Category Archives: Citizen Journalism

Why socialization is important for aging adults

Courtesy Vista Springs Assisted Living

By Vista Springs Assisted Living

As you age, it can be difficult to be as socially active as you once were. You might find yourself making excuses or giving friends a rain check on social gatherings. However, this kind of social avoidance can lead to serious consequences for your physical and mental health. Take a look and see why socialization is so important for aging adults.

Why don’t seniors socialize?

It’s very common for seniors and older adults to avoid socializing at the same rates they did when they were younger. But why? For some, it’s because of the decreased mobility they have as they age. When it’s hard to drive or get in and out of vehicles, or if you need to use a walker or wheelchair to get around, going out and socializing becomes a demanding and laborious task.

In addition to struggling with mobility, seniors can find themselves having much less energy throughout the day and becoming exhausted quickly—making evening dinners and events tiring rather than invigorating. It also becomes more difficult to navigate unknown environments, so staying at home becomes a preferable option to going out. 

For some seniors, there are more than just physical barriers between themselves and socialization. As adults age, it can become more and more challenging to be emotionally available for family and friends. Seniors may be upset at their condition or frustrated in general, and want to avoid interactions and isolate themselves thinking that will be the better option. However, the opposite is often true.

Socialization lowers rates of depression

Depression is unfortunately a common mental health problem among seniors. Senior depression is usually brought on by the loneliness or guilt seniors feel when they isolate themselves as they age. Symptoms include:

  • Lack of energy & motivation
  • Feelings of sadness or despair
  • Difficulty sleeping (or sleeping much longer than normal)
  • Feelings of self-loathing
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Slower movement & speech
  • Increased abuse of alcohol
  • Neglecting personal care (like showering, grooming, or eating)
  • Loss of interest in hobbies
  • Thoughts of suicide

While older adults who feel this way might not want to socialize, isolation always makes depression worse. Socialization provides opportunities to learn, converse, laugh, and be stimulated—all of which can make depression more bearable for seniors. Socialization can also decrease the odds of getting senior depression at all.

Remember, if you are at all concerned that you or a loved one is suffering from depression, get help and speak to a professional right away.

Socialization improves memory and can help prevent dementia

Over the years there have been countless studies that have linked a lack of socialization to an increased risk of dementia and other memory diseases. As adults age, it’s important that the brain remains stimulated and engaged. Socialization can help seniors maintain proper cognitive function by exercising their brains in different ways then it works while someone is alone.

In fact, a very recent study suggests that interactions with friends (who are not relatives) can decrease dementia risk by as much as 12%. Socialization decreases the stress on the brain that can slow down mental functions, and well as create a “reserve” of mental energy, all while promoting healthy behavior and interaction.

Want to learn more about dementia? Download the FREE eBook here!

It’s important that your brain doesn’t just sit in your head as you age, and socializing with others can challenge your cognitive thinking and functions in helpful ways that build brain strength and endurance.

Socialization makes seniors happier and healthier

It’s not just mental health that can be improved with socialization—it can also help boost your physical energy as well. Studies have made connections between lowered social activity and high blood pressure, and some new theories are suggesting that high rates of social interaction can lower the chances of osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular disease in older adults.

Most importantly, social interaction makes people happier. Seniors who are socially active are more likely to be physically active as well, and they are less stressed, have longer lifespans, and have greater self-esteem than seniors who are isolated. 

Social opportunities near you

There are plenty of ways for you to be social, or to help a loved one stay social as they age. Opportunities for socialization include:

Senior living communities like assisted living give people plenty of opportunities to grow socially without needing to find ways to leave home or travel to other locations. Because of the group environment and daily activities in senior living, there are plenty of ways to cultivate new relationships and meet people socially without dealing with stress.

Reprinted with permission from Vista Springs Assisted Living.

School News Network: Looking at Fall and Beyond

By WKTV Staff

All Districts: School leaders working together to plan fall and beyond

Now that school districts have distance learning up and running, local education leaders are turning their attention to the next urgent concern: the future of schooling. An ad hoc committee of 13 Kent ISD school leaders — which includes Wyoming Superintendent Craig Hoekstra and Godfrey-Lee Superintendent Kevin Polston — are working on contingency plans to prepare for the next school year and beyond. To learn more about the discussion, click here

Tara Jones plays with son, Cole, during a Bright Beginnings playgroup. (School News Network)

All Districts: Supporting parents as teachers

Bright Beginnings, which offers parents support and services to help them become the best first teachers for their children, recently received a Blue Ribbon accreditation from the Missouri-based Parents as Teachers program. Free to families in the Kent ISD, to learn more about the program and the accreditation, click here

Cast members from Godfrey-Lee’s production of ‘The Wiz’ prior to school building closures (courtesy photo/School News Network)

Godfrey-Lee/Wyoming: The show might go on

Last year it was snow days, this year it was COVID-19 that caused area schools, such as Godfrey-Lee and Wyoming, shutdown with school productions left in limbo. And while the show may not happen – some directors remain hopeful – there still is the story of community that brought everyone together. To learn more, click here

How resilient are your brain connections?

Findings provide a target for drugs designed to support and maintain dendritic spine health. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Robert Preidt, HealthDay

The conclusion of a recent study suggests possible new ways to prevent or slow the memory-destroying disease, Alzheimer’s, researchers said.

For the study, the researchers analyzed brain samples from patients at memory clinics and found that the presence of healthy dendritic spines (connections between neurons) provide protection against Alzheimer’s in people whose brains have proteins associated with the disease.

The findings, published in the Annals of Neurology, are the first of their kind, the study authors said.

“One of the precursors of Alzheimer’s is the development in the brain of proteins called amyloid and tau, which we refer to as the pathology of Alzheimer’s,” said the study’s lead author, Jeremy Herskowitz.

He’s an assistant professor with the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine’s department of neurology.

“However, about 30 percent of the aging population have amyloid and tau buildup but never develop dementia. Our study showed that these individuals had larger, more numerous dendritic spines than those with dementia, indicating that spine health plays a major role in the onset of disease,” Herskowitz said in a university news release.

Neurons, which are brain cells, are constantly sending out dendritic spines in search of other neurons. When they connect, a synapse—an exchange of information—occurs between neurons. This is the basis for memory and learning, the researchers explained.

“One obvious culprit in Alzheimer’s disease is the loss of dendritic spines and thus the loss of synapses,” Herskowitz said.

“This would impair the ability to think, so the assumption has been that those without dementia had healthy (dendritic) spines and those with dementia did not. But no one had gone in to see if that was true,” he noted.

Healthy dendritic spines could be genetic, or the result of beneficial lifestyle habits—such as good diet and exercise—which are known to reduce the risk of dementia, Herskowitz said.

The findings provide “a target for drugs that would be designed to support and maintain dendritic spine health in an effort to rebuild neurons or prevent their loss,” he added.

“This data suggests that rebuilding neurons is possible. And as we are better able to identify the increase of amyloid and tau early in the progression of the disease, even before symptoms arise, we might be able to one day offer a medication that can contribute to maintaining healthy dendritic spines in those with the Alzheimer’s pathology,” he concluded.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Photo of the Week: Flying By

Byron Center Avenue and 64th Street were aligned with people on Tuesday, May 12, as the Michigan National Guard’s 127th wing flew over Metro Health – University of Michigan Health. The event was part of salute to healthcare workers on the frontline. The planes had come from Traverse City and were making their way to Battle Creek.

Do you have a picture you would like considered for Photo of the Week? Then send it to WKTV Managing Editor Joanne Bailey-Boorsma at

Residents line Byron Center Avenue on May 12 to see the Michigan National Guard 127th wing fly over Metro Health – University of Michigan Health. (WKTV)

School News Network: Creative classroom learning

By WKTV Staff

Note: some of these stories took place before the governor’s official closing of schools with education moving online. These are just some of the unique and interesting ways are teachers are working to bring creative ways to the classroom. For more stories on local schools, visit the School News Network website,

Dawt Khun focuses on letters (School News Network)

Kentwood: Fancy F’s and elegant L’s

Some have put cursive writing in the category of lost arts. Not true at Kentwood’s Crestwood Middle School, where language arts teacher Anne Brown is keeping the the flow of writing alive. For more, click here

Dominic Russell and Quaa Doxie work together on their wheel

Kelloggsville: Working from concrete to abstract in Algebra 2

Kelloggsville High School Rick Jackson puts a new spin on trigonometry by having his students get hands on in the construction of a popsicle Ferris wheel. To learn more, click here.

Maggie Santos and Elijah Brown embellish the busts they’ve made. (School News Network)

Godwin Heights: A look in the mirror cures self-expression

Before the mandated school closure, the classroom was in the middle of a 10-week artist residency offered by Artists Creating Together (ACT). Each week Annalise Hammerlund, the artist-in-residence who worked with Lisa Kotarski’s Godwin Heights class, visited the classroom to lead students in an art lesson that challenged them to learn a bit more about themselves and to express themselves through art. To learn more about this program, click here.

From left, Craig Thompson, from the city of Grand Rapids, and Aleka C. Thrash, owner of Naturally ACT, talk to students during Student StartUp Day. (School News Network)

All District: Getting down to business

In the first-ever Student StartUp Day, which took place the week before the school shutdown, area students got a lesson in what it takes to start your own business and a chance to pitch ideas to area business leaders. To learn more, click here.

‘Happy calls’ help connect elderly to the world

Care Resources PACE staff member makes on the 400-plus “Happy Calls” to program participants. (Supplied)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

Two days a week Kentwood resident Beverly Artlip, 82, would visit the Care Resources PACE (Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly)  day care program, meeting up with friends, participating in activities, and checking in with staff.

That all abruptly ended when the governor’s executive Stay Home, Stay Safe order went into effect on March 24. Artlip’s connection to the world became the television and her activities centered more on reading.

That was until the phone rang a few weeks ago and a friendly voice from Care Resources PACE asked how she was doing.

