police.


Once this investigation is complete, the Kent County prosecutor’s office will review all of the circumstances in this case, including a review of the employee’s action in shooting the individual who was robbing his store.


Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Wyoming Police at 616-530-7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345 or 1-866-774-2345.

Tuition help offered to aspiring teachers

By Janelle James
Capital News Service

LANSING – Michigan will offer a $10,000 annual fellowship to 2,500 students as an incentive to teach in the state.

Michigan will offer a $10,000 annual fellowship to 2,500 students as an incentive to teach in the state. (

The awards, included in the state’s budget that began Oct. 1, are for college students on track to become educators and will be given to students once they are admitted into the college of education at their university. 


Some universities have a two-year program, while other programs run three years, beyond prerequisites. Students who participate are required to teach in the state for two years for every year that they receive the fellowship. They cannot receive more than $30,000 in total.

Another incentive to address the state’s teacher shortfall in the 2023 budget is a $9,600 stipend for every semester a student teaches. Previously, student teachers were unpaid, although they are required to carry out some of the same classroom responsibilities as teachers.

Student teachers can apply for this stipend each semester that they teach. At Michigan State University, students are required to student teach for one year, but at other institutions students are only required for one semester, said Gail Richmond, the director of the teacher preparation program at MSU.


Nearly three-quarters of the state’s schools are short of teachers, according to a survey by the Michigan Education Association (MEA), the largest union representing teachers and other school staff.

Among the reasons for the shortage is that the joy of education has been taken away, said Paula Herbart, the president of the unionBut the pay is a big reason.


Nearly three-quarters of the state’s schools are short of teachers, according to a survey by the Michigan Education Association (MEA). (

“The lack of financial stability as an educator has caused the educator shortage,” Herbart said. “Three out of four educators will tell their children not to go into teaching, and that’s a real problem. We’re telling kids not to go into education because they can’t make a living at it, and because of the things that impact your ability to provide for your family.”


For minority students, it can be even harder, said Doug Pratt, the MEA’s director of public affairs.

“We know from student loan data entry, as well as practice, that there’s this double jeopardy of having to pay to be a student teacher and not getting paid which is especially hard for minority aspiring educators,” he said.


All student teachers should be compensated just like in any other apprenticeship program, but people might see it take away the barrier that exists, especially for minority students, he said.


The Michigan Department of Education reports that in 2017, Black teachers made up 5.9% of the state’s teachers. Hispanic or Latino teachers accounted for 1.2 and Asian-Americans made up only 0.2%.  About 91% of teachers were white.

“I know most of my (classmates) that are doing the teacher preparation program have dropped out of it,” said Trinity Belcher, a fifth-year student in the MSU College of Education . “They don’t want to do their 5th year because the cost of it.”

Students in the college of education at MSU are required to pay for their internship as a student teacher, which can be a financial burden, Belcher said.


Belcher will finish the program and become a teacher because she says it would be better to have the experience of  teaching for a year with a mentor before she starts teaching by herself.


Another incentive is the $175 million Grow-Your-Own program which assists school employees who already work with children, like bus drivers, crossing guards and lunch aides to get their degree to become educators.


Richmond said, “Teachers often feel isolated and unsupported, so I think the things that have to be combined with some kind of financial system is support from the time they step into the classroom, across their entire careers.”

Janelle James is a senior at Michigan State University. She is pursing a double major in journalism and political science with a minor in Spanish. Janelle aspires to one day secure a position as an investigative journalist, White House correspondent or politician.

South Christian stays perfect at 10-0 with 42-7 win over Grand Rapids Christian in playoff opener

Check out the highlights from South Christian’s 42-7 win over Grand Rapids South Christian in a Division 4 playoff opener Friday. (WKTV/Bill Rinderknecht)

By Cris Greer, WKTV Managing Editor

South Christian Coach Danny Brown said it best after his team beat Grand Rapids Christian 42-7 in a Division 4 playoff opener Friday night at East Kentwood.

“You need your best players to play the greatest when the lights are the brightest,” said Brown, of his standout quarterback Jake DeHaan. “He definitely answered the bell tonight; it was another stellar performance by Jake.

“I think at this point in the season you need your best players to step it up when the pressure’s on.”

South Christian Quarterback Jake DeHaan earlier this season. He has a total of 37 touchdowns this year; 26 through the air and 11 on the ground. (Courtesy, Eric Walstra)

Once again, DeHaan led the way for the Sailors with four touchdowns through the air and one on the ground, completing 12 of 18 passes for 216 yards and rushing for 84.

