Category Archives: West Michigan

Respiratory illness rates are high – know when to seek medical attention


By Kent County Health Department

Respiratory viruses are on the rise in Michigan and in Kent County.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) monitors flu activity across the U.S. and now categorizes Michigan’s flu activity level as high. Local hospitals are seeing an increase in upper respiratory illnesses including influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and COVID.

(Courtesy, Kent County Health Department)

The rise in the three illnesses has many of us feeling the symptoms which may include runny nose, congestion, and coughing. But how can you tell if what you have is a common cold or something more severe?

COVID has changed

For people who are up to date on vaccination the symptoms are much less severe and can easily be confused with a cold. At first, one of the telltale signs of COVID was the loss of taste and smell. Health officials say that isn’t happening as much anymore because of the level of immunity people have acquired from having the illness, getting vaccinated, or both.

If it is COVID, you may have stomach issues like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The flu and RSV do not usually have these symptoms. If you are having gastrointestinal issues with your other symptoms, you should consider a COVID test.

Symptoms for respiratory illnesses can vary (Courtesy,

RSV symptoms

RSV can be fairly mild, but for people over 65 and children the illness can become very severe. Medical professionals say RSV patients will typically have wheezing or symptoms that look like asthma flare ups. RSV symptoms usually in stages over the course of 4 to 6 days.

Flu symptoms

The flu generally comes all at once. Sudden onset of symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, body aches and a sore throat can seem to strike out of the blue. COVID, colds and RSV do not do behave that way, instead a person may have new symptoms for several days when they have become infected with those illnesses.

This chart can help you interpret your symptoms:

Respiratory Illness Symptoms (Courtesy, KCHD)

I have some of these symptoms, now what?

When you are feeling symptoms, medical professionals say that getting tested for COVID should be the first thing on the list. If that is negative, it is wise to get a flu test. After a positive flu test, you may be prescribed antiviral drugs like Tamiflu that can dramatically shorten the number of days you suffer.

When to seek medical attention

You should seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing severe flu symptoms like difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, dizziness, seizures or severe weakness or muscle pain.

Vaccine resources

Fortunately vaccines exist for COVID, RSV and influenza and there is still time to protect yourself if you have not received yours yet. Other simple steps you can take to protect yourself and others include staying home if you are sick and washing your hands correctly and often.

Call KCHD today to make your vaccine appointment at 616-632-7200.

Protect against lung cancer: Radon test kits available at Kent County Health Department

(Courtesy, Kent County Health Department)

By Kent County Health Department

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Estimates suggest radon kills 21,000 people from lung cancer each year in the United States.

Radon is an odorless, tasteless, radioactive gas formed by the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil. It seeps into homes through foundation cracks, floor drains, and sump crocks. Radon gas can accumulate in basements or lower levels of homes, especially during winter months when houses are kept closed.

This makes January the perfect time to test your home.

How to detect radon

The only way to determine if elevated levels of radon exist in your home is to test for it.

(Courtesy, KCHD)

Kits are easy to use and testing can be completed in less than a week. Testing for radon is recommended every few years or after completion of certain household construction projects.

The Kent County Health Department (KCHD) is offering free radon test kits to residents throughout January, coinciding with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s designation of January as National Radon Action Month.

The radon kits are available to Kent County residents and must be picked up in person at any one of four clinic locations during regular business hours in January while supplies last. Click here for a list of clinic locations and hours.

Results and action options

Residents using the kits and the State of Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) will receive the results. Residents can use the information when deciding on how best to pursue remediation, and EGLE gains a better understanding of the locations and prevalence of radon in Michigan.

EGLE Michigan Indoor Radon Results Map – see link below (Courtesy, KCHD)

For help understanding the test results, residents should the KCHD Environmental Health Division at 616-632-6900.

If elevated radon levels, above 4 pCi/L, are detected in your home, there are options to help reduce exposure. Radon mitigation systems are often installed to help vent radon gas collecting under a home to the outside atmosphere. Additional mitigation options include sealing cracks, gaps, and sump pits in a basement or installing vapor barriers.

Resource links

EGLE has developed a map of radon risk zones for Michigan. Kent County is typically categorized as having a moderate to high levels of radon.

Additional information about radon testing and how to remediate it can be found in these two KCHD podcasts:

Radon Podcast Part 1

Radon Podcast Part 2

Sleeping Beauty: Grand Rapids Ballet to perform cherished classical ballet, host princess birthday celebration

Sleeping Beauty (Courtesy, Kansas City Ballet / Brett Pruitt & East Market Studios)

By WKTV Staff

Experience the enchanting allure of the classical ballet, Sleeping Beauty. Grand Rapids Ballet will perform the cherished tale at DeVos Performance Hall Feb. 23-25.

A traditional tale come to life

Sleeping Beauty shares the traditional tale of Princess Aurora.

From her birth, a curse by the evil fairy Carabosse foretells Aurora’s demise on her sixteenth birthday. Aurora enters a profound slumber, only to be awakened by true love’s kiss, as orchestrated by the benevolent Lilac Fairy.

(Courtesy, Kansas City Ballet / Brett Pruitt & East Market Studios)

With Devon Carney’s exquisite choreography that pays homage to Marius Petipa, the production will be accompanied by a live Grand Rapids Symphony performance of Tchaikovsky’s exceptional score.

Gorgeous costumes, sumptuous sets, and breathtaking dancing are a hallmark of this family-friendly classical ballet performance.

Come and celebrate!

In addition to the ballet, Sleeping Beauty’s Birthday Party will be held on Feb. 25 at DeVos Performance Hall.

(Courtesy, Kansas City Ballet / Brett Pruitt & East Market Studios)

The memorable royal gathering will be held from 12-1 p.m. Party guests can create enchanted crafts to take home, enjoy sweet treats, and meet Grand Rapids Ballet’s Sleeping Beauty.

Party wear, crowns and sparkles are encouraged to help celebrate Princess Aurora’s sweet sixteen.

Save your seat at the party by signing up now!

Tickets for the Sleeping Beauty ballet can be found here.

Ford Airport opens Post-Security Animal Relief Area; $100K investment to further enhance passenger experience

(Courtesy, Ford International Airport)

By WKTV Staff

The Gerald R. Ford International Airport unveiled its first post-security pet relief area to provide a more enjoyable and stress-free journey for passengers traveling with animals.

Located at the beginning of Concourse A, this new amenity features:

  1. Wheelchair accessible space, compliant with the U.S. Department of Transportation Air Carrier Access Act rule.
  2. Floor-level drinking waterspout for pets.
  3. Innovative K9 Grass System to provide optimal drainage.
  4. Handwashing station and waste removal bin.
  5. Automatic flushing system to ensure continuous cleanliness throughout the day.

“We understand that travel companions come in all shapes and sizes, and our commitment to providing a seamless and comfortable journey extends to our furry friends,” said Tory Richardson, president and CEO of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority. “This new space further elevates the guest experience, ensuring all passengers, including their animal companions, feel welcomed and cared for during their journey through the Airport.”

The animal relief area is part of Elevate, a $500 million program to accommodate passenger growth. This initiative represents the largest capital expansion for a small hub airport in the country, featuring modern amenities, eight new gates on Concourse A, additional concession and retail concepts, sustainable design elements and more.

Thanks to support from BISSELL, a pre-security pet relief area is located outside the west end of the terminal building at the beginning of the drop-off lane.

For more information about the amenities offered at the Ford International Airport, visit

Local organization reveals myths and truths about human trafficking, works to empower victims and educate community

Wedgwood Christian Services works to empower sex trafficking victims and educate the community (Courtesy,

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

Human traffickers prey on vulnerability – bringing them closer to home than most people realize.

Wedgwood Christian Services (WCS) is dedicated to preventing human trafficking by bringing awareness to the community and urging people to educate themselves on the dangers and signs of human trafficking.

Part of that education is recognizing the myths and truths surrounding human trafficking.

Not like the movies

Kali Jackson, Cook Claus Residential Therapist, Wedgwood Christian Services (Courtesy, WCS)

“One of the biggest myths that I see is that all human trafficking involves crossing of state lines,” said Kali Jackson, Cook Claus Residential Therapist, WCS. “A lot of times human trafficking is local, the community trafficking them within the city the individual lives in.”

Trafficking is not like movies often portray, with an individual smuggled or kidnapped by a stranger.

“A lot of times, an individual is groomed into willingly going into a relationship, but then they are manipulated to stay with physical tactics later on,” said Jackson.

Traffickers create relationships with their victims first.

“They become friends with them online, or it may even be a loved one or family member – but they have some sort of connection with that client.”

Jackson went on to say that the predator has to know about the victim’s needs in order to offer a solution, making the perpetrator appear safe. The predator then isolates the victim, causing the victim to feel that only the perpetrator can meet their needs.

“That’s how they get those clients to stay for so long,” Jackson said.

The bottom line?

“A perpetrator is looking for someone who’s vulnerable,” said Jackson.

As the therapist for Wedgwood’s residential home that serves human trafficking victims ages 12-17, Jackson is no stranger to seeing that vulnerability firsthand.

Predators look for vulnerabilities to exploit (Courtesy,

“I’ve been in this position for four years, and every story is so unique,” said Jackson. “But the one thing always in common is that vulnerability.