“It is very comforting to know that someone cares and that they are concerned,” Artlip said.

What started as welfare calls to check on its nearly 250 elderly program participants has become what Care Resource PACE staff refer to as “happy calls,” where staff reach out to the members simply to chat.

“You talk to them about different things,” said Sue Pence, a transportation coordinator for Care Resource PACE, who joined the team to help make the “happy calls.” “You talk to them about different hobbies, what they are doing and how things are going.”

For Pence, the calls also have provided an opportunity to connect with those in the adult daycare program, where she worked before she became a transportation coordinator.

“It is nice to be able to reconnect with people I have not talked to in awhile,” she said, adding that some of the conversations can be pretty funny.

“There was one person who had this bird and it kept pooping on everything and she was talking about making it diapers and then we started talking about if you could even make diapers for a bird,” Pence said with a laugh adding others have asked about her finding a man for them — preferably a millionaire.

Care Resources is a community-based program with the PACE program being federally and state funded. The PACE program is designed to keep residents within their community for as long as possible, helping residents with medical and emotional needs. During the Stay Home, Stay Safe order, the “happy calls” provide a way for staff to check on the overall medical and emotional needs of each of its participants.


“Many of these people don’t have family or a connection into the community so this is a way for them to feel connected and, secondly, we are family to them,” Pence said.


Pence estimates that she makes about 15 to 25 calls a week, adding that the entire staff makes about 400 to 600 calls a week. The average call is around 35 minutes. “Sometimes it is shorter because the person just wants to check in and other times it is a little longer,” Pence said, adding that some of the people she will call two to three times a week.

Artlip said she receives about four calls a week, all from different people which makes it fun.

“We talk about different things,” she said. “It is just plain nice to have somebody to talk to.”

Care Resources PACE staff member gets ready to deliver activity packets to program participants. (Supplied)

Along with the calls, Care Resources PACE also has been providing activity packets filled with puzzles and word searches, which Artlip said have been a nice break in her routine. 

And while receiving the calls and packets are nice, Artlip said she can’t wait to get back to the center to see her friends, but as a former nurse, Artlip also recognizes the need for caution as the world deals with COVID-19.

Pence agreed she too can’t wait to see all the friendly faces as well, since now through those “happy calls” they have a few stories to share and laugh about when they do get the chance to have that face-to-face meet up again.

What is holistic care for seniors?

Courtesy Vista Springs Assisted Living

By Vista Springs Assisted Living

There are new advancements being made in medical fields everyday, which can mean great things for seniors who are in need of medical treatment. Even as scientific progress continues to make a significant impact, it’s just as important to meet the needs of a patient that go beyond medical care at the same time. A person’s physical, emotional, and mental states are just as important as their physical condition. 

So how do we meet those needs? Holistic care is an approach to healing that works to include all areas of a person’s wellbeing in their treatment plan. Most people are confused about what holistic care means and how it can apply to them — and in the case of seniors who need care, how it can improve their lives. Let’s take a look at what holistic care is and how it can apply to your loved one’s care plan. 

What is holistic care?

Holistic care is centered around a philosophy of healing the whole person. This means looking at a patient as a person first, not as a diagnosis or set of care needs. Holistic care takes into consideration other aspects of a person beyond the physical, including their feelings, emotions, and overall state of mind throughout their care journey.

In addition, holistic care tries to fix the cause of a condition instead of just managing the physical symptoms of sickness. Holistic treatments include not only the traditional remedies that you would receive from a regular doctor, but also different ways to help treat conditions that go beyond traditional medicine. 

Take, for example, migraines. If someone complained of migraines, a holistic medical practitioner would give the patient medication to manage pain just like most doctors. However, they would also look at what could be behind the headaches, such as a bad diet, poor sleep, or high stress levels. They would then suggest additional treatments for those factors, like a new diet plan, different habits for better sleep, or a massage or meditation course to help decrease stress.

Holistic care practitioners try to make patients feel dignified, respected, and heard by considering the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual needs of a patient. Common examples of holistic care include:

Holistic care & seniors

As people age and become seniors, they generally find themselves struggling with more and more health problems. This can be incredibly difficult to handle, especially if pain is a daily symptom. Many seniors look to avoid having an overwhelming amount of prescriptions and medications, many of which come with serious side effects.

While the benefits of medical science have undeniably come a long way, it’s also important that seniors feel valued as people. Holistic care can be a great supplemental option for seniors who want to maintain their dignity, feel valued and respected, and have different options for treatments and pain management alongside traditional remedies. 

Holistic care can have additional benefits that make a big impact on seniors, including:

  • Opportunities for socialization
  • Healthy relationships with long-term caregivers
  • Cognitive development and maintenance
  • An increased sense of self-worth and self-respect
  • Staying independent for longer
  • Spiritual and religious comfort 

Seniors don’t want to feel like a burden on their caregivers, and a brusque attitude can make them feel as though they aren’t being valued as people first and foremost. Seniors with serious illnesses can quickly become depressed if they aren’t treated with compassion and respect. Therefore, it makes sense that holistic care can go a long way in helping seniors mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Snapshots: Kentwood, Wyoming news and things to do

Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this.

Musician Celine Dion

By WKTV Staff

The Farmers Markets are Opening!

Metro Health Farm Market opens May 14. (WKTV)

The Metro Health Farm Market kicks off the summer season by opening Thursday, May 14. Due to COVID-19, the market will be a little different in that social distancing guidelines will be adhered to and those attending are asked to where masks and leave the personal shopping bags at home. The market will be open form 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more on the Metro Health Farm Market and other farmers markets, click here.

Music for Quarantine

Now on Blue Lake Public Radio: the Grand Rapids Symphony (Supplied)

Every Sunday in May, area residents can tune into a previously recorded Grand Rapids Symphony performance. Performances are on at 1 p.m. at WBLU-FM 88.9 in Grand Rapids or click here to access Blue Lake Public Radio online. For the complete line up, click here.

Remembering the Heroes of WWII

May 7 marked the 75th anniversary of when the Germans surrendered to the Allied Forces. This week’s KDL Staff picks features a selection of World War II books from Michael Bornstein’s “The Survivor’s Club to “They Called Us Enemy” by George Takei (of “Star Trek” fame). For the complete list, click here.

Fun Facts

A botanist running around like Rambo? Well according to Tim Evans, a GVSU professor of biology, if that’s what it takes to get people to discover Michigan’s amazing natural beauty, well why not? We’re all for it. Here is Evans’ first in a series on “Dangerous Botany.” To check out Evans’ other videos, click here.

Know the warning signs of suicidal thoughts

The sharpest rise in suicide rates has occurred among men aged 45 to 64 and girls aged 10 to 14. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Robert Preidt, HealthDay

Family, friends and acquaintances can play a key role in suicide prevention by being alert for signs and taking action to help someone who may be struggling, a mental health expert says.

Nearly 43,000 Americans commit suicide each year, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. For the past two decades, suicide rates have been rising in the United States, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

The sharpest rises in suicide rates have occurred among men aged 45 to 64 and girls aged 10 to 14, according to the CDC.

“There remains a lot of stigma associated with people who seek help for mental health, which prevents them from getting the assistance they need. We need to pay more attention to suicide prevention,” said William Zimmermann. He’s a clinician supervisor of New Jersey Hopeline, a suicide prevention hotline operated by Rutgers University’s Behavioral Health Care.

Many people mistakenly believe that suicides happen without warning. But most people who attempt suicide try to communicate their distress or suicide plans to someone, Zimmermann said in a Rutgers news release.

The problem is the suicide plans or thoughts may not be clearly stated, so asking direct questions about suicide can start the conversation and help-seeking process, he said.

Asking someone about suicide won’t put the idea in their head, Zimmermann said.

Warning signs of suicide attempts include increased substance abuse, anxiety, agitation, difficulty sleeping, dramatic mood changes, a feeling of hopelessness and being trapped, having no sense of purpose, social withdrawal, uncontrolled anger and reckless behavior.

If a person talks about wanting to hurt or kill themselves, threatens to hurt or kill themselves, or talks about looking for a method to kill themselves, get them immediate help or guidance by contacting a mental health professional or a suicide prevention hotline, Zimmermann said.

If you’re concerned about someone, ask them directly if they are thinking about suicide, Zimmermann said. He suggested saying things like: “I care about you. Some of the things you’ve said or done have made me wonder. Are you thinking about killing yourself?”

If they say they are considering suicide, don’t judge, don’t deny and don’t promise to keep it a secret, Zimmermann said. Get support for the person talking about suicide and for yourself, he said.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Metro Health Farm Market, others set to open as scheduled

The Metro Health Farm Market is set to open on May 14. (WKTV)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

Among the announcements of cancellations and/or delays in programming comes some good news: many area farmers markets such as the Metro Health Farm Market and the City of Kentwood Farmers Market will open as scheduled.

“We’re very excited,” said Metro Health Farm Market Manager Michelle Rademacher. The Metro Health Farm Market is scheduled to open May 14 and run until Oct. 8 at the Metro Health Village, 5900 Byron Center Ave. SW. The market is on Thursdays from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., rain or shine.

“There has been a lot of planning for this to take place so as to follow all of the stipulations for COVID-19,” Rademacher said.

Farmers markets have been deemed essential by the state but even with this classification comes limitations with only food vendors able to sell at the markets. Like many of the area farmers markets, the Metro Health Farm Market and the Kentwood Farmers Market will be following Center for Disease Control and Michigan Farmers Market Association COVID-19 guidelines.

Along with only essential items such as food being offered, vendors will be six feet apart and required to wear masks. Patrons will be encouraged to wear masks and to leave their personal shopping bags at home.

“There is going to be less out with vendors restocking,” Rademacher said. “Hopefully customers will say, ‘I would like three corn, one lettuce,’ and the vendor will pick and bag the items so as to reduce the amount of touching the items.”