“You have to credit our receivers,” Brown said. “Our guys were just making moves and getting open and Jake was putting it in there. I think they were really putting a ton of focus on stopping Carson Vis, so other people were open and Seth (Ritsema) was the winner of that.”

Ritsema led with six receptions for 125 yards and three TDs, while Vis caught the other TD. Nate Brinks had 9 carries for 74 yards and one TD.

Coach Brown said his OK Gold champs have done a great job of settling into games quickly this year.

“Every game, we have played really well right from the beginning,” Brown said. “To be 10-0, you have to be talented.”

South Christian knocked off Grand Rapids Christian 42-7 in a Divison 4 district semifinal playoff game Friday. (WKTV/Mike Farage)

Grand Rapids Christian Co-Coach Rueben Riley said it came down to South Christian executing and being more physical and the score indicated that.

“We continue to build a culture of love, tenacity, pride and purpose, and hopefully it shows in the wins and losses column, but right now we’re just making sure that our culture is strong so these young men know that the things they learn in football will take them wherever they want to go and be bigger than football.”

Quarterback Alek Wickstrom led the Eagles in passing with 14 of 22 for 135 yards and one INT, while Noah Funk completed 3 of 6 passes for 92 yards and one TD to Dono Thames. Grand Rapids Christian finished the season at 3-7 overall.

South Christian (10-0) faces Hudsonville Unity Christian (6-4) in a Division 4 district final next week.

Museum celebrates Day of the Dead with exhibition

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

Artist Margaret Vega’s ofrenda for her father, Francisco Vega. (WKTV/Renee Karadsheh)

Veronica Quintino-Aranda’s brother died before her younger sister was born yet her sister has a connection to him because of the family’s tradition of honoring the brother’s memory during Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos).

“We remember who he was,” said Quintino-Aranda, a member of the Latino Community Coalition which has collaborated with the Grand Rapids Public Museum on a Day of the Dead exhibit. “We share stories. We share memories. We share his favorite food.

“Even though my sister has never meet him because he died before she was born, she still knows who he was and how important he was to our family.”

A tradition that dates back to the Mayans and Aztecs

Running through Nov. 27, the Grand Rapids Public Museum is featuring the Field Musuem’s “A Celebration of Souls: Day of the Dead in Southern Mexico.” Through 26 photographs, the exhibit explores the significance of the Day of the Dead celebrations in Oaxaca, a southern region of Mexico.

Traditionally observed on Nov. 1 and 2, Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos is an indigenous holiday that originated in southern Mexico and celebrates the remembrance of family members and friends who have died. Part of that celebration includes the creation of an ofrenda, or a home alter, honoring the deceased.

The tradition and symbols date back to the Mayans and Aztecs, who had a whole month dedicated to the dead, according to Quintino-Aranda. The expansion of catholicism in Mexico altered some of the symbols but the the focus on celebrating the dead remained.

Veronica Quintino-Aranda and Javier Cervantes (WKTV/Renee Karadsheh)

“On my home alter, and we have a catholic tradition, we have the candle that symbolizes we are the light of the world,” Quintino-Aranda said. “We have the arch toward heaven and incense that indicates that our prayers are going up to him. We also have soil that symbolizes that we are dust and are destained to return. We also have items that represent (my brother) and of course, his picture.”

Exploring local history and culture

Almost 600,000 Hispanics live in West Michigan with the Hispanic population making up about 16 percent, almost 16,000, in the Grand Rapids area. As the Hispanic community grew, many brought their traditions to the West Michigan area with the Day of the Dead having become a community celebration. In fact, the Grand Rapids Public Library for several years has hosted a Dia de los Muertos event (this year Oct. 30 – Nov. 3) that includes alters created by community members and activities.

The Latino Community Coalition’s Nuestra HERencia ofrenda. (Courtesy, Grand Rapids Public Museum)

Noting that the Grand Rapids Public Museum is not just about dinosaurs and artifacts but also history and culture, Dustin Tyler, director of marketing and customer service strategy for the Museum, said the Public Museum is excited to be able to partner with local organizations such as the LCC to present a Day of the Dead exhibition.

“Anytime we get the opportunity to include community partners to help paint a story, its a win for Grand Rapids, a win for the museum and a win for our members and visitors,” Tyler said.