“Every single one of my clients, when they talk about why they got into human trafficking, [say] they felt unloved, they felt vulnerable enough to allow anyone to give them that love and attention.”

Many times, that vulnerability is found in younger children.

“Frequently their first experience with someone grooming them or attempting to get them into the life of human trafficking, it’s very young,” said Jackson. “We typically see individuals getting into trafficking between ages 12 and 16.”

A perpetrator is looking to provide them with something they can’t provide themselves. An older individual who has maintained employment, housing, or a stable relationship doesn’t have enough vulnerabilities for the trafficker to easily sustain.

A dysfunctional home life is one of the main catalysts for involvement in human trafficking.

“Maybe they’re running away from home, or they’re displaying images or messages online suggesting that they’re not happy at home,” said Jackson. “They’re looking to try to fill that void of the relationship they don’t have with their parents with anyone out there willing to give it to them.

Predators look for ways they can provide what victims feel they lack (Courtesy,

“[Predators] look for an individual who has some of those adverse childhood experiences, those traumas, and those vulnerabilities to feed off of.”

Once that relationship is built, the predator begins to abuse their power by making that client do sexual favors for them. That client often feels like they have to stay with them because their needs have been met by that perpetrator for so long, they don’t know how they will have shelter or food if they leave.

Fear of that perpetrator going after the victim’s parents, or doubt that their parents will believe them, can also cause the victim to stay.

Human trafficking on the rise

“There’s definitely been an increase in the amount of [trafficking] incidents that have happened over the past several years,” said Jackson. “The big thing that’s coming into play is technology.

“A lot of individuals are experiencing their first grooming incidents online. Displaying vulnerabilities on social media, having someone reach out to them, asking them to build that relationship…that may turn into human trafficking later.”

Not all chains trapping a victim are physical (Courtesy photo)

Jackson went on to say that a growing awareness of human trafficking has also caused an increase in incidents.

The knowledge that there is such a thing as receiving money, clothing, or shelter in exchange for services has caused victims to willingly enter trafficking situations while on the run from their family.

Psychological chains

Though many victims are physically locked down and unable to leave their situation, many times the chains are psychological.

“That is a myth in itself, that sometimes these victims physically are unable to leave, like they are chained up or behind locked doors,” said Jackson. “With a lot of my clients, they are forced to be in hotel rooms where they could walk out, but they’re fearful of what might happen [if they leave].

“Although the door isn’t physically locked, they have emotional chains on them.”

Trafficking stereotype

Though many people think traffickers are male, Jackson said that it is important to realize that women can also be perpetrators. Some traffickers work in groups consisting of both men and women.

“A lot of times we actually see women being the trafficker because they know that another woman would build trust with [the victim] easier than a male would,” said Jackson.

Stopping the cycle

Open conversations and a safe home environment are important (Courtesy,

Prevention of human trafficking, Jackson believes, begins in the home.

“It first starts with having, and modeling, positive relationships in the home,” said Jackson. “A lot of times when we see youth seek out that negative attention, it’s because they’re looking to fill that void they’re not getting in the home.”

Creating a safe space at home for children to give voice to their feelings is crucial.

Having open conversations with children about warning signs they should look for online is also essential.

“A lot of times when clients come to us, they have a lack of education growing up,” said Jackson. “So when they get trafficked, they don’t necessarily know what they are getting into.

“They really thought they were getting into a safe relationship, but no one ever taught them what to look for, what is healthy and unhealthy, and those dos and don’ts when talking to someone online or in the community.”

Jackson urges parents to be aware of current street language, their children’s social media use, and who their children talk to.

Educate yourself and others to help prevent this crime (Courtesy photo)

Red flags to watch for can include changes in a youth’s personal hygiene, the amount of cash they have on them, and evidence of sexual activity.

Continual education regarding human trafficking is encouraged.

“This is a topic that continues to grow, and there’s more information on it all the time,” Jackson said.

Resources for victims

Wedgwood’s Cook Claus Program, also known as Wedgwood’s Manasseh Project Trauma Recovery Center, is a local residential treatment program for victims of sex trafficking.

The program provides a safe environment where victims can begin to heal and gain hope for their future.

Access the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

Kentwood Police investigating two separate shooting incidents Sunday

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

By Kentwood Police Department

The Kentwood Police Department is currently investigating two separate shooting incidents which occurred between 2 and 3 p.m. on Sunday, January 14.  

Incident No. 1: 1500 Block of 60th St. SE
A 17-year-old male arrived at an area hospital with a non-life threatening gunshot wound. The male reported that he was shot by unknown subjects in a vehicle while he was walking in the 1500 block of 60th St. SE. The Kentwood Police Department does not believe there to be any immediate threat to the public at this time. The incident is currently being investigated.

Incident No. 2: Eastern Ave. SE
A 31-year-old male arrived at an area hospital with a non-life threatening gunshot wound. The male reported that he was shot while driving his vehicle on an unknown block of Eastern Ave. SE. The Kentwood Police Department does not believe there to be any immediate threat to the public at this time. The incident is currently being investigated.

At this time, it is unknown if the two incidents are related.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Kentwood Police Department Detective Bureau at 616-656-6604. Anonymous tips can be submitted through Silent Observer at 616-774-2345 or

Basketball and Friday Night Highlights taking a winter weather break; all area games canceled

By Cris Greer

WKTV Managing Editor/Sports Director

Due to the winter storm warning and cancellation of all local basketball games on Friday, our WKTV Friday Night Highlights show is taking a break as well.

Our WKTV crew was out getting highlights Tuesday night and we will include those in next Friday’s show! If you haven’t already, please take a look at last week’s FNH show above (Jan. 5).

Every single Friday, unless there’s a winter storm, we’ll bring you several high school boys and girls basketball clips from the Wyoming and Kentwood areas, highlight some top performers and give a snapshot of the latest conference standings.

Stay Safe, and See You Next Friday!

The Rapid: Winter Storm Preparations

(Photo Courtesy,

By The Rapid

As we continue to closely monitor the national and local weather services, we are making preparations to ensure that the safety of our employees and customers remains our top priority.

With the anticipated snowfall and windy conditions, please be mindful of the changing weather and road conditions when planning your trip with us. Inclement weather can cause service delays, but our team is working hard to get you to your destination in a safe and timely manner.

With safety as our top priority, we must work together to support each other through challenging weather. Here are some ways you can help:

  1. Carry a visible light at your bus stop: Whether it’s day or night, having a light to wave as the bus approaches through the snow will aid visibility and ensure a smoother boarding process.
  2. Wear headphones on board: To assist our drivers in maintaining focus on safe driving, please use headphones to minimize distractions while on the bus.
  3. Have your fare payment ready: Given potential delays in arrival times due to inclement weather, having your fare payment ready will help expedite boarding and prevent additional delays.

You can track your bus location and stay updated on delays by using one of our rider tools. Your collaboration and patience are greatly appreciated. For more information, click on Ride the Rapid.

Special viewing of movie Selma to be hosted at KDL Wyoming branch Jan. 17 as part of local MLK celebration

The film titled Selma is based on true events centered around Martin Luther King Jr. (Courtesy, KDL)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

Martin Luther King Jr. (Courtesy,

Kent District Library (KDL) is inviting the community to share in a week-long celebration honoring MLK and the Civil Rights Movement.

Honoring the Life and Legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Weeklong Celebration will take place Jan. 15-19 at local KDL branches. Programs for all ages will feature powerful reflections and action that supported the legacy of MLK.

“We chose to do the week-long celebration because [we] wanted it to be a variety of programs that patrons could enjoy,” said KDL Volunteer Event Coordinator Debra Schultz. “We didn’t want to just tie it into one day.”

Selma: heart-wrenching and eye-opening

As part of the celebration, the Wyoming Branch will host a special viewing of the movie Selma on Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 5:30-7:45 p.m.

(Courtesy, KDL)

“We wanted something that would touch a whole family and be an educational piece – but also an entertaining piece – and so we chose the movie Selma,” said Schultz. “It’s a great movie about representation of the need to understand each other, and to find equality in what we do.”

Taking place in Selma, AL, the movie speaks to the fight that Martin Luther King and his followers went through while striving to be treated equally.

“[King] was really looking for voting rights back in the 60s when this took place,” said Schultz. “African American people just wanted the right to vote…and they did it in a peaceful march.

(Courtesy, KDL)

“But even though their intentions were peaceful, there was still violence because the governor of the town did not want them to come to his town.”

Many people who supported the rights of African Americans to vote traveled to Selma from across the United States to march with MLK.

“They wanted to be there to say, ‘We stand with you.’” said Schultz. “It’s powerful because I don’t think we realize [that] the ordinary person didn’t know what was going on. A lot of them did not realize that African Americans didn’t have the right to vote, so this was an eye-opener for them.

“It was also dangerous for them because the people they were fighting against were also fighting against anyone who agreed with [MLK]. Some white people that went down for the march did end up getting harassed and violated.”

Schultz continued, “This movie is very moving and dramatic, heart-wrenching, and an eye-opener.”