“Everybody loves to pick up a tomato to see if it is the perfect one for their meal,” said Fulton Street Farmers Market Assistant Manager Dana Eardley. Being open year around, the Fulton Street Farmers Market, 1145 Fulton St. SE, was able to gradually institute procedures for social distancing and reduction in contact. This included a policy that only the the vendors are allowed to touch food and produce.

The Fulton Street Farmers Market had its official main (summer) season opening this past weekend, where the hours were increased to 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday through October. From November to April the market is only open for a few hours on Saturday.

Area farmers markets have been deemed essential by the state with vendors only able to offer food items such as diary, meat, and produce. (Free Domain)

Kentwood Farmers Market

To encourage vendors to follow the guidelines, the Kentwood Farmers Market is offering a Vendor Scholarship, which will cover 100 percent of the vendor fees. To qualify for the scholarship, a vendor who sells food products, needs to demonstrate a commitment to customer safety such as offering pre-packaged items or pick-up.

The Kentwood Farmers Market returns for its sixth season, June 4 and running through Aug. 27. The market will take place on Thursdays from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. in front of Kentwood City Hall, 4900 Breton Ave. SE. For more information on the Kentwood Farmers Market or the Vendor Scholarship, visit the market’s website

Get It and Go

The implementation of customer counts with the Fulton Street Farmers Market only being able to allow 66 customers in the market at onetime did prove to be a challenge. The market was required to close off all its side entrances and increase its volunteers to get the customer counts along with help at the handicap entrance, Eardley said.

“The market is a place that people come to stroll or have a family outing, letting the smells and produce call to them as to what they might want to add to their meals,” Eardley said. “We have had to really make a shift in having people get in and get their food and leave.”

Advance planning is encouraged with the Fulton Street Farmers Market instituting a “roll call” on its Facebook of vendors planning to be at the market so shoppers could plan.


The Metro Health Farm Market also will have traffic arrows to direct the market flow and some of its entrance points will be closed but there are no plans to track the number of people in the market.

“There is some fear that a farmers market can turn into a social gathering, “Rademacher said. “Hopefully people will follow social distancing guidelines and only send one person from a family to help with the crowd control.

Rademacher added staff will be keeping an eye on the first day to see if adjustments need to be made.

Making Their Dollars Count

Eardley remarked that attendance for opening weekend was lower than usually, but she did have good news for other farmers markets.

“Some of our vendors have told us that they have had record-breaking sales,” she said. “So while the volume was down, those who were coming are very serious about making their dollars count toward the local food farmers and not the big box stores.”

Rademacher concurred with Eardley, saying “I think people are acknowledging that farmers are small businesses and spending local wherever they can.”

What About Non-Food Items?

Most markets usually have a mix of food and non-food items. Fulton Street Farmers Market also has an artist market on Sundays starting in June. Because crafters and non-food vendors do not fall under the essential category, for now they will not be at the markets. Both Radamacher and Eardley said they remain hopeful that as guidelines change, non-essential vendors will be able to be added.

High voter turnout leads to good news for Kelloggsville, Godwin Heights

City of Wyoming offered curbside voting. City Clerk Kelli VandenBerg said they had about 40 people cast votes at city hall on May 5. (Supplied)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

It was a good morning for every school district in Kent County that had a millage or bond issue in yesterday’s election — they all passed including Kelloggsville’s request for a 1.0 mill sinking fund and Godwin Heights $13.9 million bond request.

The May 5 election was the first time in the state’s history that was totally absentee ballot. All registered voters within school districts with a proposal were mailed absentee applications and local municipalities had voting stations — and in the case of the City of Wyoming, curbside voting — set up on the day of the election.

“We saw a higher turnout then we normally see for a special election,” said Wyoming City Clerk Kelli VandenBerg, who added that there was about a 14 percent turnout for the May 5 special election with the city usually having about a four to six percent turnout for similar elections.

VandenBerg said there could be a number of factors that contributed to the increase such as absentee applications were direct mailed and since people were home, they had more time to complete the ballot. 

“We really weren’t sure what to expect,” VandenBerg said, adding that the entire process went very well. Most of the voting did happen through the mail, with about 40 voters come to city hall to vote, she said.

Playground at Southeast Elementary will benefit from the recently approved 1.0 mill sinking fund. (WKTV)

For the May 5 election, Kelloggsville sought a 1.0 mill sinking fund request over 10 years to help with technology and safety improvements and the repair and construction of school buildings. In the first year, the district would receive $371,073 with West Elementary slated to receive the first round of funding for new carpet, lockers, playground upgrades and repaving the parking lot. Over the next 10 years, about every building within the district would benefit from the sinking fund by receiving roof replacements, classroom updates and parking lot repaving.

Kelloggsville encompasses a portion of the City of Wyoming and the City of Kentwood. With about 15.54 percent of the 8,307 registered voters within the district voting, the measure passed 710 to 576.

“We want to say ‘Thank You’ to our community,” said Eric Alcorn, Kelloggsville’s auxiliary services director. “We truly appreciate the trust they have in us even in these trying times. This is really exciting for our kids, parents, staff, community, and everyone connected to Kelloggsville. The passing of the sinking fund will allow us to make the necessary improvements in our classrooms and facilities throughout the district. We look forward to seeing the results of the annual improvements for the years to come.”

Godwin Heights Public Schools sought a $13.9 million bond proposal for structural, technological, and transportation upgrades. The bond would not increase taxes but would extend the current millage rate and constitute the second phase of a vision that started with a bond proposal approved by voters in 2015, according to a School News Network article.

Godwin Heights is in the City of Wyoming. With about 13.69 percent of its 8,130 register voters voting, the bond proposal passed, 653 to 457.

Will there be absentee voting in the fall? That is something the state will have to decide. (WKTV)

The City of Wyoming also has a small portion of voters in the Byron Center Public Schools, which was seeking a bond proposal. With one of the highest turnouts, 37.82 percent of its 20,252 registered voters, the proposal passed 4,805 to 2,830. Interestingly, according to the Kent County election results, none of the 10 City of Wyoming registered voters voted in the May 5 special election.


As to whether the absentee balloting should be done for August and November, which has been mentioned by state leaders, VandenBerg said that the fall elections are a different scale. In the special election, the city was dealing with about 12,000 voters, she said, adding that in the August and November elections, the number of voters is more than 52,000. 

“I think there are elements from this election that are worth looking at but as to whether the fall elections should be absentee will be guided by decisions from others,” VandenBerg said. 

KDL Staff Picks: World War II

Seventy-five years ago on May 7 the Germans officially surrender to the Allied Forces. In honor of that historic day, the KDL Staff Picks focus on a few books about World War II.


Survivor’s Club
By Michael Bornstein

I enjoyed the first person account by Michael Bornsein, one of the youngest survivors of Auschwitz. I wanted to engross myself in this survival story as I anticipate the Holocaust survivor Guest Speaker, Lowenberg, who is coming to WYO on Nov 13th. Like the boy in this book, it is about surviving but most importantly about overcoming hate.

Jules at Wyoming

The Medallion
By Cathy Gohlke

I found myself sitting on the seat of my chair, I was caught up in the lives of the characters, the suffering, sorrow, pain, turmoil and hate, especially during the war against the Jewish people and anyone who dared assist them in any way. I knew the story would be hard to read, because of what people suffered, especially the children. But I loved the power of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness that shines bright in this book.

– Kelly at Nelson/Sand Lake

Mr. Churchill’s Secretary
Susan Elia MacNeal

Mystery readers who enjoy books in series will want to consider Mr. Churchill’s Secretary. Maggie Hope, a whip-smart, educated, and beautiful young woman with a background in mathematics and a talent for breaking codes, chafes at her role as secretary, but her talents don’t remain undercover for long. Readers will want to start with this, the first in the series, which introduces the many characters and which so accurately conveys the atmosphere of London during the war.

– Mark at Krause Memorial

The Librarian Auschwitz
Antonio Iturbe

This was a very inspiring Historical Fiction novel based on the 14 year old girl Dita Kraus who risked her life to protect a selection of 8 books smuggled in by prisoners of Auschwitz. It is a story about bravery and strength of a young female main character as she navigates herself through the Nazi concentration camp bringing hope and the love of learning to the children of Auschwitz.

Jules at Wyoming


The Called Us Enemy
By George Takei

A graphic memoir recounting actor/author/activist George Takei’s childhood imprisoned within American concentration camps during World War II. Experience the forces that shaped an American icon — and America itself. An excellent graphic novel about a part of American history not often spoken of.

– Shaunna at Alpine

For more KDL Staff Picks, visit the Kent District Library,, and click on the “Recommendations” table on the left side of the page.

Study: Active body shapes agile mind

Physical activity is one of the leading factors in determining brain health in middle age and later years. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Robert Preidt, HealthDay

Want to reduce your risk of dementia? Take care of your heart.

That’s the takeaway from a new study that suggests good heart health in middle age could lower your odds for problems with thinking and memory later in life.

The study included nearly 7,900 British adults who did not have heart disease or dementia at age 50. Over an average 25-year followup, 347 cases of dementia were diagnosed among participants. Average age at diagnosis: 75.

After taking other factors into account, researchers linked a higher score at age 50 on seven healthy habits outlined in the American Heart Association’s “Life Simple 7” with a lower risk of dementia later in life.

The Life Simple 7 assesses smoking, diet, physical activity, fasting blood sugar, blood cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index (a measure of body fat based on height and weight).

Dementia rates were 1.3 per 1,000 person years among participants who had high scores on heart healthy habits, compared to 3.2 per 1,000 for low-scorers, according to the study published recently in the BMJ.

A better score at age 50 was also associated with higher overall brain and gray matter volumes in MRI scans 20 years later.

Though the study could not prove that heart-healthy living actually caused dementia risk to drop, the researchers said their findings support public policies to improve heart health in middle age. They pointed out that dementia is a progressive disease that can start 15 to 20 years before symptoms appear.