The local connection

As part of the exhibition, the GRPM joined with community partners to add ofrendas to the exhibition display. Local professor and artist Margaret Vega created one display honoring her father Francisco Vega (1922-2021), who was a leader in the Latino community of West Michigan and a grassroots organizer for civil rights.

The LCC’s offenda focuses on the organizations Nuestra HERencia project, which honors the history and legacies of women here in Grand Rapids.

“It is an immersive experience,” Tyler said. “it is kind of a window into how another culture does things different but also learning about the history of Mr. Vega and learning about our partners over at the Latin Community Coalition and what their mission and purpose is.”

Started in 2006, the LLC serves as a unifying force for the equitable advancement of Latinos in West Michigan.

“I chose LCC because at the time I was working for the infant health program at Cherry Street Health and so I wanted to learn more about what are the resources out there to help my clients and patients and the LCC was a great opportunity for me to network and learn what programs and classes other nonprofits were offering so I could give back and give those resources to my community,” she said.

Celebrating ‘HER’

The Nuestra HERencia project features women who have not necessarily received awards or been recognized but because of their values that they instilled in their family members, they have helped the Hispanic community grow through business and leadership.


“My aunt, who passed away last year, she owned a small chain of bakeries,” said Javier Cervantes, another LCC member. “She instilled in us hard work and dedication. I saw how she treated everyone with respect. That is what I will not forget.

“Todos parejos — everyone is equal.”

For both Cervantes and Quintino-Aranda, they hope through the exhibition and the LCC display to help residents understand the symbolism and why Day of the Dead is important to the Hispanic community.

“I want people to know that we have a presence here in Grand Rapids and we are not going anywhere,” Cervantes said. “Those Latinos have been able to be trailblazers and in a unique way transform the lives of families as well.”

“A Celebration of Souls: Day of the Dead in Southern Mexico” is included with general admission to the Museum and is free for Museum members. Kent County residents do receive a discount and Kent County children 17 and under are free. To reverse tickets, visit

WKTV Contributor Renee Karadsheh contributed to this story.

South Christian, East Kentwood preparing for football playoffs; see other area teams that advanced as well

Jenison lines up against a tough East Kentwood defense during a WKTV Game of the Week in September. The Falcons beat Jenison 16-0. (WKTV/Nathan Piers)

By Cris Greer, WKTV Managing Editor

Two teams in our WKTV viewing area, South Christian and East Kentwood, are playoff bound and in action on Friday night.

East Kentwood (5-4 overall, 4-3 in the OK Red) travels to Rockford for a 7 p.m. Friday game in Division 1. Rockford is tied for second in the state in D-1 with Macomb Dakota and boasts a 9-0 overall record. The Rams finished atop the OK Red at 7-0.

EK Coach Tony Kimbrough said he’s very proud of what his team accomplished with the strength of their conference and schedule.

In a 34-21 loss to Grandville last Friday, East Kentwood quarterback Ben Cash had 141 yards in the air and 93 on the ground. Stellan Bowman led with 17 tackles.

Getting back to the playoffs was a goal for the Falcons after a 2-7 season in 2021.

South Christian the team to beat

South Christian, No.1 in the state in Division 4, hosts Grand Rapids Christian (3-6 overall) at 7 p.m. Friday at East Kentwood.

The Sailors won the OK Gold Conference this year at 7-0, finishing one game ahead of rival Grand Rapids Catholic Central. Their last undefeated regular season was in 2004.

Check out our story on South Christian quarterback Jake DeHaan, who posted some incredible numbers this season, at

DeHaan has a total of 32 touchdowns this year; 22 through the air and 10 on the ground. He has completed 129 of 184 passes for 1,883 yards with six interceptions, and leads the team in rushing with 710 yards on 109 carries.

South Christian Quarterback Jake DeHaan. (Courtesy, Eric Walstra)

“Statistically, he is having one of the best seasons any QB has ever had at South,” said Coach Danny Brown, in his fourth year as coach. “His leadership and drive to be great is the thing that has impressed me the most.”

As far as the playoffs go, Brown said their goal is pretty simple; “We want to win a state championship.”