Original artwork available for viewing

“Road Towards Equality” painting by Paul Collins (Courtesy, KDL)

KDL has also procured the loan of an original piece of art from a local Grand Rapids artist for the MLK celebration.

Artist Paul Collins has agreed to have his original painting titled “Road Towards Equality” hanging at several of the branches to honor MLK. It will remain on exhibit through February in honor of Black History Month.

“The reason that [Collins] chose to have it displayed in the library is because he thinks the library atmosphere is the right type of place to have this picture,” said Schultz. “Everyone has the ability to go in and see it because we are open to all, and it’s free to walk into a library.

“He likes the idea that anyone who walks in will have that opportunity to see it – and hopefully ask questions and learn from it. Learn what our heritage is, learn what our freedom is, learn about the men and the women that made changes to help our freedom.”

(Courtesy, KDL)

“Road Towards Equality” can be seen at the Kentwood branch for the first two in January. Alongside the painting will be a postcard with a description of the artwork that patrons will be able to take home with them.

From Kentwood, the painting will be on exhibit at the KDL Caledonia Branch from Jan. 29 – Feb. 2. The Walker location will display the piece the following week, followed by a week at the Sand Lake location, and then at the Rockford branch for the last week in February.

MLK celebration events

Though usually closed on Martin Luther King Day, KDL decided to stay open on Jan. 15 in order to provide a wider impact with carefully curated events.

“We wanted to make sure that there were eventful and educational programs going on that would tie into Martin Luther King and his legacy,” said Schultz. “We worked with Darius Quinn from Quinn Consulting to come up with a good schedule of events that would touch on the heart of what Martin Luther King stood for, and why it’s important that we still carry that on today.”

Other MLK events include a presentation by Randal Jelks, author of Letters to Martin, Jan. 15; a presentation by author, podcaster and retired Calvin professor Dr. Michelle Lloyd-Paige, Jan. 16; “Fear Must Not Be Our Future” presentation by Pastor Joe Jones, Jan. 18; and a Letters to Martin book discussion Jan. 19.

Each KDL branch will have a display of passive craft projects for children and families. The crafts  include a silhouette of MLK that can be decorated with paint, markers, crayons. Various MLK quotes that had an impact on society will be available to cut out and adhere to the silhouette.

A small booklet will also be available for children at certain KDL locations. The booklet focuses on who MLK was, why his speech of “I have a dream” is important, and how children can live that out today.

A selection of books that represent Martin Luther King, his beliefs and what he was fighting for at that time, as well as books with similar messages relevant to current times will be available at all KDL branches for visitors to read and enjoy.

Our mission

“Our mission is Ideas, Information, and Excitement,” said Schultz about KDL, “and I feel like we have the ability to help people become more aware of our history and what we can do to become more united as a nation.”

*KDL thanks Darius Quinn for his extensive work and help on the MLK celebration, as well as Kendra McNeil, owner of bookstore We Are Lit, who provided copies of Letters to Martin for the library locations.

State Rep. John Fitzgerald delivers a direct message of transparency to residents and recaps 2023

Rep. John Fitzgerald sat down with WKTV Managing Editor Deborah Reed to deliver a 2023 wrap-up for residents (Courtesy, WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

Rep. John Fitzgerald (Courtesy, Supplied)

State Representative John Fitzgerald sat down with WKTV Journal Soundbites to recap “an exciting year in the legislature” and deliver a direct message to his constituents in District 83.

“I am a representative for this community, of this community, and I’m a conduit for information both from Wyoming, southwest Grand Rapids, and Byron Township to Lansing, but also the other way,” said Rep. Fitzgerald.

Bringing transparency to local legislature

Driven by a “listen first” mentality, Fitzgerald is also committed to transparency. And that means keeping his constituents “in the know” about legislative happenings that affect their communities.

One of the bills passed and signed into law under Fitzgerald’s guidance made the Affordable Care Act state law. This ensures that if federal law requirements to receive health insurance were ever preempted or withdrawn, quality healthcare would still be available to Michigan residents.

Fitzgerald’s bill was specifically aimed toward extending dependent care, allowing dependents to remain on their primary caregivers’ insurance until age 26.

“We also passed significant energy law reform that is going to put us on a track to 100% clean energy by 2040,” said Fitzgerald. “This legislation is going to really put us as the leader in the Midwest when it comes to clean energy.”

Included in the bill is language specifying a Kent County incinerator facility shutdown by 2040 due to health concerns surrounding that facility.

Looking ahead

Fitzgerald said he is currently working on increasing transparency and ease of understanding to the public via the Open Meetings Act.

Rep. Fitzgerald aims to increase transparency in legislature (Courtesy, WKTV)

“If you’ve ever seen the Open Meetings Act language, it can be kind of gray,” Fitzgerald said. “We don’t want gray. We want to make sure that there is adherence to the Open Meetings Act.”

Supporting families via family leave under the Affordable Care Act is also on Fitzgerald’s agenda.

“As somebody who has a young child in daycare, it’s a very expensive cost to Michigan families, and we want to make sure that we’re creating that environment to support [them],” said Fitzgerald. “My mission is that Michigan could be the best place to raise a family in the country.”


With seven school districts in the City of Wyoming alone, and several more compiling District 83, education is also on Fitzgerald’s mind.

A new budget is a milestone for local schools (Courtesy,

With so many public school districts with varying needs, a budget was passed in 2023 that Fitzgerald said is a milestone for the City of Wyoming and southwest Grand Rapids. 

“One of those things that we passed [is] free school lunch and breakfast for all public schools,” said Fitzgerald, adding that they have already seen great implementation by local school districts.

Tax relief

Thousands of seniors, Fitzgerald said, are receiving an average of $1,000 back due to a pension tax return repeal and retirement tax repeal.

On the flip side, working families are receiving a tax credit.

“There were 8,400 (District 83) households who qualified for that last year,” said Fitzgerald. “We are now putting more money back in those 8,400 households.”

“Show me the money” – Tax dollars coming home

“We brought home almost $70 million into services and infrastructure and goods that are going to impact [and] amplify the lives of Wyoming residents,” said Fitzgerald.

$20 million will facilitate the Wyoming City Center project.

“When polled,” Fitzgerald said, “Wyoming residents say, We want a place to call home, that we can identify as: that is Wyoming. We don’t have that.

“But the City has taken this on to say, we’re going to build a downtown multi-use walkable area, and we’re going to do that on 28th Street.”


$35 million is allocated to the Grand Rapids Fire Department to build a new station and training center on South Division Avenue.

“That is helping to support services that actually directly impact southwest GR and Wyoming,” said Fitzgerald. “When we need mutual aid, they’re coming into Wyoming as well.”

The West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will receive $5 million to assist in moving to a new district location.

$5 million will help Special Olympics Michigan to continue their services and renovation of the former South Christian High School.

“It’s going to be the world’s largest Special Olympics training facility, right here in Kent County,” said Fitzgerald. “We want to make sure that those athletes are getting exactly what they need to help cut down on health disparities, to help cut down on mental health challenges.”

And finally, $4 million will help Godfrey Lee schools with a much-needed roof renovation.

“That is real money that went to Lansing, or went to Washington, and is coming home now to enrich the lives of Wyoming residents. That’s exciting, and that doesn’t happen without your input coming to me,” said Fitzgerald.

Serving at home: “I want to hear from you.”

Rep. Fitzgerald spoke with community members during a recent Wyoming Senior Resource Fair (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Being attuned to his duties in Lansing is important, Fitzgerald said. But he believes connecting to his community is equally essential.

“My duty is to the people here at home,” said Fitzgerald.

Offering opportunities for communication is a top priority for Fitzgerald.

“I hope that any and all of you join me when we have office hours on the second and fourth Mondays at Wyoming City Hall, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. I’m there, I want to hear from you, it’s an open door,” said Fitzgerald in a direct message to the community. 

“Please come and engage, because you are what drives me. Your interests, your concerns, help to drive the work that we’ve discussed here today, and more.”

Recharging with family time

When asked what he does to recharge so he can continue his work in the legislature, Fitzgerald replied: “Right now, it is playing with my daughter.”

Fitzgerald went on to say that his perspective has changed since becoming a parent.

“Your priorities change, your mindset changes, you’re more empathetic, you’re more understanding of other people’s situations as well,” said Fitzgerald. “Really being with my daughter charges me up. Hearing her laugh now, and seeing her start to walk, that’s just incredible to me.

“So quite frankly, it’s quality family time that has really kind of helped to recharge me to go to those long days in Lansing, to make that commute day in and day out.”

A conduit and facilitator for residents

Fitzgerald urges residents to contact him with questions and concerns.

Rep. Fitzgerald wants to hear from residents (Courtesy, WKTV)

“I am your representative…a conduit for you to Lansing, and for the information in Lansing to come home to you. That’s what we do best, connecting people with local resources, state resources, or even federal resources, to make sure that your life is enriched and your government is providing you with what you need,” said Fitzgerald.

“We have a lot to be proud of, we have a lot to look forward to. I think that the future is very bright here in Michigan.”

Honoring the Life and Legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Weeklong Celebration with Kent District Library Jan. 15-19


By Kent District Library

Black Americans have shaped our country and community in a myriad of ways. Join Kent District Library to learn more about Michigan’s Black history and how history ranging from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement shapes our present and can influence our future.