“Our findings suggest that the Life’s Simple 7, which comprises the cardiovascular health score, at age 50 may shape the risk of dementia in a synergistic manner,” the study team wrote. “Cardiovascular risk factors are modifiable, making them strategically important prevention targets.”

The lead author is Severine Sabia of the French National Institute of Health in Paris and University College London.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Anxious? Distressed? You’re not alone

Hundreds of thousands of Americans live with serious psychological distress. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Dennis Thompson, HealthDay

More Americans than ever before are stressed, depressed and anxiety-ridden, and many are unable to get the help they need, a study suggests.

An estimated 8.3 million American adults─about 3.4 percent of the U.S. population─suffer from serious psychological distress, an evaluation of federal health data concluded. Previous estimates put the number of Americans suffering from serious psychological distress at 3 percent or less, the researchers said.

“Mental illness is on the rise. Suicide is on the rise. And access to care for the mentally ill is getting worse,” said lead researcher Judith Weissman. She’s a research manager in the department of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City.

This increase is likely a lasting after-effect of the Great Recession that began in late 2007─a stress-filled time that caused long-term emotional damage to many Americans, Weissman suggested.

Many people psychologically affected by the Great Recession haven’t been able to get the help they need, either because they can’t afford it or because their condition hampers their ability to seek out treatment, she said.

As a result, hundreds of thousands of Americans live with serious psychological distress, an umbrella term that runs from general hopelessness and nervousness all the way up to diagnosable conditions such as depression and anxiety, Weissman explained.

“The recession seemed to have pushed the mentally ill to a point where they never recovered,” she said. “This is a very disturbing finding because of the implications of what mental illness can do to a person in terms of their ability to function and their life span.”

The study included national health data from a survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 35,000 households nationwide participate each year.

The investigators found that between 2006 and 2014, access to health care services deteriorated for people with serious psychological distress, compared to people without emotional distress.

Comparing self-reported psychological distress symptoms across nine years, the research team estimated that nearly one in 10 distressed Americans in 2014 did not have health insurance that would give them access to a psychiatrist or mental health counselor.

In 2014, people with serious psychological distress were nearly three times more likely to experience delays in getting professional help due to insufficient mental health coverage than people without serious distress, the study findings showed.

Approximately 10 percent of people with serious psychological distress could not afford to pay for their psychiatric care in 2014, up from just under 9 percent in 2006.

The economic turmoil caused by the Great Recession struck at the heart of the American dream, rattling some to their core, Weissman said.

“Earning and sustaining a living is getting harder for people, especially for men,” Weissman said. “The loss of jobs could mean there’s a loss of community and a loss of role as wage earners and providers.”

Dr. Harsh Trivedi is president and CEO of Sheppard Pratt Health System, a Maryland mental health provider. He said constant noise from the internet and social media likely serve to amp up people’s anxiety and angst.

“In the past, you may go out and meet with your friends and talk about something, but when you got home you’d go to sleep,” Trivedi said. “The difficulty now is you can’t really turn things off. We don’t necessarily have downtimes to recharge and get our bearings straight again.”

Weissman pointed out that psychologically distressed people already struggle to deal with the health care system, and on top of that there are national shortages of mental health professionals.

And, Trivedi added, the ongoing debate over the Affordable Care Act isn’t doing distressed individuals any favors.

“If you are in a more distressed state, how easy is it for you, from a psychological perspective, to seek care?” Trivedi said. “If the overall market is shifting, and you are more psychologically distressed, how are you going to have the faculties to keep track of your access to health care?”

Weissman said insurance companies should pay for mental health services, which need to be more fully integrated into primary care for people.

“We need to increase access to care for the mentally ill,” she said. “We also need to put trained psychiatrists and mental health providers within the primary care setting. If you have linkages of care within primary care, then the mentally ill patient can be helped even if they’ve come in for some other reason.”

The study was published in the journal Psychiatric Services.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Photo of the Week: Cookie As Art

There has been a lot of baking going on during the Stay Home, Stay Safe order and Kentwood resident Gerald DeMaagd benefited from these special delights that were a gift from Kentwood residents Ray and Kris Bizon. The technique used for the cookies was royal cookie icing.

Do you have a photo you would like considered for Photo of the Week? Email it to WKTV Managing Editor Joanne Bailey-Boorsma at

Metro Health relies on virtual care to continue seeing patients safely during COVID-19

Dr. Renee Elderkin conducts a virtual visit with a patient. (Supplied)

By Jamie Allen
Metro Health – University of Michigan Health

Social distancing precautions are important, but so is a patient’soverall health. Metro Health is here for patients and their families and wants to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 outbreak. This means finding innovative ways to continuing seeing patients at a safe distance.

Metro Health’s virtual care options allow for patients to stay in regular contact with their providers and care team amid COVID-19, while keeping both the patient and provider safe. Delaying care can be often be dangerous to a patient’s health when ongoing care needs are significant. In addition to primary care for annual check-ups and medication checks, all 14 Metro Health specialties are seeing patients through phone calls, emails and video visits.

“Virtual care has always been a part of our patient access strategy, but COVID-19 has rapidly shifted our focus from in-person care to virtual care in our primary and specialty care settings,” said Josh Wilda,Chief Information Officer, Metro Health – University of Michigan Health.”

Video visits are safe, secure and use a high-quality connection. When in-person visits are not possible, a video visit is the next best thing. This option provides a connected experience for the patient and provider, by supporting nonverbal cues like body language and facial expressions. Metro Health’s virtualcare options have been very well received by patients.

“Our patients’ response to virtual care has been one of relief,” said Wilda. “When our office connects with patients, they have been grateful to be able to continue their care without having to come into the office or the hospital during these times of recommended social distancing.”

Dr. Ghali Taling discusses care with a patient through a virtual meeting. (Supplied)

“Our endocrinology patients are simply happy that their physicians can see them from the safety of theirown homes,” said Metro Health Endocrinologist, Dr. Edward Kryshak. “Many of our higher risk patientsare afraid to leave their homes and virtual care options make continued care for this vulnerable population possible.”

New mothers are also among those grateful that they can stay connected to their OBGYNs without having to expose their newborns to unnecessary germs during traditional post-partum office visits.

“I had a patient last week that I did a video visit with who was six weeks post-partrum,” said StevenLown, OBGYN, Metro Health – University of Michigan Health. “It was a beautiful day outside and shewas walking with her baby in a stroller. She said she loved it and commented how nice it was that she could be out walking her infant and do a visit at the same time.”

Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, Metro Health has conducted 6,700 video visits. In addition to video visits, patients can take advantage of asynchronous visits for emailing their providers questionsand concerns through Metro Health’s digital platform, MyChart.

To schedule a visit using one of Metro Health’s virtual care options, patients should reach out to their Metro Health provider. If you do not have a provider, please visit

Spotlight on maternal depression

Having a ready list of friends and family to help out can make all the difference for new moms on those overwhelming days. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Samantha Kauffman, Spectrum Health Beat

There’s no shortage of official and unofficial celebrations throughout the year, with different days and months designated for this cause or that.

Some days feel like marketing vehicles as much as cultural celebrations, such as national donut day or national taco day.

Other celebrations are rooted in promotions of careers or important social or medical causes, such as national nurse’s week and autism awareness month.

The organization Postpartum Support International has designated the month of May maternal depression awareness month.

In previous posts on this topic, we’ve explored tips for new moms and touched on possible ways family members and friends can help as new moms adjust to life after childbirth.

There’s little doubt that Mother’s Day played some role in choosing May as national maternal depression awareness month.

The campaign encourages people to share stories and seek help when they’re feeling down.

According to Postpartum Support International, untreated depression is the No. 1 complication in pregnancy and about 1 in 7 moms experience postpartum depression, but only about 15% seek treatment. The organization also feels that many new moms aren’t asked about how they are feeling emotionally.

I can say with confidence that at Spectrum Health family birthing centers, moms take a postpartum depression screening before they leave the hospital and often another at their postpartum follow-up visit.

The postpartum period from birth until the baby is about 3 months old is often considered the fourth trimester—essentially still part of the pregnancy period.

In those few short months, a mom’s body is still adjusting from a pregnant state to a non-pregnant state.

Here are some things new moms can do after having a baby:

Lifestyle focus

  • Take time for naps or occasional rest breaks. It’s not always possible to sleep, but if baby is sleeping, take that time to do something for yourself—read a book, watch a movie, take a bath or whatever you enjoy.
  • Don’t set high expectations for yourself for a while. I like to tell patients in class to think of their Top 3 things they need everyday, then pick one and share with their spouse. That one thing is the goal for the first two weeks.
  • Set limits with visitors so they don’t overstay their welcome.
  • Create a list of things that family, friends and others can do to help out.
  • Get outside for a short walk. Just a little basic exercise outside can really help you feel better.
  • Be open about how you feel with your partner.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others—especially on social media.
  • Expect to have some good days and some bad days.

Nutrition goals

  • Eat every few hours. Healthy food choices impact how we feel.
  • During pregnancy, consumption of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate postpartum depression symptoms.
  • Your body mass index, or BMI, can affect anxiety and depression. One study showed that overweight women were at risk of elevated anxiety and depression at both four months postpartum and 14 months postpartum. (Interestingly, BMI wasn’t noted to affect anxiety levels during pregnancy.)

Seeking help

  • Look for support from family and friends. Avoid anyone who discourages or seems to bring you down.
  • Keep your postpartum appointment with your provider and call with any concerns that arise.
  • See if there is a postpartum depression group or mood disorder support group in your community.
  • Remember that dads can also experience postpartum depression symptoms—so be sure to keep an eye on dad’s mood, too.

Focus on baby

  • Strengthen your bond with your baby with skin-to-skin contact. This benefits both mom and baby—and dad, too.
  • An infant massage is great for bonding. It has been shown to decrease postpartum depression symptoms.
  • Smile, sing and talk to your baby regularly.