WKTV is sending a cameraman and reporter to both games to get highlights and interviews with coaches and players. Look for our stories late Friday night and Saturday morning on

Other Grand Rapids Area playoff teams

Division 1

Grandville (7-2) at Caledonia (8-1, sixth in state) (at East Kentwood) 1 p.m. Saturday

Division 2

Muskegon Reeths-Puffer (6-3) at Forest Hills Central (9-0, fourth in the state) 7 p.m. Friday

Portage Northern (6-3) at Byron Center (7-2) 7 p.m. Friday

Division 3

East Grand Rapids (4-5) at St. Joseph (8-1) 7 p.m. Friday
Lowell (6-3) at Zeeland West (8-1) 7 p.m. Friday

Sparta (6-3) at Muskegon (7-2) 7 p.m. Friday

Cedar Springs (5-4) at Coopersville (6-3) 7 p.m. Friday

Division 4

Forest Hills Eastern (6-3) at Hudsonville Unity Christian (5-4) 7 p.m. Friday

Division 5

Kalamazoo Hackett Catholic Prep (5-4) at Grand Rapids Catholic Central (8-1) 7 pm. Friday

Division 6

Watervliet (6-3) at Grand Rapids West Catholic (8-1) 7 p.m. Friday

Wyoming, Kentwood to participate in drug take back event

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

Kentwood’s Drug Take Back Day event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. (WKTV)

The fall National Drug Take Back Day has been set for this Saturday, Oct. 29, with both the Wyoming Department of Public Safety and the Kentwood Police Department participating in the event.

The annual event is part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Prescription Drug Take Back initiative. The event is held in April and October as part of ongoing efforts to combat prescription drug misuse and overdose deaths. For the April Take Back Day, the Department of Drug Enforcement reported that about 720,000 pounds of unneeded medications were collected. Since starting the program in 2010, around 16 million pounds of unneeded prescription medications have been collected.

“By taking advantage of this free and anonymous Drug Take Back Day, residents can help save lives,” said Kentwood Police Chief Bryan Litwin. “Proper medication disposal prevents identity theft, accidental poisonings, drug addiction and overdose deaths. It can also help preserve the environment by reducing the amount of medications in landfills and sewer systems. Please gather unneeded medications from your home and join us Oct. 29 as we work together to keep our community safe.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that in the United States, more than 107,000 people died as the result of a drug overdose last year. This figure means that someone in the United States is dying of a drug overdose every five minutes.

City of Kentwood

Residents may drop off unused, unwanted or expired prescription pills and patches from 10 a.m to 2 p.m at the Kentwood Police Department, 4742 Walma Ave. SE. Liquids, needles and sharp objects will not be accepted. For disposal of needles and other sharp objects, visit the Kent County Health Department’s or click here.

The service is free and anonymous, with no questions asked.

City of Wyoming

The Wyoming Department of Public Safety, 2300 DeHoop Ave., has a SafeMed box at the station where anyone may properly dispose of medications throughout the year.

The department also partners with University of Michigan Health West, 2122 Health Dr. SW, on Drug Take Back Day. The event at UMHW will be a drive-thru from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. People are encouraged to stay in their car and a volunteer will come to the vehicle.

As with the Kentwood program, this program is free with no questions asked.

Trick or Treat, is the market on wobbly legs?

By Dave Stanley
WKTV Contributor
Integrity Financial Service, LLC

October has always been a devilish month for Wall Street. Black Tuesday was Oct. 29, 1929. Black Monday was Oct. 19, 1987. And the crash of 2008 happened on October’s doorstep on Sept. 29, 2008, when the Dow dropped more than 777 points. The Dow notched a new low for the year and closed below 30,000 for the first time since June 17. The 30-stock index flirted with the bear market territory causing concern and stress.

These are the days of Chicken Littles! In this climate – despite historically low unemployment, robust GDP, and soaring consumer confidence – the stock market still has wobbly legs with no real end in sight.

The problem is not just the current concerns about high debt, trade wars, and rising interest rates; it’s the collective uncertainty and reactionary groupthink over which we have no control. It’s also the psychological traps, triggers, and misconceptions we humans fall prey to.

• Expecting to find high returns with low risk (I’ve got a Rolex watch I’ll sell you for $25.)
• Believing that good things happen to you and bad things only happen to others

The reality is you could be as cool as a cucumber, but if those around you think the sky is falling, your portfolio will still likely evaporate.

And history indicates it could take years, or even decades, just to get back to where you were. Everyone seems to run to safety at some time in their lives. Is it time for you to take a long look at safe and secure options?