KDL is pleased to present Honoring the Life and Legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.: A Weeklong Celebration, which takes place from Jan. 15-19.

Schedule of Events

Monday, Jan. 15, Noon, Kentwood (Richard L. Root) Branch
Meditations on Democracy in Black America
Join award-winning author, documentary film producer and former University of Kansas professor Dr. Randal Jelks as he provides a moving narrative on the highlights from his book Letters to Martin. This event will include a book signing, relevant topic discussion and a proclamation by Michigan State Representative Kristian Grant. Directly following our kick-off event, the City of Kentwood will host an excerpt recital from the “I Have a Dream” speech and a proclamation by Mayor Stephen Kepley. 

Tuesday, Jan. 16, 6:30 pm, Grandville Branch
King’s Six Principles for Non-Violent Direct Action: Are They Doable?
Presented by author, podcaster and retired Calvin professor Dr. Michelle Lloyd-Paige, this call to action compels us to promote positive change and have a deeper understanding of society today.

Wednesday, Jan. 17, 5:30 pm, Wyoming Branch
Together with your library community, view Selma, a historical drama that features the troubling times of voting rights, equality and action in Alabama that will bring forth anger, grief and hope.

Thursday, Jan. 18, 1 pm, Kentwood (Richard L. Root) Branch
Fear Must Not Be Our Future
Join Pastor Joe Jones, former city commissioner and current Assistant Pastor of Brown Hutcherson Ministries, for a presentation on how our nation can improve and move forward with faithful action, not fearful guidance.

Friday, Jan. 19, 2 pm, Plainfield Twp. Branch
“Letters to Martin” Book Discussion
Participate in this small group opportunity to discuss the relevance of action in the reflections of Dr. Randal Jelks’s “Letters to Martin.”

For more information on these events and other topics, log on to Kent District Library.

Kentwood’s Winter Concert Series returns Jan. 18; free series features a range of music and food trucks

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

By WKTV Staff

The City of Kentwood’s Winter Concert Series will return Thursday, Jan. 18 with free concerts featuring a range of music and food trucks. 

The series will feature three local artists performing from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on select Thursdays each month through March 7 at the Kent District Library – Kentwood (Richard L. Root) Branch, 4950 Breton Ave. SE. Each concert features a food truck outside the library offering a variety of cuisine for purchase.

“We’re excited to bring talented musicians and wonderful entertainment to our community again,” said Val Romeo, Kentwood Parks and Recreation director. “This series is a great way for community members to be introduced to their new favorite artist, get out of the house this winter and enjoy an evening with friends and neighbors.”

Kody Bryant. (Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

The lineup of performers and food trucks is:

  • Thursday, Jan. 18 – Singer-songwriter Kody Bryant performing country covers and originals and Dune Buggy food truck featuring burgers and fries. 
  • Thursday, Feb. 15 – Award-winning singer Myra Maimoh with Motherland House Concerts performing Afro-Soul and Patty Matters food truck offering burgers and fries. 
  • Thursday, March 7 – Folk band Whorled performing Celtic, gypsy jazz, Brazilian, bluegrass and classical music and Around Baking Company food truck featuring freshly baked pizzas.

The concerts take place in the library’s Community Room. Guests are welcome to bring their own beer, wine or nonalcoholic beverages to enjoy at the show. More information is available at

Myra Maimoh. (Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

Whorled. (Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

Nation’s oldest national agricultural organization found its beginning in Kentwood, MI

Paris Grange fire on Jan. 7, 1938 (Courtesy, Kentwood Historic Preservation Committee)

By Kentwood Historic Preservation Committee

The Paris Grange No. 19 is the nation’s oldest national agricultural organization. Formed in 1873, the Grange members sought to improve the economic and social position of the nation’s farm population.

The historic beginning

The original Paris Grange No. 19 was organized April 10, 1873, with 26 charter members. During that same year, two other granges organized in the area—the Floral and Burton Granges. During the winter of 1877-1878, the Floral and Paris Granges united under the Paris name. In the 1880s the Burton Grange joined as well.

The Paris Grange Hall was constructed in 1879 at the southwest corner of Breton and 28th Street, which was known as Laraway Road at the time. The building was a two-story white clapboard establishment with a curved entryway and dark shutters.

A tragic fire rallies the residents

New Paris Grange Hall dedicated on Sept. 2, 1938 (Courtesy, Kentwood Historic Preservation Committee)

On Jan. 7, 1938, a fire broke out in the roof area of the Grange Hall. Although volunteer firemen from several local communities rushed to the scene, they were not able to save the structure and it burned to the ground.

The residents of Paris Township rallied to rebuild the Grange, despite the unfavorable economic conditions. Less than a year later on Sept. 2, 1938, the new Paris Grange Hall was dedicated.

One of the most important accomplishments of the Grange nationwide in the period between 1880 and 1890 was the promotion of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. This Act contained two clauses of importance to farm families: ensuring that railroads would not charge farmers unreasonable rates and that no farmer could be charged higher rates than another.

In 1970, the Paris 19 Grange was turned into a real estate office. Grange members still met in private homes throughout the 1970s.

Baby it’s c-c-cold outside, but that’s no reason to sit idle

Care Resources participant Pat is working on a puzzle, one of many simple ways older adults can promote their well-being despite Michigan’s challenging winter months. (Courtesy, Care Resources)

By Care Resources

Mentally making the choice is the easy part.

It’s getting out of the recliner and onto your feet and into action that will test your resolve.

But when you consider that it’s your very health and welfare at risk, the team at Care Resources is in your corner and ready to encourage you in ways that keep you active during Michigan’s ch-ch-chilly and challenging winter months.

“With anything, it’s the first step out the door that’s the hardest,” says Garth Falkins, recreational therapy manager for Care Resources, a community-based program for people 55 and older seeking to remain in their homes.

“The key is to motivate yourself and remind yourself that you don’t want to just sit around and watch TV all day,” Falkins says. “We have programs in place at our day center, and also strategies to help people at home who want to promote their well-being.

“It helps to actually make a plan of what you might like to do, and that can grow into a long list, anything from jogging in place to doing some simple exercises to taking a walk – even if it’s just around the home or up and down a hallway or out to the mailbox and back.”

Even playing a board game, reading a book, going through your coin collection, scrapbooking or sorting photos will enhance your day more so than staring at the tube or taking another nap.

Falkins emphasizes how gathering with others for social interaction can help repel the seasonal doldrums and positively affect your mental and emotional health. 

“COVID really demonstrated to us all how important it is to stay connected with others,” Falkins says. “Our programs provide the incentive to do that.”

For those who qualify, the day center at 4150 Kalamazoo Ave. SE in Grand Rapids lures with an array of activities that include bingo games, exercise options, crafts, music and much more. Transportation is available to and from clients’ homes. The center draws participants from Kent and parts of surrounding counties – 872 square miles in all.

Technology also can be your ally. Consider FaceTiming or Zooming a friend or relative. Or check out, a platform allowing you to talk to a friendly avatar to provide compassionate 24-7 psychosocial support.

Falkins says it’s important you try to stick with plans to stay active, and engage others in your quest to be healthy. Reach out to community centers, churches, schools, health clubs – anywhere people gather.

Falkins emphasizes that “getting older doesn’t mean you pull away.” On the contrary, he says, “people 55 and older are a lot wiser and have a lot more to give and to get from pursuing healthy options.”

In any case, “try to make the effort,” Falkins says. “Begin with baby steps, and build from there. In the long run, you’ll thank yourself for it.”

Learn more about Care Resources by visiting or calling 616-913-2006.

UPDATE: Wyoming Police Department provides update on New Year’s Eve shooting

Walmart shooting investigation results in two suspects in police custody (Courtesy, Deborah Reed, WKTV Staff)

By Wyoming Public Safety

Two are in police custody after a shooting on Dec. 31, 2023 inside of Walmart.

Since the night of this incident, investigators have worked tirelessly to bring those responsible to justice. As a result of their efforts, Camrin Carpenter and Latrell Young have been charged and arrested in relation to this shooting.

Carpenter is charged with Assault with Intent to Murder and Armed Robbery, as well as two additional felony charges. Young is charged with Assault with Intent to Murder, Discharge of a Weapon Inside of a Building Causing Serious Impairment, and three other felony charges.

Both were arraigned at the 62-A District Court on Jan. 8, 2024.

The injured victims are expected to recover from this incident.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Wyoming Police at 616-530-
7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345; 1-866-774-2345; or

Suspects were arraigned at the 62-A District Court (Courtesy,

Previous media release from Dec. 31, 2023:

Two are injured after a shooting inside a Walmart store.

At approximately 6 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2023, police and fire personnel from the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to Walmart (355 54th Street SW) on multiple reports of a shooting that occurred inside the business.

Officers located a female victim suffering from a gunshot wound inside the store. The female was treated at the scene and transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

While investigating this incident, a male suffering from a gunshot wound arrived at an area hospital; this individual was found to be related to this incident. The suspect was armed with a handgun and described as an individual wearing a black parka-style coat with fur around the collar of the hood, a red sweatshirt, and dark pants.