If you feel you have postpartum depression, you should call your OB provider.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Hear live GR Symphony concerts on Blue Lake Radio every Sunday in May

By Jeffrey Kaczmarczyk
Grand Rapids Symphony

Grand Rapids Symphony Music Director Marcelo Lehninger leads the Grand Rapids Symphony in its 2019-2020 opening performance. (Supplied) 

In this time of social distancing, we need music now more than ever. While concert halls, movie theaters, restaurants and pubs are closed, the Grand Rapids Symphonyis reaching into its archivesto bring you concerts performed live in DeVos Performance Hall.

Listen to Blue Lake Public Radioevery Sunday afternoon in May and hear your Grand Rapids Symphony in a past concert originally performed live and unedited, so it’s almost like being there in the audience in DeVos Hall.

Tune in at 1 p.m. Sundays to Blue Lake Radio at WBLU-FM 88.9in Grand Rapids or WBLV-FM 90.3in Muskegon or go online to Blue Lake Radio here.

Over the next four Sundays, you can hear music by Gustav Mahler, Piotr Tchaikovsky, Johannes Brahms and Frederic Chopin among other great composers plus such eminent soloists as Grand Rapids’ own Grammy winningmezzo soprano Michelle DeYoung; 2015 International Tchaikovsky CompetitionGold Medal-winning cellist Andrei Ioniță; Grand Rapids Symphony concertmaster and violinist James Crawford; and GRS Music Director Marcelo Lehninger’smother, pianist Sônia Goulart.

The Grand Rapids Symphony performs in DeVos Performance Hall. (Supplied)

Here’s the schedule for Grand Rapids Symphony concerts on Blue Lake Public Radio in May:

Sun., May 3 – Marcelo Conducts Mahler

Originally performed April 12-13, 2019

MAHLER:Symphony No. 3

Marcelo Lehninger, conductor 

Michelle DeYoung, mezzo-soprano

Grand Rapids Symphony Women’s Chorus

One of his most popular orchestral works of all, Mahler’s sunny, Symphony No. 3 was named the “10thGreatest Symphony of All Time” in a poll of professional conductors for BBC Music Magazine. A lover of nature, Mahler spent summers in the countryside outside of Salzburg where he composed his Third Symphony in a tiny shed, built at the edge of a meadow, near the shore of a lake, with a view of the mountains beyond. Grammy Award-winning mezzo soprano Michelle DeYoung, who was born in Grand Rapids, is soloist in the work whose slow movement was arranged for a small orchestra and performed in New York City on the 10thanniversary of 9/11.

Sun., May 10 – Mother’s Day with Maestro

Originally performed May 17-18, 2019

RAVEL:Mother Goose Suite

CHOPIN:Concerto No. 2 for Piano

BRAHMS:Symphony No. 2

Marcelo Lehninger, conductor 

Sônia Goulart, piano

Marcelo Lehninger’s mother, pianist Sônia Goulart, joins her son to celebrate Mother’s Day 2019. One of the most prominent Brazilian artists of the past 30 years, Goulart makes her Grand Rapids debut performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto in F minor, an idiomatic and highly personal work that only could have been composed by one of the greatest pianists of all time. Johannes Brahms spent nearly 20 years struggling to compose his First Symphony. With that behind him, the great German Romantic composer dashed off his Symphony No. 2 while on a summer vacation. A friend who was among the first to hear it before its premiere told Brahms, “It is all rippling streams, blue sky, sunshine and cool green shadows.”

Sun. May 17 – All Tchaikovsky

Originally performed February 8, 2019


TCHAIKOVSKY:Variations on a Rococo Theme for cello and orchestra, Op. 33

TCHAIKOVSKY:Nocturne for cello and orchestra

TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 4

Marcelo Lehninger, conductor 

Andrei Ioniță, cello 

Grand Rapids Symphony Chorus

Tchaikovsky was one of the greatest composers of melody who ever lived. In his late 30s, the unabashed romantic truly hit his stride. In just four years from 1875 to 1879, Tchaikovsky premiered his First Piano Concerto, his Violin Concerto in D Major, his ballet Swan Lake, and his opera Eugene Onegin.Nestled among these are his deeply emotional, fateful Symphony No. 4 and his exquisite Variations on a Rococo Theme. Andrei Ioniță, winner of the Gold Medal at the 2015 International Tchaikovsky Competition, is soloist in Tchaikovsky’s only major work for cello and orchestra.

Sun. May 24 – Elgar’s Enigma Variations

Originally performed March 1-2, 2019

SAWYERS:Valley of Vision(US Premiere)

WALTON: Concerto for Violin

ELGAREnigma Variations 

David Lockington, conductor

James Crawford, violin

The British are coming, the British are coming, led by English-born conductor David Lockington.

Edward Elgar mysteriously composed each of his 14 Enigma Variationswith a particular friend in mind. The exquisite “Nimrod” Variation, performed for the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, is heard at the end of the 2017 film Dunkirk. James Crawford, Concertmaster of the Grand Rapids Symphony, is soloist on William Walton’s Concerto for Violin, written for and premiered by the great American virtuoso Jascha Heifetz. Grand Rapids Symphony has previously performed several works by Philip Sawyers, a childhood friend of Lockington’s.

Sun. May 31 – Brahms’ Symphony No. 4

Originally performed Oct. 24-25, 2014


BRAHMS: Symphony No. 4

Kynan Johns, guest conductor

David Shiffrin, clarinet

Suzanna Dennis Bratton, clarinet

Composed at the height of his career as a composer, Brahms’ Symphony No. 4 was an immediate hit at its premiere in October 1885. Much like Mozart’s “Jupiter” Symphony, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, and Schubert’s “Great” Symphony, Brahms’ last symphony has achieved the immortality and enduring popularity of the final symphonies of those composers. The 19thcentury composer Amilcare Ponchielli is little remembered today apart his “Dance of the Hours” from his opera La Giaconda. But the prolific Italian composer wrote many works for orchestra and bands including Il Convegno, a virtuoso showpiece for two clarinetists, featuring dazzling technical brilliance from both guest clarinetist David Shiffrin and GRS principal clarinetist Suzy Bratton.

Wyoming opens Yard Waste Drop-Off site, social distancing guidelines in effect

The City of Wyoming has a yard waste disposal site for its residents. (WKTV)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

There have been a few nice days these past couple of weeks and the weekend at least is looking dry, which means that many residents might be heading outside to do some lawn work. Good news if you are in the City of Wyoming: the city has opened its Yard Waste Drop-Off Site, located 2660 Burlingame Ave. SW.

Due to social distancing, the hours will follow similar to the city’s snow plowing days. Those with addresses ending in an an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7) may drop off on Monday and Wednesday and those with addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) may drop off on Tuesday and Thursday. Friday and Saturday will be open to all residents. The hours for the site are from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. 

Only 15 cars will be allowed in the area at one time. Staff is asking everyone to be patient as the new guidelines may cause some delays in getting into the drop-off area.

Also, those coming to the site must wear a mask and have proof of residency such as a valid photo ID or a city water/sewer bill, property tax bill or tax assessment. 

Items should be sorted and placed in the correct pile. There is a leaves and grass pile for leaves, plants, flowers, and grass clippings and a brush pile for sticks, branches, bushes, and stumps less than three-feet in diameter. 

Leaf and plastic bags are not accepted, so if you bring them, you must leave with them. Also not accepted is sod, dirt, rock, stones, sand, RR ties, treated wood, fencing, shingles, concrete, asphalt, furniture, carpet, glass, garbage, scrap metal, appliance, paint, and chemicals. Basically, if it does not grow on the lawn, it is not welcomed.

To enter the Yard Waste Drop-Off Site, you must make a right turn from the north bound lane of Burlingame Avenue. At the guard shack, show your proof of residency. You should wear a mask and stay six-feet apart from other people. To exit, you will need to make a right-hand turn on to Burlingame Avenue.

For more information, visit the City of Wyoming’s Yard Waste Drop-Off Site page

Pronto Pups soon to be available in Grand Rapids

Andy Bogart and Matt Morton are bringing Pronto Pups to Grand Rapids with a food truck/trailer. (Supplied)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

While many are looking at how to reopen their business, Andy Bogart and his business partner Matt Morton are investing in the future with a very familiar food item: the Pronto Pups.

“I just paid for the truck today,” said Bogart during a phone interview on April 28 about the new Pronto Pups Grand Rapids food truck. “I really believe that after all this and the shutdown, food trucks are going to be more in demand than ever because they can accommodate the social distancing requirements.”

That and the fact that the Pronto Pup is such a legend in the area, had Bogart, who is from the Grandville/Wyoming area and his partner, Morton, who lives in Kentwood, decide to make the jump into the food truck business.

“I saw the food truck at an event I was at and I always honestly thought it was just a Michigan thing,” Bogart said. “I never knew it was actually a national chain based out of Portland, Oregon.”

For many area residents, including Bogart, Pronto Pups is associated with Grand Haven where one of the most famous — and the longest running — stands featuring the popular batter-dipped dog on a stick is located. Opened in 1947, the Grand Haven Pronto Pup is located off the waterway on Harbor Drive, and its reputation has people driving miles and standing in long lines to get one of the famous Pronto Pup dogs.

But Bogart, who also owns the food delivery service Five Star Food Express, had seen Pronto Pups in East Tawas, Michigan, located off of Lake Huron, where he camped with family. After seeing the Pronto Pups truck, Bogart started doing some research on Pronto Pups and discovered it is a national phenomenon. 

The story is that husband and wife team George and Versa Boyington created the speciality dog in the late 1930s. The couple ran a small hot dog stand at Rockaway Beach, Oregon, located west of Portland near the Pacific Ocean. When a rainstorm came, the hot dog buns would be ruined becoming wet and soggy. George Boyington came up with the idea of cooking a “bun” as needed. He created a pancake batter based mix and the duo came up with the Pronto Pups formula used today. According to the Pronto Pups website, by 1941 the Boyington’s invention had become a nationwide hit.

