WKTV Staff
On Wednesday, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-14 extending the redemption deadline on 2017 tax foreclosures from March 31, 2020 to May 29, 2020.
Due to this order and to minimize face-to-face interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kent County Treasurer’s Office is closed to the public until further notice. Taxpayers are encouraged to mail check and money order payments to Kent County Treasurer, P.O. Box Y, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.
The order does not defer nor cancel interest charges. Interest will accrue beyond the original March 31, 2020 deadline until paid. Money orders are available at banks and many retailers. Residents should not mail cash. Staff continues to process mail and is available to take calls at 616-632-7500.
The Treasurer’s office closure follows suit with several other Kent County offices.
Kent County Clerk/Register Office
The Kent County Clerk/Register Office suspended in-person transactions until further notice.
This change, effective until further notice will apply to the Clerk Office (Vital Records), Elections Department, Register of Deeds, and Clerk of the Circuit Court. A listing of how customers can still request or obtain common services, as well as contact information for clarification, is below.
Clerk / Register of Deeds
Until further notice, the Kent County Clerk/Register’s Office will be serving customers via online or bymail services only. Below are specifics relating to service changes:
Clerk – Vital Records:
- Certified copies of birth, death, marriage, business certificates/licenses/ registrations can be requested online; copies will be mailed via USPS, no in-person pick-up available.
- New birth and death certificates received via hospital or funeral home will be processed; copies will be mailed via USPS, no in-person pick-up available. No new home births processed until further notice.
- New marriage licenses applications accepted online only, applicants will be contacted
- No new CPL applications accepted until further notice; renewals processed online via MSPwebsite
- No new notary applications accepted until further notice
- No in-person access to records until further notice; call or email for assistanceClerk – Elections:616-632-7650 https://www.accesskent.com/Elections
- All candidate filings (Affidavit of Identity, Statement of Organization, campaign finance reports) are to be submitted via email: gerrid.uzarski@kentcountymi.gov. Payments for candidate filings should be mailed. Receipt of filings will be confirmed.
- Individuals needing to turn in petitions should contact the Elections office to make an appointment.
- No in-person access to records until further notice; call or email for assistanceClerk of the Circuit Court: 616-632-5480 https://www.accesskent.com/Courts/Clerk
- Pleadings must be mailed to the court with the appropriate filing fee. Please do not send cash through the mail.
- Ex-Parte Pleadings may be submitted to: ccclerksexparte@kentcountymi.gov. Appropriate filing fees must be mailed or waived. More information forthcoming regarding online payments.
- Restitution payments must be paid on-line at: https://accesskent.com/CCRemittance/
- Certified court records available online at: https://www.accesskent.com/CCRecords/
- No in-person access to records until further notice; call or email for assistanceRegister of Deeds:(616) 632-7610 https://www.accesskent.com/RegisterofDeeds/
- E-recordings will be processed uninterrupted
- Filings received via USPS will be processed uninterrupted. For urgent filings, call or email theoffice.
- Searches and recording copies are available online; will be mailed via USPS
- No in-person access to records until further notice; call or email for assistance

Most of the area courts are closed to in-person, public access. For specific details on each court, please click the court below. Due note, that many of the courts do offer an online option to pay tickets and other fines.