A second person was seen with the suspect during this incident, this individual was wearing a black sweatshirt with white lettering across the chest, a black mask, and light-colored pants. Walmart was evacuated and will be closed for business while police investigate this incident.

It should be noted that this appeared to be a targeted attack toward the male; additionally, the female was found to be an innocent bystander struck by gunfire. Currently, there are no suspects related to this incident in police custody.

The Wyoming Police Investigative Division and Forensic Science Unit continue to investigate this incident. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Wyoming Police at 616-530-7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345; 1-866-774-2345; or

In hospice care, essential oils can soothe, invigorate

In hospice care, essential oils can be used to minimize adverse reactions and maximize therapeutic benefits to support mind, body and spirit. (Courtesy, Emmanuel Hospice)

By Emmanuel Hospice

How to help combat tension? Maybe lavender.

Wish you could feel a bit more energized? Try lemon.

As for improving congestion and mental focus? Peppermint, perhaps.

In hospice care, these and other essential oils are finding their way into the mainstream as ways to minimize adverse reactions and maximize therapeutic benefits, often in conjunction with other methods of treatment.

At Emmanuel Hospice, essential oils have been part of the care team’s toolkit for upwards of five years now, relying on 100% natural extracts from plants which support the holistic wellbeing of mind, body and spirit.


“We currently utilize four essential oils,” explains Jenny Kellogg, Emmanuel’s support programs manager. “There’s lavender, a light and floral scent, which can ease feelings of tension, and sometimes reduce a person’s anxiety and even help calm them and promote restful sleep.


“Then there’s lemon, a bright and citrusy scent, which can be used for odor control and for uplifting moods, sort of like the opposite of lavender.


“The third is frankincense, an earthy scent with a Biblical tie-in, which can help with emotional balance and spiritual awareness. A patient might be struggling with their diagnosis, and frankincense can offer some respite from those feelings.


“The fourth is peppermint, a cool and refreshing scent, which can help with multiple things. It can clear congestion, improve mental focus and help with nausea and headaches.”

Kellogg stresses that Emmanuel only uses essential oils procured from a reputable supplier, rather than diluted oils you might purchase in some retail stores. In any case, Emmanuel limits their use to only a few drops at a time that are diffused into the air, sprayed onto linens or applied sparingly to a piece of felt that can be pinned to clothing.

The reaction patients have to the oils can vary. 

“Like with most things, reactions are different,” Kellogg says. “All oils are unique in their scent and utilization. It offers a person-centered approach to symptom management based on each patient’s preferences and needs. 

“A lot of times, people will gravitate toward lavender oil because it helps them sleep, or puts them at ease. And others like lemon oil because it can improve energy and promote an invigorating environment.”

Since essential oils are so potent, they’re used with extreme care. Emmanuel uses protocols about how much to use in a diffuser or the correct amount to spray into the air or introduce to clothing or bedding. It takes 60 pounds of lavender to produce just one ounce of its essential oil. For the same amount of essential lemon oil, 90 lemons are required.

Though there are studies demonstrating health benefits from essential oils, Kellogg says “some patients connect with and believe in oils more than others.” 

“This is just another way we offer patient’s choice in their plan of care and ways to improve their quality of life,” she adds.

Overall, they serve as a valid alternative to some medications, and represent “an important tool for us, especially for patients who hesitate to add more medications to their list.”

Essential oils are one of many complementary therapies and services Emmanuel Hospice offers that can be used alongside pharmaceutical approaches or as an alternative to enhance each patient’s life. Others include massage therapy, music therapy, pet visitors and virtual reality, to name a few.

“It’s all about how best to treat the patient and the patient’s family,” Kellogg says. “If essential oils can help, we’ll make them part of the journey.”

For more information about holistic end-of-life care, visit or call 616-719-0919.

WKTV Friday Night Highlights is Back! Check out our second show of the basketball season featuring local high schools

By Cris Greer

WKTV Managing Editor

Check out our latest WKTV Friday Night Highlights show (Jan. 5) of the basketball season featuring many area high school teams in action.

Every Friday, we’ll bring you several high school boys and girls basketball clips from the Wyoming and Kentwood areas, highlight some top performers and give a snapshot of the latest conference standings.

Thanks for watching, and see you next Friday!

South Christian falls to Catholic Central as last-second shot bounces off rim

South Christian’s Carson Vis (11) looks for an open man during Friday’s game. Vis led the Sailors with 20 points, including four three-point baskets. (WKTV/Greg Chrapek)

By Greg Chrapek

WKTV Contributor

The South Christian boys basketball team honored the first Sailors to win a state basketball championship Friday and their game with Grand Rapids Catholic Central proved worthy of a state final.

The Sailors and Cougars, who are both among the top teams in the state in Division 2, put on a state-finals worthy performance with Catholic Central hanging on for a 57-54 win as a last-second South Christian three-point shot bounced off the rim.

With many of the team members of the 1988 South Christian Class B state championship team in attendance, the Cougars and Sailors put on a classic of a game. Over the past three years at least one of the schools has played for a Division 2 state title with South Christian reaching the championship game last season. Friday’s contest proved that either team is capable of reaching the title game again this March.

“What a great high school basketball game,” said Catholic Central Coach TJ Meerman. “South Christian is an incredible team. They remind me so much of our state championship team of a couple years ago as they have the combination of guards, shooters, depth, rebounding and size in the middle. Our guys battled tough and they found a way to win.”

The game was an intense, close struggle throughout with both teams filling the hoop with three-point bombs while playing tough defense on the interior. Catholic Central led 13-8 at the end of the opening quarter with South Christian up 27-25 at halftime.

South Christian’s Sam Weiss (23) prepares to drive the lane against Catholic Central. (WKTV/Greg Chrapek)

The three-point shot was a main factor for the success of both offenses. South Christian connected on six, three-point shots during the first half, while Catholic Central drained five treys in the first half including all four of their buckets by three-pointers in the second quarter. South Christian finished the game with a total of 12 three’s, while Catholic Central totaled eight.

South Christian utilized the three-ball in response to Catholic Central’s zone defense.

“It was a great game,” said South Christian Coach Taylor Johnson. “Give all the credit to Catholic Central. Their 1-3-1 zone bothered us. On defense we tried to build a wall to take away their drives to the basket. We just came up short.”

Mr. Basketball candidate Durral Brooks gets 21 points

While the South defense slowed down some of the Cougars drives to the basket, they were unable to completely stop them as Catholic Central Mr. Basketball candidate Durral “Phat” Brooks was still able to find his way to the rim when they needed a key bucket. Brooks, who is committed to the University of Michigan, turned in a Mr. Basketball-type performance as he led the Cougars with 21 points, seven assists and seven rebounds.

“Phat is just a special player,” Meerman said. “He is a super leader and just lifts our guys up. We are young, we have five sophomores on the roster, and Phat and our other senior captains, Carter Meerman, Willie VanderBoegh and Matthew Sokorai, are doing a great job of leading our young guys.”

One of the Cougar sophomores, Izaya Larthridge, played anything like a sophomore as he drained four three-pointers and finished with 16 points.

“Izaya is a 6-foot-5 sophomore who has been doing a great job,” Meerman said. “One thing he has really been doing a good job at lately is his rebounding.”

Fellow sophomore Brieland Watkins added four points and six rebounds for the Cougars. Senior guard Carter Meerman turned in a big game as he totaled 15 points, including four clutch three-point shots.

Catholic Central regained the lead early in the second half before South Christian tied the game midway through the third quarter. Catholic ended the third quarter with a 9-5 run to take a 45-41 lead into the final stanza.

Cougars led 55-54 with under two minutes left

The game continued to swing back and forth in the final quarter. The Cougars surged ahead 53-44 in the opening minutes of the fourth quarter before South rallied to cut the margin to 55-54 with 1:54 remaining in the game.

Catholic’s Jack Bowen split a pair of free throws with 1:32 remaining to give the Cougars a 56-54 lead. The Sailors then worked the clock down and took a shot with 30 seconds remaining that rimmed out. Catholic added a free throw with 15 seconds remaining to go up by three and with one second remaining a South three-pointer bounced off the rim giving the Cougars the win.

South Christian’s Jake Vermaas (0) looks for an opening as Catholic Central’s Carter Meerman (11) and Durral Brooks (10) apply pressure. (WKTV/Greg Chrapek)

Carson Vis led the way for South Christian with 20 points, including four three-point baskets. Davis Kemper added 15 points, including 3 three’s, while Jake Vermaas added 10 points and Caleb Pleune, nine, all three’s.

“Kemper and Pleune hit a lot of big shots and that was nice to see,” Johnson said. “We are getting better. Our defense is continuing to get better and we are playing hard. We still have a long way to go and have a lot to improve on.”

The Sailors, who fell to 5-3 for the season, return to action Tuesday hosting Forest Hills Eastern and then travel to Cedar Springs next Friday.

South girls fall to Catholic Central

The South Christian girls basketball team dropped a 50-40 decision to Catholic Central on Friday. The loss evened South’s record at 3-3 for the season. The Sailors opened the season with three straight wins before dropping a 47-41 decision to Unity Christian and a 43-41 loss to East Grand Rapids. They return to action Tuesday at Forest Hills Eastern and then travel to Cedar Springs next Friday.