Pronto Pups are a highlight at the Minnesota State Fair and the original Pronto Pups stand is still located in Rockaway Beach, which boosts to be the home of the world’s largest corndog and the first riding mechanical corndog. The Oregon-based Pronto Pups company still specializes in providing everything to make a Pronto Pup along with other carnival and amusement park food supplies such as cotton candy and other fry items such as onion rings.

Pronto Pups Grand Rapids is a separate franchise and is not affiliated with the Grand Haven location. The Pronto Pups Grand Rapids will be serving the Greater Grand Rapids area and Kent County, along with going into other areas such as Greenville. The Pronto Pups Grand Rapids truck will feature the Pronto Pup along with Pronto Pups with a twist such as with cheese or jalapeños. Other menu items may include gourmet hot dogs, vegan hot dogs, brats, and walking tacos.

“It is really cool to be able to bring back a childhood memory of when you use to go to the fair and get a corndog,” Bogart said.


Bogart estimates that it will still be another 45 days until the truck is fully operational. During that time, he has been working to build a client base and recently joined the Grand Rapids Food Truck Association. He said he also has been looking at festivals and events to bring the truck and hopes one location will be the City of Kentwood’s annual End of Summer Food Truck Festival, which is usually in the fall.

Until then, Pronto Pup aficionados will have to follow the Pronto Pups Grand Rapids progress on its Facebook page.  

The inner path to an outer glow

If it’s great skin you’re after, make healthy food and hydration a priority. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Irene Franowicz, Spectrum Health Beat

Yes, some women can thank their genes for that youthful glow. But they don’t have the market cornered on smooth and seemingly ageless skin.

Those of us who haven’t been genetically blessed can still glide into our 40s, 50s and 60s with soft, dewy skin.

Vitamin-infused creams and lotions can certainly improve skin and hair, but if you really want to look great, you have to start on the inside.

The truth is, the right foods will not only help you feel great, they’ll also help you get beautiful locks and a glowing complexion.

8 essentials for better skin:


Water is essential to providing moisture and suppleness to skin. It helps transport nutrients to all our cells—skin, hair and nails—and it’s a natural lubricant for our joints.

You should drink about half your body weight in fluid ounces each day. (So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink about 75 ounces of water.)

If you’re feeling bloated, you may be retaining fluid from too much sodium. Drinking water flushes away excess sodium and aids in weight loss by removing excess water weight.

Want to add a refreshing flavor to your water? Add in a slice of lemon, lime or cucumber, or try my favorite: chopped fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries.

Vitamin A, beta-carotene

Think green vegetables, orange vegetables and fruit.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps maintain and repair tissues in the body. It provides moisture for eyes, skin and epithelial cells that cover or line all our body parts, externally and internally.

Beta-carotene winners: sweet potatoes, mangoes, butternut squash, apricots, broccoli, collard greens, spinach and kale.

The options are without limit: Try some mango salsa. Toss a handful of baby spinach into your smoothie. Roast some butternut squash. Roast some sweet potatoes with olive oil. Enjoy a broccoli salad with cranberries and sunflower seeds.

You can make healthy substitutions, too. Instead of fries with your burger, trade them for baby carrots and broccoli with a spinach dip.

Just a tip: Traditional, store-bought spinach dip is laden with mayonnaise, so instead use thawed, drained and chopped frozen spinach to make it greener and healthier.

Vitamin C

The American Academy of Dermatology says vitamin C can be highly protective against sun damage. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties help reduce skin damage caused by free radicals, a harmful byproduct of sunlight, smoke and pollution.

This vitamin also promotes production of collagen, which acts like tissue cement to help keep skin from sagging.

Excellent sources include strawberries, blueberries, mangoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and citrus fruits.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps keep skin smooth, healthy and younger looking. It’s an antioxidant much like vitamin C, as it counters the effects of sun exposure. It’s also used topically as a cream and lotion to soothe dry skin.

Great sources include hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ and avocados.

B complex vitamins

A deficiency in B vitamins can cause dermatitis—an itchy, scaly skin reaction. Sources of these vitamins include bananas, eggs, oatmeal, whole grains, lentils and cereals.


Seafood has good fats—essential fatty acids and omega-3—which help reduce inflammation in the body. These may also help reduce wrinkles.

The best types of seafood are salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel and sardines. Try adding a seafood meal twice a week. It’s as easy as a tuna fish sandwich for lunch and grilled teriyaki salmon for dinner.

Get calcium

What do milk, yogurt and soy have in common? They’re high in calcium, which makes them great not only for your skin, but for your bones and nails.

Yogurt also has probiotics that aid in digestion. It’s a great way to add protein and calcium to your smoothies.

Mediterranean staples

Don’t avoid fat just for the sake of your waistline. Eat the Mediterranean way and include plenty of olive oil, flaxseed, avocados, nuts and seeds.

Many women have dry, flaky skin because they don’t eat enough good fats—essential fatty acids. Fat is needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K.

Enjoy some guacamole, serve olives on your appetizer tray, enjoy almond butter on your whole grain toast topped with banana slices, and top your yogurt with almonds and sunflower seeds.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Kelloggsville asking for sinking fund to help with long-term projects

The playground at Southeast Elementary. (WKTV)

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

The playground at Kelloggsville’s Southeast Elementary is a mismatch of different equipment: silver monkey bars that look like they are from the 1970s mixed in with what seems like newer bright blue swings, a slider, and balance equipment.

It is easy to tell that the equipment has been used — a lot. The bright blue paint on the slider has been chipped away to reveal the metal. The slides with scratches are now a faded pink and the monkey bars have a slight bent in them.

Southeast Elementary and the district’s West Elementary are two of Kelloggsville’s oldest buildings. Admitting he is not certain of their age, Eric Alcorn, Kelloggsville’s auxiliary services director, said he estimates Southeast Elementary to have been built in the 1950s or early 1960s.

Playground upgrades at the two elementary buildings are on a long list of proposed projects that will be funded if Kelloggsville voters approve a May 5 proposed 1.0 mill sinking fund request.

West Elementary would be the first school to receive new lockers, carpet, playground upgrades and parking lot repaving. (WKTV)

“With our newest elementary building, we want to make sure that all the buildings are up-to-date and that all our students are benefiting from the rewards by being able to grow both physically and mentally,” Alcorn said.

As district officials proposed a 2018 bond request for a new elementary building (which was approved by voters), they made it clear that the new building was part of a long-term plan to update and modernize the district’s elementary schools. The sinking fund request is the next step in that plan with Superintendent Samuel Wright stating on the district’s website that “A plan has been made to identify items that are necessary to keep our buildings in excellent shape and aren’t exactly recognizable. Items such as parking lot paving, HVAC, roofs, and energy conserving projects are expensive and additional funds are needed to complete these projects.”

In Michigan, a sinking fund is a millage levied to support school safety improvements, technology improvements, and the repair and construction of school buildings. It is a “pay as you go” system that does not require borrowing money or paying interest. A sinking fund milage is calculated using the taxable value of a home, which is usually about half of the assessed value. For example, Kelloggsville Public Schools is asking for 1.0 mill. On a house valued at $100,000, the taxable value is $50,000. The annual cost to a Kelloggsville taxpayer would be $50, which is about 96 cents a week.

A sinking fund is for up to 10 years. Kelloggsville’s sinking fund request would run from 2020 – 2029. It is estimated that within the first year, 2020, the district would receive about $371,073.

An important aspect to a sinking fund, which Alcorn pointed out, is that money from that fund can not be used for things like regular maintenance, purchasing teaching supplies or textbooks, or paying teacher and administrator salaries. In fact, the law requires districts with sinking funds to keep these funds separate from the district accounts and a district also must have s separate auditor each year of the funds to ensure they are being spent appropriately.

“The fund will help us pay for long term projects that in the end will help us not have to pull from the general funds to help pay for it,” Alcorn said, adding by creating a fund that allows for the district to handle building and safety concerns, the district is able to maintain school services without concerns of having to use money for an emergency. 

“We are not in a situation where an emergency needs to be addressed,” Alcorn said. “However, we do not want to have to make a decision that would move money away from student services because of a need.”

School officials have made a wish list over the 10-year life of the sinking fund of items they would address in the district’s facilities. Year one would focus on West Elementary receiving new carpet, lockers, playground upgrades, and the parking lot would be repaved. The second and third year would focus on Southeast Elementary, which would receive playground upgrades, repaved parking lot that would include a bus loop, and classroom remodels. In fact, over the 10 years, every building in the district, which also includes the Early Childhood Learning Center, the middle school, high school and the alternative high school, 54th Street Academy, would benefit from the fund by receiving roof replacements, classroom updates and parking lot repaving.


If the sinking fund is approve, in year 9 the 54th Street Academy would receive a roof replacement and in year 10, its parking lot would be repaved. (WKTV)

Voting by Absentee

Kelloggsville Public Schools has about 2,400 students enrolled for the 2019-2020 school year, with Alcorn noting the district continues to grow. While most Kent County school districts are pretty much contained to one area, Kelloggsville Public Schools has about half its students in the City of Wyoming and the other half are from the City of Kentwood.

Alcorn said the district was just gearing up to inform voters about the sinking fund request when the Stay Home, Stay Safe order took effect on March 24. In April, the governor issued an executive order that the May 5 elections would be done “to the greatest extent possible” by absentee voter ballots.

Residents who have not received a notice for an absentee ballot may request one from their local clerks office. The Kelloggsville Public Schools’ website also has information on how to obtain an absentee ballot. The ballot must be mailed and received by 5 p.m. May 1 or you may bring the ballot to your city’s clerk’s office on the day of the election, May 5, by 8 p.m.