Dave Stanley is the host of Safe Money Radio WOOD1300 AM, 106.9 FM and a Financial Advisor and Writer at Integrity Financial Service, LLC, Grandville, MI 49418, Telephone 616-719-1979 or  Register for Dave’s FREE Newsletter at 888-998-3463  or click this link:  Dave Stanley Newsletter –  Dave is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management

Chamber launches new initiative for BIPOC businesses

Wyoming Mayor-Elect Kent Vanderwood (far right) talks to members of the BIPOC Business Leader Advisory Council (WKTV)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

One of the key missions of any business chamber is to serve as a connector and the Wyoming Kentwood Chamber of Commerce did at a recent meeting designed to help launch a new initiative to serve minority business owners.

More than 20 members of the Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Business Leader Advisory Council discussed the needs of businesses and how those needs can be obstacles for BiPOC businesses owners. The discussion came to zoning ordinances and how difficult they can be to maneuver.

The discussion prompted Wyoming Mayor-Elect Kent Vanderwood to tell the group about the city’s need to fill several positions on its Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission.

“I would love to see those boards more diversified.” Vanderwood said and two of the members indicated they were interested in exploring those opportunities. Due to the response, Vanderwood said he would send an email with links to the the Chamber that could be forwarded to everyone.

Kentwood Mayor Stephen Kepley (second from the left) was part of the BIPOC Business Leader Advisory Council launch. (WKTV)

Known for being “open for business,” Mayor Stephen Kepley recognized that zoning ordinances can be difficult for anyone to understand and that the city works with people to help them navigate the ordinances including have access to a translator service to help English-as-a-second language speakers.


In fact, the biggest takeaway WKCC President and CEO Keith Morgan said he got from the meeting was that the Chamber has to continue to be that connector.

Focusing on the needs of business

 “I am pleasantly surprised at the level of influence and interest in a subject matter that can be easily overlooked in a large community,” Morgan said of the interest in developing the BIPOC Business Leader Advisory Council.

Morgan said his intention was to pull together a diverse group of individuals with varying backgrounds and businesses within in the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood for the Council. His original idea was to have a small group meet at the chamber offices however the overwhelming response from invitees had him move the event to the WKTV Community Media Center, 5261 Clyde Park SW.

A partner with the chamber, WKTV General Manager Tom Norton stated the station was thrilled to share its space with the Chamber for the launch of this initiative.

The initial event focused on how the Chamber could better serve the BIPOC business community. Morgan called it the start of the conversation with advisory members helping to establish goals.

Discussions centered around what some of the needs the businesses hand which included such topics as the need for interpreters, workforce development, labor shortage, and the ability to take a business to the next level.

At the meeting, the BIPAC Business Leader Advisory Council identified six key goals:

Establishing a mentor program

Creating and distributing a vendor list

Providing best practices especially related to procurement 

Establishment of an advisory council 

Building connections

Providing educational information and resources

Morgan said the Council will continue to meet to work on goals that can be completed in the short term as well as in the future.

When trick-or-treaters should head out for the goodies

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

Happy Haunting from the WKTV Journal. (

With Halloween being on a Monday, the annual spooky season should be adhering to a pretty traditional schedule this year.

Most communities will be observing the holiday on Monday with municipalities encouraging trick-or-treating activities to take place on that day. For times, most communities are encouraging from 6 to 8 p.m.

City of Kentwood, 6-8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31

City of Wyoming does not set trick-or-treating hours, but is encouraging residents and neighborhoods to do so on Monday, Oct. 31. Residents should check with neighborhoods for specific times.

City of Grandville, 6-8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31

City of Grand Rapids, dusk to 8 p.m., Monday, Oct. 31

Gaines Township, no designated time, Monday, Oct. 31

City of Grand Rapids, dusk to 8 p.m., Monday, Oct. 31

Byron Township, varies by neighborhood for date and time. Check with your neighborhood.

Village of Caledonia, 6-8 p.m., Monday, Oct. 31

Gerald Ford’s media relations calm compared to others

By Eric Freedman
Capital News Service

LANSING – When Gerald Ford became president in 1974, the nation was in agony.

His predecessor, Richard Nixon, had resigned from the Oval Office rather than face certain impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives.

The previous year, the last American combat troops had withdrawn from Vietnam amid intense anti-war protests, dwindling trust in the federal government and the subsequent collapse of the corruption-riddled regime of U.S. ally South Vietnam.