Kentwood to host second annual Adaptive Recreation Expo

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

By WKTV Staff

The City of Kentwood invites local organizations and community members of all abilities to its second annual Adaptive Recreation Expo on Thursday, Jan. 11.

The free event will take place from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Kentwood Activities Center, 355 48th St. SE. It is open to all community members, and no ticket or pre-registration is required. The event features a variety of local programs and resources for individuals of all abilities and provides opportunities for community members and vendors alike.

“We are proud to host an event that spotlights the local resources available to those with disabilities and their loved ones,” said Val Romeo, Kentwood Parks and Recreation director. “Last year’s event was a success, and we hope to replicate that this year.”

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

During the event, individuals with disabilities and their loved ones can learn more about a variety of local programs and resources, including recreation opportunities and adaptive equipment demonstrations. Students and community members interested in adaptive recreation can connect with local agencies and learn about volunteer, internship and employment opportunities.

Vendors will have an opportunity to connect directly with potential new clients and volunteers as well as other organizations. 

Organizations participating in the event include Kentwood Parks and Recreation, Artists Creating Together, Beyond26, Conductive Learning Center, Michigan Disability Rights Coalition and many others.

Vendor applications are still being accepted. If your organization is interested in becoming a vendor, contact Ann Przybysz at or 616-656-5284.

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

The event’s gold sponsors are Estate Planning Legal Services and Strive Recreational Therapy, silver sponsors are Coloplast and Hanger Clinic, and bronze sponsors are Amazon, Care Resources PACE, Comprehensive Therapy Center, Down Syndrome Association of West Michigan, Hunt 2 Heal, Life Beyond Barriers Rehabilitation, Novo Chiropractor Sports and Wellness Center, Ready for Life and West Michigan Bike and Fitness.

Learn more about the Adaptive Recreation Expo at For more information on the City of Kentwood’s adaptive recreation programming, visit

Impact of incarceration: Arbor Circle offers free panel discussion highlighting systemic racism, poverty and community

Incarceration deeply impacts communities in several ways (Courtesy,

By WKTV Staff

Arbor Circle is inviting the community to a conversation about the impact of incarceration on our community, barriers and challenges faced by returning citizens, and ways to support returning citizens.

As our community commemorates Martin Luther King Jr. Day, join Arbor Circle at their third annual Growing Together event from 6-8 p.m. on Jan. 11 for a free panel discussion on the impact of incarceration in our community.

Honoring a legacy, impacting the community

Arbor Circle event panelists (Courtesy, Arbor Circle)

The panel discussion, presented in partnership with Civic Theatre, will take place at Wealthy Theatre with the option for guests to join in-person or virtually. While the event is free to attend, please register to help us plan: Event Registration.

Event panelists include Dee Dee Taylor, Founder and President of Taylor Made Re-Entry; West Michigan Works! Project Manager Wes Selent; Director of Cure Violence Grand Rapids and Member of City of Grand Rapids SAFE Taskforce Richard Griffin, and Mike Cole, Arbor Circle Clinical Manager.

“Bringing this important conversation to our community honors the legacy of Dr. King,” said Enid Gaddis, Director of Equity & Inclusion at Arbor Circle. “The impact of incarceration is felt by individuals, families, communities, and across systems.

“Our panelists will be exploring this impact from diverse perspectives, which include their lived experience and roles as service providers. I am excited to be part of the conversation.”

Don’t leave yet – there’s more!

As an extension of our Growing Together event, Arbor Circle is partnering with Grand Rapids Civic Theatre as they launch their production of Clyde’s, running Jan. 19-28.

(Courtesy photo)

This modern play explores the tremendous hurdles formerly incarcerated folks experience in life outside prison walls. Themes include safe housing, employment, specific support for women of color, and more.

Learn more about the show, Community Resource Night on Jan. 25, and the “pay what you want” opportunity here:

The panel discussion is sponsored by Veneklasen Construction, Fifth Third Bank, Grand Valley State University, Horizon Bank, Hungerford Nichols CPAs + Advisors, Mika Meyers PLC, PCE Systems, Sytsma Wealth Strategies – Raymond James, and Urban League of West Michigan.

Wyoming first responders investigate a shooting, fatal accident and garage fire over holiday weekend

Wyoming Public Safety continue to investigate emergency incidents (Courtesy, Phil Dolby at

By Wyoming Public Safety

As 2023 drew to a close this last weekend, Wyoming first responders provided aid at three separate and emergency incidents.

Fatal accident leaves one dead

Wyoming Police Department investigate a crash involving a vehicle and a pedestrian (Courtesy,

One person is dead after a crash in the 2100 block of Clyde Park Avenue.

At approximately 7:55 p.m. on Dec. 28, 2023, police and fire personnel from the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to the 2100 block of Clyde Park Avenue on a report of a crash involving a vehicle and a pedestrian.

The pedestrian, a 53-year-old male resident of the Grand Rapids area, died at the scene. Initial investigation indicates the pedestrian was standing in the roadway when he was struck by a vehicle traveling southbound on Clyde Park Avenue. The driver remained at the scene to speak with investigators.

At this time, alcohol does not appear to have been a factor in this incident.

The Wyoming Police Accident Investigation and Forensic Science Units continue to investigate this crash. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Wyoming Police at 616-530- 7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345; 1-866-774-2345; or

Structure fire

At approximately 5:45 am on Dec. 29, 2023, the Wyoming Fire Department responded to a structure fire at a duplex located in the 2900 block of Burlingame Avenue SW.

No injuries resulted from the garage fire (Supplied)

The first arriving fire units observed significant fire coming from the garage. The responding units were able to contain and extinguish the fire, working quickly so that the impact to the living spaces of the home was limited to minimal smoke and fire damage. There were no reported injuries to people or pets.

Tenants affected by this fire are currently receiving assistance from the Red Cross for temporary shelter, food, and other essential services while necessary repairs are made.

The Wyoming Fire Department commends the quick thinking and proactive response of a neighbor who reported the fire. Their alertness played a crucial role in enabling a swift and effective response. We would also like to thank the Grandville Fire Department along with the Georgetown Township Fire Department for their assistance on this fire.

This fire incident is currently being investigated by the Wyoming Fire Marshal’s Office. Anyone with additional information regarding is asked to contact the Wyoming Fire Department Fire Investigator at 616-257-9764.

Walmart shooting leaves two injured

Two are injured after a shooting inside Walmart store.

At approximately 6 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2023, police and fire personnel from the Wyoming Department of Public Safety responded to Walmart (355 54th Street SW) on multiple reports of a shooting that occurred inside the business.

Wyoming Police Department responded swiftly to reports of multiple gunshots at Walmart store (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV Staff)

Officers located a female victim suffering from a gunshot wound inside the store. The female was treated at the scene and transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

While investigating this incident, a male suffering from a gunshot wound arrived at an area hospital; this individual was found to be related to this incident. The suspect was armed with a handgun and described as an individual wearing a black parka-style coat with fur around the collar of the hood, a red sweatshirt, and dark pants.

A second person was seen with the suspect during this incident, this individual was wearing a black sweatshirt with white lettering across the chest, a black mask, and light-colored pants. Walmart was evacuated and will be closed for business while police investigate this incident.

It should be noted that this appeared to be a targeted attack toward the male; additionally, the female was found to be an innocent bystander struck by gunfire. Currently, there are no suspects related to this incident in police custody.

The Wyoming Police Investigative Division and Forensic Science Unit continue to investigate this incident. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact Wyoming Police at 616-530-7300 or Silent Observer at 616-774-2345; 1-866-774-2345; or

Kentwood family provided first schools for the local community

Bowen School built in 1905 (Courtesy, Kentwood Historic Preservation Commission)

By Kentwood Historic Preservation Commission

Bowen School, September 1950 (Courtesy, Kentwood Historic Preservation Commission)

Some of the City’s most important links to the past are from the history, lifestyle and contributions of the Bowens.

The Bowens were involved in the construction of four Bowen Schools built over several decades. Early settlers Bostwick and Hattie Bowen were particularly interested in the educational affairs of the community. Both served as director of the school board. They hired teachers and some even boarded at the Bowen’s home.

The first school was built on the Bowen property. A second one, known as Bowen 2, was built off property but nearby Brake’s Blacksmith Shop and an abandoned train depot.

Bowen 2 tragically burned down in 1904. After the school fire, the blacksmith donated part of the shop for classes for the rest of the year. When located in the blacksmith shop, the school was known as Bowen 3.

The Bowen School being torn down in 1962 (Courtesy, Kentwood Historic Preservation Commission)

The next year, the depot was destroyed, and materials were used to build a new school, Bowen 4, which was completed in 1905. The new two-room school was built of cement blocks with a large archway at the entrance.

The idea of two rooms – one where younger children could be taught and another for older students – was that of Bostwick. There was much opposition, but the idea won out. It was the first two-room schoolhouse in the area and also the first local school to be made out of brick.

The building was used until 1952 when the current Bowen Elementary School was built on the same lot but further back. The two-room building was then demolished in 1962.