Also according to the May 5 elections order, the clerk’s office in both cities will be open for people to request, fill out and return an absentee ballot. Voters may also register and vote that day as well. According to the Kelloggsville website, you may request ballot up until 4 p.m. on May 5 and you have until 8 p.m. to return an absentee ballot.

For specific guidelines on May 5 voting, visit the City of Wyoming Clerk’s Office page or the City of Kenwood Clerk’s Office page.

Opera Grand Rapids announces new dates for ‘Turandot’


Opera Grand Rapids has moved its production of “Turandot” to September. (Opera Grand Rapids)

Opera Grand Rapids has moved its Turandot performance to September. The new dates are Sept. 25 and 26 at 7:30 p.m. at DeVos Performance Hall in downtown Grand Rapids.

The performance, which had been scheduled for the beginning of May, was moved due to the governor’s executive order limiting large gatherings.

Those who already have tickets to “Turandot” will automatically have their tickets transferred to the corresponding show in September. For example, if you have purchased tickets to attend on Friday, May 1, your tickets has automatically been transferred to Friday, September 25. You will need your existing tickets to attend the show.

Those unable to attended the rescheduled performance have the following options:

Transfer your ticket to a different of the performance. (For example, if you had tickets on Friday, you can change to Saturday.)

Transfer your ticket to any other Opera Grand Rapids production

Donate your ticket back to help Opera Grand Rapids with COVID-19 emergency relief

Receive a full refund

Fo more information, call the Opera Grand Rapids box office at 616-451-2741.

Looking for a new recipe? WMTA offers free online West Michigan Cookbook

By Adrianne Brown-Reasner
West Michigan Tourist Association

With so many people spending part of their time at home in the kitchen, the West Michigan Tourist Association (WMTA) decided to round up the area’s best recipes for home cooks to try their hands at.

Working with restaurants, farm markets, wineries, and more from throughout the area, WMTA has collected and compiled a cookbook full of delicious dishes and drink recipes from around West Michigan. Aspiring chefs and pro home cooks alike will find recipe options to re-create a favorite dish, make a homemade version of a restaurant staple, or try something new.

“We thought it would be fun to share these local recipes with people, especially now when so many people are doing more home cooking,” said WMTA’s Marketing Director Courtney Sheffer. “Whether you’re looking for a recipe for a fancy meal, or something simple to make with the kids, you’ll find a West Michigan recipe here to try out.”

The cookbook is split into four sections: Sides/Apps, Mains, Sweets, and Drinks. A selection of dishes from each section is listed below:


  • Cherry Broccoli Salad from Cherry Republic, Glen Arbor
  • Crispy Vinegar and Salt Potatoes from Oryana Community Co-op, Traverse City
  • Cucumber Salad from Grossnickle Farms, Kaleva

Michigan Apple Cheddar Burgers from Fennville’s Virtue Cider (Supplied)


  • Michigan Apple Cheddar Burgers from Virtue Cider, Fennville
  • Two Hearted Chicken Tacos from Bell’s Brewery, Kalamazoo
  • Apple and Squash Pierogi from Black Star Farms, Suttons Bay


  • Apple Crisp with the Dutch Touch from Dutch Farm Market, South Haven
  • Carrot Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting from W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, Augusta
  • Vegan Rosemary Blueberry Scones from Stuart Avenue Inn, Kalamazoo


  • Red Sangria from Dablon Winery & Vineyards, Baroda
  • Central Lake Sour from Mammoth Distilling, Bellaire
  • Oliver’s Ocean from Long Road Distillers, Grand Rapids

Journeyman’s Detroit Style Pizza (Supplied)

WMTA encourages people to try out a new recipe, and to share photos of the end result using the hashtag #WestMichigan.

View or download the West Michigan Cookbook (PDF) here:

10 foods that boost energy and build endurance in seniors

Courtesy Vista Springs Assisted Living

By Vista Springs Assisted Living

As older adults continue to age, it’s critical that they eat foods with nutrition to boost their energy levels and build their endurance. Without enough energy, physical and mental health can begin decline. In order to get that much needed energy boost, here are 10 foods that provide multiple health benefits for seniors.

1. Nuts

Nuts are full of healthy fats and proteins that give seniors nutritional energy. The amino acids in nuts can also help rebuild and strengthen muscles, which is great for simple stretching and exercising. 


Walnuts have plenty of fiber for seniors, and can be eaten on their own as a snack or in salads, deserts, and other dishes. Their high calorie count will also help provide seniors with all-day energy.


The carbs and fiber in almonds are complicated and are broken down slowly, which provides energy throughout the day rather than all at once. This makes nuts a great pick-me-up with a long-lasting effect.

2. Berries

As with nuts, berries can be a quick snack that taste great and have many added health benefits that seniors can take advantage of. 


Blueberries are full of antioxidants, which not only provide immune-boosting effects, but can help protect muscles from weakening over time. Blueberries also have water packed into them, which keeps seniors hydrated and energized.


Strawberries have a lot of the antioxidants found in blueberries, along with vitamin C and healthy sugars that fight fatigue and slow inflammation in the body.

3. Whole grains

Healthy carbs like whole grains have complicated cellular structures that take time to break down during digestion, which provides a constant source of energy throughout the day. Switching from unhealthy carbs to whole grains is a small step that has lasting health benefits.


The rumors are true—oatmeal is good for your heart! A bowl of oatmeal in the morning can give you much-needed energy throughout the day, as well as providing fiber and protein that seniors need to build their endurance.


Quinoa, which is more of a seed than a grain, is packed full of healthy carbs and protein. It also helps build and repair muscles, which helps seniors maintain their muscle mass and mobility as they age.

4. Sweet potatoes

Rather than white or yellow potatoes, give sweet potatoes a try! Sweet potatoes have much more nutritional value than other potatoes, even though the “sweet” in the name might imply otherwise. The sweetness actually comes from the complex sugars and carbs that give seniors energy and encourage them to exercise and build muscle mass.

5. Greek or plain yogurt

Plain or Greek yogurt provides a big boost of energy with healthy proteins and fats. Rather than the sweetened versions that add lots of sugar, unflavored yogurt gives you lasting energy. You can add some fruits or berries to get natural sweetness if you need!

6. Bananas

As most people know, bananas are high in potassium. What isn’t as well known is what potassium helps to balance hydration and deliver energy. In addition, bananas have anti-inflammatory properties that help seniors build endurance and heal torn muscles faster. 

7. Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils are high in a number of vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, iron, and magnesium. Replenishing minerals can help seniors maintain blood sugar levels, which in turn helps provide a constant stream of energy.

8. Water

While water is a drink, not a food, it is still one of the best things seniors can have to boost energy and build endurance. Without proper hydration, muscles won’t be able to function properly and seniors can easily lose both strength and mobility over time from dehydration.

If drinking water isn’t your thing, then take a look at some other ways you can get your daily dose of hydration.

Senior health tips for hydration

9. Seeds

Seeds are another example of a healthy snack that can give seniors a quick boost of energy and build endurance.

Chia Seeds

The slower you naturally digest food, the more steady your energy levels will be throughout the day. That’s why seeds that are high in fiber like chia seeds are a great high-energy snack. 

Pumpkin Seeds

Like chia seeds, pumpkin seeds have a high fiber content that helps regulate digestion throughout the day. You can easily make your own pumpkin seeds at home by baking them in the oven with a little salt.

10. Avocados

Avocados provide some of the healthiest natural fats found in any food item. Healthy fats are used as energy, rather than unhealthy fats which are stored by the body. Seniors can take advantage of the energy provided by avocados to motivate themselves to exercise and move.

Seniors need to find the energy to move, stretch, exercise, and socialize as they age, or they face serious health consequences. Rather than losing independence, eat the right foods and stay healthier for longer!

Reprinted with permission from Vista Springs Assisted Living.

Snapshots: Some things to do this weekend

Sometimes you can have the smallest role in the smallest production and still have a big impact.

Actor Neil Patrick Harris

By WKTV Staff

Bottoms Up!

Railtown Brewing Citra Warrior IIPA. (Supplied)

Missing a Station 3 Oatmeal Stout form Two Guys Brewery? Good Mooed from Railtown Brewery is what you need to get into a good mood? If you were not aware, many local breweries are offering up packaged craft beer and other goodies that are available for curbside pick and delivery. For more, click here.

Follow The Reading Train

Take a spin on The Reading Train as host and producer Judy Bergsma returns to share some of her favorite stories and share a special COVID-19 message. Many area residents may recognize Judy especially if they were children in the late 1990s and early 2000s and came to WKTV to be part of The Reading Train’s audience. For more, click here.

Sing, Sing a Song

Taking the Sesame Street of “Sing, Sing a Song” to heart, GVSU Senior Joseph VanArendonk wrote a little ditty to express his feelings about the COVID-19. I little sentimental and somewhat tongue-and-check, the song has struck a cord with many of those who are graduating this year — whether they be high school or college. Click here, to lear more.

A is for April and Aphrodite

In the initial Roman calendar, April was the second month of the year. January and February were added in 700 BC. Because it the second month of spring, it is believed that April comes from the latin word “to open,” describing when the trees would open. It is also believed that the name April may have come from the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

‘The Reading Train’ returns with old favorites, special COVID-19 message

By WKTV Staff

Some students know Judy Bergsma from her work at the Kelloggsville High School counseling office, but a lot of students who went to Kentwood and Wyoming, Bergsma is more well known as the host of the popular local children’s program, “The Reading Train.”

For more than 20 years, “The Reading Train” has spread the love of reading with Bergsma, who also is the producer of the show, reading books and talking to students about reading. In fact, over the years, more than 12,000 West Michigan school children have enjoyed visiting the WKTV studios and been apart of “The Reading Train” audience. 

“If you talk to someone that is a little order and grew up going to one of the elementary schools in Wyoming, Kentwood or Gaines area, they might of heard of ‘The Reading Train,’” Bergsma said during a recently taped show. “They might have been on a show. Their class might have taken a class trip and been in the audience or they might have watched a show.”