Cover of “Clash: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis.”
Cover of “Clash: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis.” (Courtesy, Potomac Books)

Ford, the quiet Republican vice president from Grand Rapids, faced the challenge of helping the nation heal from the anguish of White House corruption and the trauma of a deeply unpopular war.

His first official act was to pardon Nixon, a decision that political analysts say doomed his chances of winning the presidency in his own right in 1976.

After that, Ford’s tenure in the White House was unspectacular as he wrestled with problems that are familiar to Americans today, such as high inflation, recession and international conflicts in Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere.

He endured no crises that rose to the level of creating major conflict with journalists and news organizations, unlike what the nation witnessed with presidents Donald Trump, Nixon and several others.

And thus Ford – the only president to come from Michigan – received only two brief references in Northwestern University journalism professor Jon Marshall’s new book, “Clash: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis” (Potomac Books, $36.95).

Bill Ballenger, the publisher of the political newsletter “Ballenger Report” and a former Republican state legislator, observed, “Generally speaking, I thought the press did a pretty good job covering Ford.”

“He wasn’t a polarizing personality by any means,” Ballenger said.

Ford had built good will with the press during his years as minority leader of the U.S. House, Ballenger said, and his selection as vice president was well received by the press.

“Ford had good connections in the traditional Washington press corps,” Ballenger said, and that’s where he turned to staff his press office rather than picking public relations practitioners or people who “were not really journalists, like you’ve seen in recent years.”

As president, he drew on veteran Michigan reporters, starting with Detroit News chief Washington correspondent Jerry terHorst, whom Ballenger described as “a big hitter in Michigan journalistic coverage.”

But a month later, terHorst, who also was from Grand Rapids, quit in protest of the Nixon pardon.


Ford then hired Detroiter Jack Hushen, also from the Detroit News, as deputy press secretary. 

Ford’s approach to press relations contrasts vividly with Trump’s.

As Marshall wrote in the new book, “Through his presidency, Trump encouraged hostility toward journalists. He called them ‘dishonest,’ ‘disgusting’ and an ‘enemy of the people.’’

“He referred to negative but accurate stories about him as ‘fake news,’” Marshall wrote.

Relations between reporters and other presidents have been ragged as well, to say the least.

John Adams, for example, sent editors to jail, Abraham Lincoln let critical newspapers be closed and Woodrow Wilson used “misleading propaganda” to advocate going to war.

Nixon directed his first vice president – the convicted felon-to-be Spiro Agnew – to skewer the press as a “treacherous enemy.”


Gerald Ford of Grand Rapids is the only president from Michigan.
Gerald Ford of Grand Rapids is the only president from Michigan. (Courtesy,

Bill Clinton’s clashes centered on his sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinski and Whitewater, the scandal involving his investments and financial dealings.

Marshall also detailed crisis-linked conflicts between the press and presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

What does it all mean?

Marshall wrote, “Since the founding of the United States, the relationship between presidents and the press has been inspiring and troubling, fragile and durable, pivotal and dysfunctional, often all at the same time.”

In Marshall’s view, “Although sometimes sloppy, partisan and sensationalistic, journalists have often courageously served the public while covering presidents despite formidable forces trying to stop them.”

And he warned of trouble signals for future Oval Office accountability to the citizenry.

“The truth about presidents may now be harder to know,” according to Marshall. “The declining economic health of the news business has weakened its ability to hold presidents accountable.” 

Eric Freedman is the director of Capital News Service and a journalism professor at Michigan State University.

Eight trees are added to Godfrey-Lee neighborhood

By WKTV Staff

The City of Wyoming Tree Commission was able to eight more trees to Godfrey Lee neighborhood bring the total of trees planted there to 35. (Courtesy, Wyoming Tree Commission)

The City of Wyoming Tree Commission, “The Tree Amigos,” planted eight, eight- to ten-foot-tall trees in front of homes in the Godfrey-Lee neighborhood of Wyoming on Oct. 8.

The oaks, Japanese lilacs, honey locusts are another small step in increasing the tree canopy within a neighborhood where too many mature trees have been lost to disease, storms, and development.This is the third planting that The Tree Amigos have completed in Godfrey-Lee, bringing the total to 35 trees planted here. The project was made possible by a grant from the Greater Wyoming Community Resource Alliance.