To learn more about the Historic Preservation Commission, visit

Grand Rapids Christmas Lite Show a tradition for many West Michigan families

The Christmas Lite Show at LCMU Ballpark is the largest light display in West Michigan (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

The Grand Rapids Christmas Lite Show has been a holiday tradition for most West Michigan families for the past 25 years.

With over 50,000 visitors each year, the Christmas Lite Show (CLS) has grown to be the largest lite show display in West Michigan.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

How it all began

A family-owned business, the CLS was founded by American veteran William (Bill) Schrader after returning to West Michigan as a wounded war veteran.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Schrader and his family would spend the days leading up to Christmas driving through neighborhood decorated in lights. It was a cherished family tradition by Schrader, his wife and their three children.

After sharing those memories with family friends, Schrader approached the LMCU Ballpark office and asked to lease the parking lot so he could bring a unique and fun holiday attraction to West Michigan.

Comprised of a 30-person team of mostly veterans, the CLS has grown from generators, gas cans, and mile-long extension cords to transformers, power boxes, and 100% LEDs, and from one semi trailer full of lights to eight.

The mission

The CLS 40-night season (Nov. 22 – Dec. 31) brings new displays and experiences every year – and is the result of a year-round effort by Schrader and his team.

“The whole mission is to bring a smile to the kids,” Schrader says on the CLS website. “It’s all about the kids.”

Schrader and his team are dedicated to spreading joy and good fortune to our community. They carry out this spirit through the CLS and by supporting and donating to local organizations like the Grand Rapids Veterans Home.

(Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

New scholarship program through KDL aims to empower individuals working to achieve their dreams

KDL’s scholarship program will provide education and pave the way for a stronger community (Courtesy, KDL)

By WKTV Staff

Education transforms lives, and Kent District Library (KDL) has launched a new scholarship program to help local students obtain that education.

The scholarship program empowers individuals enrolling in college or vocational training programs. Your year-end contribution will help establish the fund and enable more individuals to achieve their dreams.


Why should you donate?

Contributions to the scholarship fund, KDL says, are an investment into the education of future local leaders, innovators and contributors. This helps strengthen and build a stronger local community.

Financial constraints often hinder individuals as they pursue higher education. Donations break down those barriers and provide opportunities to those who need it.

“Education is the cornerstone of a thriving community,” KDL says in supplied material. “By supporting our scholarship program, you are helping to build a stronger, more educated community that benefits everyone.”

Contributions and spreading the word

KDL hopes to raise $200,000 or more by June 2024. All contributions, no matter the size, make a difference.

“Every dollar brings us one step closer to supporting another aspiring student,” says KDL (supplied).

Sharing KDL’s message with friends, family and networks has the potential to increase lives impacted with the scholarship program.


Contact and donation information

Those with questions or requests for more information are urged to reach out to KDL at 616-784-2007 or

KDL thanks the community for your generosity and commitment to the future of our community: “Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are eager to learn, grow and make a positive impact on the world.”

Donate now at

Immersive full-dome concert experience coming to Grand Rapids Public Museum

West Michigan’s underground music scene staple, “Concerts Under the Stars,” is back and promises unforgettable performances (Courtesy, GRPM)

By WKTV Staff

Attendees will be treated to a one-of-a-kind immersive concert experience (Courtesy, GRPM)

Get ready for an unforgettable sonic journey as “Concerts Under the Stars” returns to Grand Rapids Public Museum (GRPM).

Curated by the Grand Rapids Public Museum’s Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium, “Concerts Under the Stars” is an immersive full-dome concert experience highlighting local musicians and visual artists.

Local West Michigan bands will perform their music, enhanced by original video art projected onto the Planetarium’s 50-foot dome. Upcoming local visual artists collaborate with the musicians to weave together an exclusive concert experience.

First to take the stage

GRPM is kicking off the 2024 series on Jan. 11 and 12 with Silent Spirit, a Grand Rapids electronic music sensation. Silent Spirit combines synthesis and contemplative rhythms to create organic atmospheres and reflective environments.

Performances will be accompanied by a full-dome visual display presented by local artist, iVy Garvey.

Attendees are invited to explore their inner selves and imagine themselves immersed in a world drawn from inspiration of the natural world.

Must-know details

Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. Visitors are invited to explore the Museum’s first two floors of exhibits during the cocktail hour before the concert.

Visitors can grab a drink and explore the first two floors of GRPM before the concerts (Courtesy, GRPM)

Performers will play two sets with a short intermission in between. Refreshments, beer, and other beverages will be available for purchase.

Parking is available through GVSU and the Museum’s parking ramp and will be validated for GRPM parking ramp guests.

Tickets are $20, with discounted pricing of $16 for GRPM members. Children must attend with an adult.

Details for February and March performances can be found here.

*Please be aware that shows may contain bright lights or dizzying visuals.

Godfrey-Lee Public Schools to expand administration building, closes deal on building

By WKTV Staff

Godfrey-Lee Public Schools is proud to announce that they will be purchasing Bloom Credit Union’s Wyoming building. The district closed on the deal on Dec. 15.

The Wyoming location of Bloom Credit Union, located on 1414 Burton St. SW, is right next door to Godfrey-Lee’s Administration Building, separated only by a fence.

Superintendent of Godfrey-Lee Schools Arnetta Thompson and Bloom CEO Joe Heintskill in front of Bloom Credit Union (Courtesy, Godfrey-Lee Schools)

Bloom Credit Union is relocating their administrative offices and bank branch to other locations in Wyoming and Grand Rapids. Godfrey-Lee was able to benefit from the move by partnering and purchasing the current building. They hope to create a new administration building with potential for a conference and community center.

Bloom Credit Union has always been a community partner of the district. For years, Bloom has shared their parking lot with Godfrey-Lee due to lack of space at the Administration building, and has consistently provided in-kind donations for students.

Lee High School recently celebrated 100 years in the district and launched a fundraising campaign for a new scoreboard at their athletic complex. Bloom received the campaign postcard in the mail and committed to donating the funds for the scoreboard.

Bloom Credit Union will soon be relocating their administrative offices to a larger space in Grand Rapids. Their 1414 Burton St. SW branch will continue to operate from the same location until they open another
nearby branch at a later date.

Kentwood Holiday Tree Lighting and Light Parade enjoyed by many residents

By Cris Greer

WKTV Managing Editor

Year after year, the City of Kentwood holds a magical community event to celebrate the holidays.

This year was no different as residents gathered on Dec. 7 to celebrate the season as they watched Mayor Stephen Kepley light the Christmas tree by the library with help from essay winner Aileen Juarez, who attends San Juan Diego Academy in Wyoming.

Kentwood Mayor Stephen Kepley with essay contest winner and grand marshal Aileen Juarez. (Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

Mayor Kepley said he needed help turning on the Christmas tree lights.

“That’s not easy to do, and I need all the help I can get,” Kepley said as he chuckled. 

For the second-straight year, a student essay competition was held to determine the event’s grand marshal. Students ages 5-18 who are Kentwood residents or attend school in Kentwood, Kelloggsville, Forest Hills or Caledonia school districts are eligible to participate.

Below is 9-year-old Aileen Juarez’s winning essay:

“Why do you love living in Kentwood?”

“Hi, My name is Aileen Juarez, I am 9 years old. At home I have one little sister named Abigail and one big brother named Anthony and a stepbrother named Isaiah. We moved to Kentwood two years ago on my birthday. It was the best birthday present I received that year. Although it was a lot of boxes to unpack and organize I was super excited to meet the neighbor kids. They were all super friendly and very welcoming. I love living in Kentwood because I can ride my bike and I always feel safe. We also live really close to the library where we really enjoy getting books from, and in the summer we love riding our bikes to the farmers market to get fresh fruits. My favorite fruits are apples and cucumbers and watermelon, especially the cucumbers because they are easy to carry in my little basket. I also really enjoy all the fun events we have in our neighborhood like when they hide the eggs at the parks for Easter egg hunt and Halloween is always fun. Some of our neighbors have the full size candy bars. My favorite, lol. This year my mom took us to a glow in the dark party that was also super fun to participate in. My sister and I were dressed as superheroes. We had soooooo much fun!!!!! We also had the chance to see Santa last year during the Christmas Tree Lighting and send him a letter. They didn’t do any of those things where I used to live before. Thank you Kentwood for everything you do! My siblings and I really appreciate it, I’m sure other kids do too. Thanks again.”

Plenty of holiday fun!

Youngsters also were able to visit with Santa, pet his reindeer, watch the holiday light parade, eat at the Dune Buggy food truck, sing karaoke Christmas Carols with complimentary hot chocolate, record Holiday Greetings with WKTV and create some take-home children’s crafts. A power-packed night of activities, to say the least.

Santa Clause was in town as well. (Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

The festivities took place at and around the Kent District Library – Kentwood (Richard L. Root) Branch, 4950 Breton Ave. SE.

“What’s special about it is that the community comes together, and now it’s become a tradition for a lot of families,” Mayor Kepley said. “I see a lot of people coming here year after year and they come up and greet me. And we get the infamous Christmas pictures with them … It’s wonderful to see.”

What makes Kentwood special for Mayor Kepley?

“Well, the world has come to Kentwood. Right now, East Kentwood is the most diverse high school in Michigan, I think sixth in the nation. It represents 90 different countries and 105 different languages.