Bergsma returned to the WKTV studios this month to tape about 20 more segments.

Judy Bergsma, the host and producer of “The Reading Train.” (WKTV)

“With the children being out of school, we started production again,” Bergsma said, noting that due to the Stay Home, Stay Safe order, the recent tapings did not have an audience. Bergsma said she felt that it was a great time to again spread the love of reading along with providing positive messages of friendship, hope, and learning.

“It is fun to do them and I am excited to do them again,” Bergsma said. “The stories never grow old. You can always be telling stories and they are good for all ages/ I hope the adults enjoy them as must as the kids.”


Each segment features Bergsma introducing a theme for the show and then reading some of her favorite stories such as “The Glassmakers of Gurven,” by Marlys Boddy and “Charlie’s Checklist,” by Alison Bartlett and Rory S. Lerman. The camera moves from Bergsma reading to illustrations in the book to give a more interactive experience.

“We’re back for some very special episodes,” Bergsma said, with one of those programs focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Dr. Laura Bennett, a limited license psychologist in the Greater Grand Rapids area, wrote the script for Bergma’s special message to kids during this time of COVID.

“It’s important to know that there are lots of smart doctors and scientists and your parents or caregivers working to make this sickness go away and keep you safe and healthy,” Bergsma said during “The Reading Train.” “Its important to know that you won’t have to stay away from your friends or school forever. Just for a while. We don’t know exactly when yet, but in time you will go back to school and playing with your friends and things will feel more normal.”

As Bergsma does with every show, she offers fun activity suggestions for students such as inventing a new game, drawing a picture, visit with a friend or grandparents via the phone or video chat and or trying something new such as reading a new book.


Since 1997, “The Reading Train” has been a part of the WKTV broadcast lineup and can be seen on the WKTV Channel 25 and AT&T 99 at 4 p.m. Monday, 4:30 p.m. Friday, and 9:30 a.m. Saturday. The show is available through WKTV’s live stream at

The 7 best retirement hobbies for creative types

Courtesy Vista Springs Assisted Living

By Vista Springs Assisted Living

After retirement, you might discover that you have more time on your hands than originally expected. In order to fill that time, many seniors start exploring new hobbies and activities. But many common activities like golfing, traveling, and fishing aren’t geared towards seniors who would rather stay at home than go out.

Luckily, there are plenty of senior hobbies that don’t need a lot of time, money, or physical capability, and can take place in your own living room. Retirement offers a perfect opportunity to learn new skills, so take a look at these seven different retirement hobbies that are perfect for creative types.

1. Painting and drawing

Creating artwork like paintings and drawings is an activity that has almost no limitations on what can be created. From watercolors to acrylics to oils to charcoals, there are countless mediums of art, so you can find the perfect one that works best for you.

Local community centers typically have plenty of art classes that are great for beginners. These also provide seniors with a new way to get out of the house and socialize with others. Whether you go big with canvases and materials or keep it simple with a few pencils and paper, painting and drawing can help you feel relaxed and calm while helping you build your artistic skills.

2. Crafting

Crafting is another example of a creative activity that doesn’t require a lot of mobility or physical effort, and it includes all kinds of hobbies such as:

  • Jewelry making
  • Needlework
  • Beadwork
  • Scrapbooking
  • Knitting
  • Soap and candle making
  • Crocheting
  • Creating home decor items

Crafting can also be a way to make a little extra money after retirement. Going to craft shows or selling your items online can be a fun way to earn some extra cash while exploring a new activity and meeting plenty of new people.

3. Cooking

There are almost an unlimited number of ways to learn new cooking skills, from looking at old family recipes to watching cooking shows to swapping ideas with friends. There’s so many recipes out there that everyone from the most basic beginner to seasoned experts can find something new to work with.

Cooking also provides seniors with a way to take control of their health, explore different cuisines, and share meals with others. Whether you’re gaining a few basic cooking skills or perfecting your talents, retirement is a perfect time to explore new cooking opportunities. Looking for some great beginner recipes to get started with? Click the link below to try some healthy options!

15 Easy and Healthy Recipes

4. Pottery

Pottery is an often overlooked but incredibly satisfying hobby. It typically requires a significant amount of time, which makes it a perfect creative outlet for retired seniors who can now afford to dedicate the necessary hours to create ceramics. 

Like many other crafting opportunities, pottery gives seniors a chance to earn some additional income by selling their wares either online or at festivals and craft shows. Pottery can create useful items like bowls, plates, and vases, or fun home decor items and abstract art pieces. 

5. Woodworking

If you like a hands-on approach to retirement hobbies and want to try something a little out of the box, then woodworking might be the best option for you. While getting the right tools can be an expensive up-front cost, woodworking is a wonderful creative outlet that your friends and family might not have seen before.

6. Gardening

If you think that all gardening involves kneeling down in the dirt and having to perform back-breaking labor, then you would be wrong! Gardening can take place out of doors in flower beds, but it can also be adapted to meet a senior’s needs, especially if getting up and down is difficult. 

Container gardening is a great way to get enjoyment out of planting and growing your own flowers or vegetables without having to perform as much physical labor. Raised containers like planters, baskets, and pots can help you protect your back health, and can take place both indoors and outdoors. 

7. Writing

As you age, you might discover that there are many things you want to record and preserve for posterity. Or you might have some creative ideas that you want to explore through writing. Either way, there’s never a better time to start than today!

Writing can include everything from novels to poems to short stories, as well as everything in between. If you are looking for a good place to start, then consider reminiscence writing as a way to help you connect to past events while providing helpful therapeutic results. 

Reprinted with permission from Vista Springs Assisted Living.

Mackinac State Historic Parks debuts ‘Explore at home’ online resources

The firing of the canons at Fort Michilimackinac. (Public Domain)

By Dominick Miller
Mackinac State Historic Parks

The mission of Mackinac State Historic Parks is simple and encompassing – we protect, preserve and present Mackinac’s rich historic and natural resources to provide outstanding educational and recreational experiences for the public.

With that in mind, MSHP is excited to announce its “Explore at Home” collection of online resources. Included are online exhibits and demonstrations, movies detailing the histories of Fort Mackinac, Colonial Michilimackinac, Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park and Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse, activities for kids like coloring books, online puzzles and activities, and easy access to our extensive library of blog posts and timeline histories.

“We hope these resources will be helpful to those unable to visit us now, but at least provide a glimpse into what our sites have to offer,” said Steve Brisson, Mackinac State Historic Parks Deputy Director. “There is a great sampling of material available taken directly from the sites. Other items have been carefully crafted for the website.”

The online collection can be found at Content will be updated regularly, and everything on the “Explore at Home” tab is free.

Curator of History Craig Wilson and Exhibit Designer Keeney Swearer were driving forces in getting a lot of the content created and ready for publication. Marketing Manager Dominick Miller and Brisson assisted with review, ideas, and publication. The team thanks staff past and present for contributions to the content.

“Our ‘Explore at Home’ pages give us a chance to share stories from our museums and historic sites with people who might not be able to physically visit us in person,” Wilson said. “I hope people get a little extra taste of Mackinac at home.”

Downtown Mackinaw Island. (Supplied)

Photos of the Mackinac State Historic Parks’ sites are available upon request. A downloadable version of this release can be found here. For further information call 231.436.4100 or email

Mackinac State Historic Parks, a family of living history museums and parks in northern Michigan’s Straits of Mackinac, is an agency within the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Its sites—which are accredited by the American Alliance of Museums—include Fort Mackinac, the Biddle House, The Richard and Jane Manoogian Mackinac Art Museum, Historic Downtown Mackinac, and Mackinac Island State Park on Mackinac Island, and Colonial Michilimackinac, Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse, Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park and Michilimackinac State Park in Mackinaw City. Mackinac State Historic Parks is governed by the Mackinac Island State Park Commission, established in 1895 to protect, preserve and present the parks’ rich historic and natural resources for the education and recreation of future generations. Visitor information is available at (231) 436-4100 or on the web at

The upside to milk

Those with dairy in their diet have a lower risk of diabetes—possibly because they’re eating less refined, low-fiber carbohydrates, according to one study. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Len Canter, HealthDay

Dairy foods have been getting a lot of attention from researchers in recent years, notably from studies done both jointly and separately by scientists at Harvard and Tufts universities.

They looked at the relationship between full-fat dairy and the risks for heart disease and diabetes.

A 3,000-participant study found that people who included dairy fat in their diet had a lower risk of diabetes. One theory for the link is that people who skip or limit dairy might compensate by eating more refined, low-fiber carbohydrates, which can increase diabetes risk.

A study that followed more than 200,000 people over several decades looked at the relationship between dairy fat intake and heart disease.

It found no increase in heart disease risk among people who ate dairy fat, although the risk was lowered when calories from dairy fat were replaced with calories from plant-based fats or whole grains—24% when they were replaced by polyunsaturated fats and 28% when replaced with whole grains.

On the other hand, the risk went up by 6% if those calories went instead to foods with other types of saturated fat, like red meat.

A third piece of research reviewed nine studies that looked specifically at butter—another source of saturated fat—and its role in heart disease, diabetes and all causes of death.

The analysis found that while plant-based fats are healthier, small amounts of butter aren’t likely to hurt you.

What might you do with all this information? The familiar bottom line is moderation.

While it’s still healthier to cook with olive oil, for instance, you can indulge in a pat of butter on your hot whole-grain cereal or an ounce of cheese on whole-grain bread or, perhaps best of all, a serving of full-fat yogurt and a cup of berries.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Photo of the Week: Sign of the Times

This photo was taken at Kentwood’s Pinewood Park and sent in by Kentwood Resident Gerald DeMaagd. DeMaagd took the photo shortly after the state’s announcement that to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the play equipment and other communal items such as picnic tables in all parks would be closed to the general public.

Do you have a photo you would like considered for photo of the week? Then send it to WKTV Journal Managing Editor Joanne Bailey-Boorsma at