“Neighborhoods without good tree canopy are deprived of the health, safety, and economic benefits that well shaded streets and spaces bring to people living there,” said Estelle Slootmaker, board member of The Tree Amigos. “Cleaner air, well managed storm water, safer sidewalks, increased property values, and mental health benefits have all been documented as benefits of street trees. The Tree Amigos are doing our small part to create shade equity within our city.”

Pending additional grant funding, The Tree Amigos hope to collaborate with Godfrey-Lee Public Schools in 2023 to plant 50 trees to shade the pathways and sidewalks where the district’s students walk to school. The City of Wyoming has set aside $10,000 in matching funds, which will make the planting possible.

Donations to The City of Wyoming Tree Commission are tax deductible. Volunteers are welcome. And the board is currently seeking two more Wyoming resident tree-huggers to join as board members.

“We are a group of volunteers who love trees, want to create a healthy environment, and enjoy getting our hands dirty planting trees—not just talking about it,” Slootmaker said. “We hope to assemble a more diverse board that can fully represent, educate, and serve all of the people who live and work here.”

For more about The Tree Commission, visit the organization’s Facebook page.

Gobles beat host Tri-unity Christian 43-22 in 8-player football Friday

Tri-unity beat Godfrey-Lee 50-30 in the Oct. 14 WKTV Game of the Week (WKTV)

By Zach Fanko, WKTV Contributor

Gobles beat Tri-unity 43-22 in Friday night football to further solidify its 8-player ranking at No.9 in 8-player Division 1.

“Offensively, we had a little bit of trouble getting our run game going, but defensively we were playing really well in the first half; bending but not breaking,” said Gobles Coach Greg Eichler, whose team improved to 7-2 overall. “We have some nice athletes; kept leaning on them.

“Regardless of who we play, we’re excited for a big playoff matchup, and not worried about our opponent, but about getting better.”

(Image Courtesy, Tri-unity Christian)

Tri-unity dropped to 4-5 overall with the loss.

“The announcement of the qualifiers and first-round pairings for both the 11 and 8-player playoffs will take place at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23, on the “Selection Sunday Show” on Bally Sports Detroit and its website. The playoff qualifiers and pairings will be posted to the MHSAA Website following the Selection Sunday Show.” (MHSAA.)

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Kent County DPW hosting free tire collection event

By WKTV Staff

The Kent County Department of Public Works is hosting a tire collection event Nov. 12. (

Community members can safely recycle up to 10 passenger tires for free during an event hosted by the Kent County Department of Public Works (DPW).


Kent County residents can drop off their old tires from 8:30-11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Grand Rapids SafeChem location, 1045 Wealthy St. SW. DPW’s resource recovery specialists will be on hand to help unload vehicles and safely dispose of the tires for recycling.

“Whole tires are notoriously difficult to get rid of because they are not accepted by trash pick-up and cannot be disposed in a landfill unless they are shredded,” said Steve Faber, marketing and communications manager of the DPW. “We encourage Kent County residents to take advantage of this collection event to properly dispose of old tires.”

Tire disposal normally costs between $4-6 per tire depending on their size at Kent County DPW facilities. The last free tire collection event hosted by the DPW was in fall 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tires are often found in illegal dumping sites because they are difficult and costly to get rid of. Old tires also serve as breeding grounds for mosquitos and pose fire hazards. All the tires collected on Nov. 12 will be sent to a facility that will process and recycle them into new products, such as playground resurfacing material.

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) recently launched a new state program to award grants for entrepreneurs looking to expand ways to reuse old tires. Information about the new Scrap Tire Market Development Grant can be found online.

Out and About: The Centenarian

Recently, the Salvation Army of Grand Haven celebrated its 100-year-anniversary. The organization started its work in Grand Haven in December 1890 when two Irish girls started serving in Grand Haven. This is about 40 years after William Booth started the Salvation Army in England.

The Army’s first home was the old Armory on Second and Franklin streets in downtown Grand Haven. However, the doors closed before the end of 1891, after four commanding officers and six assistant officers had served in the community.

In 1922, the three-story Gray Block at 16 Washington Street was willed to the Salvation Army by Mattie (George) McBride. Through the years, the space at Washington was expanding upon as well as other facilities added throughout the city. The organization celebrated its 100th anniversary with a three-day event in September that included a celebration of its new expanded facility at 310 N. Despelder, Grand Haven.

To date, 47 officers and 20 assistant officers have served the Grand Haven post.