“It’s just amazing how people from all over the world can live together in peace and harmony. We not only want to welcome people, we really want people to belong, to enjoy living in the city of Kentwood. We’ve got a lot of work to do yet, and we really want to make Kentwood a nice place to live, work and play. We’ve done a lot of work on our parks and trails. We’re also building a new community center … a place like a living room … a bigger space where people can gather because we are a growing community.”

Vehicles lining up before the holiday parade. (Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

Check out the Woodland Mall holiday gift guide

By WKTV Staff

The holiday season is well underway, and whether you’re just starting your shopping or still have your eye out for that last perfect gift, Woodland Mall can help you cross everything off your list in one convenient location. Following are gift ideas for a variety of interests.

For the kids

  • LEGO: For a timeless gift that continues to be popular, shop LEGO sets and minifigures at Barnes & Noble.
  • Toy xylophone: Tap into your kiddo’s musical abilities with an adorable fox xylophone from Carter’s – it’s one of their hottest selling toys this year.
  • Squishmallows: These super soft and super cute plush toys from Claire’s make a great gift for any little one on your list.
  • Tasman Uggs: These are some of the coziest slippers for this winter season. Find them at Journeys Kidz.
  • Super Mario Bros. Wonder: Head into Game Stop and grab this popular new video game for the Nintendo Switch.

Toy xylophone from Carter’s. (Courtesy, Woodland Mall)

For the trendy teen 

Sephora is offering a variety of trending products that will make great gifts:

  • Sol de Janeiro 62: Get your teen one of the trendiest sprays on the market with this fragrance.
  • Summer Fridays lip balm: Currently trending on TikTok and one of the hottest selling items at Sephora right now, you can’t go wrong with this vegan lip balm.
  • Fruit Babies set by Glow Recipe: This travel-friendly skincare set comes with multiple products perfect for the skincare obsessed.

Fruit Babies from Sephora. (Courtesy, Woodland Mall)

For those always-on-the-go

  • Tumbler: Grab a tumbler from Starbucks for a simple and easy gift everyone will love. Throw a gift card in the cup for something extra.
  • Mini emergency kit: This helpful kit from Francesca’s is filled with beauty and personal care essentials for the perfect stocking stuffer.
  • AirPods: AirPods from Apple are perfect for making phone calls, messaging, listening to music and more wherever you are.

Mini Emergency Kit at Francesca’s. (Courtesy, Woodland Mall)

For the sports fan

  • Lions hat: With how well the Detroit Lions are doing this year, Lions merch will be a hot gift for all fans. Consider a hat from Lids.
  • Sportswear: Find a range of athletic apparel and other sport-inspired accessories at Champs.

Detroit Lions hat from Lids. (Courtesy, Woodland Mall)

For the jewelry lovers

  • Tennis bracelet: For a timeless and elegant look, tennis bracelets are the perfect choice. Find a great selection at Zales.
  • Diamond necklace: Another true treasure from Zales, diamond necklaces never go out of style.
  • Engraved jewelry: Engraving at Pandora has gone viral on TikTok for personalized gifts. You can shop a wide variety of jewelry options and then engrave a message or symbol of your choice.
  • Earring set: Francesca’s has cute stocking stuffers such as earring sets, bracelets and more. 

Tennis bracelet from Zales. (Courtesy, Woodland Mall)

For the dapper professional 

  • High-quality apparel: Sophisticated meets comfort at Johnston and Murphy with a range of sweaters, vests, boots and belts perfect for the person who’s always well-dressed.
  • Shoe care products: Have someone on your list with a growing shoe collection? Consider shoe trees, creams and sprays, also from Johnston and Murphy, to keep their footwear in the best shape. 

For the cozy homebody

  • Fuzzy blanket: As a practical and comforting gift that can be used year-round, blankets continue to be one of the most gifted items. Find options everyone will love at Pottery Barn.
  • Fun socks: Wearing colorful and unique socks can brighten your day while keeping your toes warm. Plus, they’re the perfect size to be stocking stuffers. Explore a great selection of fun socks at Versona.
  • Candle: Bright Christmas Morning is one of the new scents for the season at Bath & Body Works and it’s already a big hit among shoppers. 
  • Lounge set: These lounge sets from Abercrombie & Fitch are incredibly soft and comfortable. 
  • Bath bomb set: You can’t go wrong with a gift set from Lush – and it comes already wrapped! There are many varieties featuring different products, ingredients and scents. 

And of course, you can always give a gift card to all their favorite retailers and restaurants at Woodland Mall. To find a complete list of retailers and deals, shoppers can visit

Pack Your Patience: Holiday travel expected to break a record at Ford Airport; 190,000 passengers anticipated

(Courtesy, Ford International Airport)

By WKTV Staff

As we approach the holiday travel season, the Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority is expecting a busy week and is reminding guests to pack their patience and arrive early for their flights.  

“As the festive spirit fills the air, we are excited to welcome travelers to the Airport this holiday season,” said Ford International Airport Authority President and CEO Tory Richardson. “From check-in to departure, our team and partners are ready to provide an exceptional travel experience, allowing our guests to focus on the joy of the season.”

Additionally, Operation Handshake will be held on Saturday, December 23, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., where military-affiliated groups and community members will greet and thank active military and veterans as they arrive to West Michigan for the holidays. 

Travel Numbers

Traffic: The airport is currently tracking 5% above 2019 passenger levels, which was a record-breaking year for the Airport.

Holiday Travel Dates: Holiday travel will start Wednesday, December 20 and carry through January 3. The busiest travel day for passengers is expected to be Friday, December 22.

Expected Holiday Passenger Numbers 2023: Total estimated passengers from December 20 to January 3 is expected to be more than 190,000.

Top Holiday Destinations: Punta Gorda, Orlando, Tampa, Clearwater and Phoenix

Check out the Meijer Gardens Christmas & Holiday Traditions Exhibition through Jan. 7

(Courtesy, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park)

By Adam Brown

WKTV Contributor

Looking for a family-friendly outing during these chilly winter days? Frederik Meijer Gardens has you covered. 

What Is It?

For the 29th consecutive year, Meijer Gardens is holding the annual University of Michigan Health-West: Christmas & Holiday Traditions Exhibition. This immersive experience takes guests on a journey showcasing worldwide cultures and lifestyles through trees and displays throughout the Gardens. Each winter, as the Gardens transform into a snowy wonderland, they spotlight one unique theme. This year’s message is Gather, which highlights how people around the world come together during this special time of year.  

From November 21, 2023 to January 7, 2024, Meijer Gardens transforms for the season. Guests’ favorite sculptures and exhibits are still there, just with a little extra winter flair. The Railway Garden transports guests around the park as they take in the flowers, gardens, and more than 350,000 individual lights. Each display highlights a unique tradition or cultural story from around the world. The Exhibition hasn’t left out the local community either. The Railway Garden and surrounding handcrafted buildings pay tribute to more than 40 iconic landmarks from the greater Grand Rapids area, as well as Grand Rapids’ sister cities across the globe. 

The Railway Garden. (Courtesy, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park)

What’s New This Year?

This year, Meijer Gardens has added something new. At the nearby DeVos Van Andel Piazza, guests can observe the Winter Glow lighting experience for the very first time. Surrounding The American Horse sculpture and just a short distance from the main building, this combination light-and-music show features lights dancing to a choreographed custom soundtrack while projecting winter scenes on the surrounding hills. The Gardens extend their hours for this show, which runs December 18 to 22 and 26 to 30 from 5 to 9 pm. Firepits and hot beverages are provided to warm any chilly bones. 

“We are looking forward to unveiling our new ‘Winter Glow’ experience outside on the nights of December 18-22 and 26-30. These unique events will feature visuals, sound, warm beverages and fire pits and are a great way for people to gather with friends and family to celebrate the holidays,” noted John VanderHaagen, the Gardens’ communications director.

The unique lights and sounds from across the world make Meijer Gardens the perfect place to reconnect with friends and loved ones this holiday season. And to anyone worried about potential accessibility issues, the Gardens have you covered. “We are open 360 days of the year,” VanderHaagen added. “All of our pathways remain plowed and de-iced, so we do make the entire grounds inside and outside accessible for our guests during the winter.” Guests should dress for the weather, as VanderHaagen noted both the indoor and outdoor areas of the Gardens remain open. 

For the Community

Meijer Gardens’ original film Joy, exploring the melting pot of cultural celebrations in the local area, runs all season long in the Hoffman Family Auditorium. It also streams for free on YouTube.

The response from the community has been one of positivity, both in the local area and beyond. “[The Holiday Traditions Exhibition] is our second busiest time, other than our butterfly exhibition in the spring,” VanderHaagen added. The Exhibition offers something for everyone, regardless of your favorite traditions. The younger patrons may enjoy visits with Santa Claus at the Welcome Center or petting a few of his reindeer at Michigan’s Farm Garden.

Wintertime Walks give the kiddos an immersive investigation of the Lena Meijer Children’s Garden. If classic Christmas carols are your thing, keep an ear open for The Original Dickens Carolers as they venture through the Gardens’ Bissell and Gunberg corridors, spreading songs and good cheer. 

(Courtesy, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park)

Bird lovers can join the Grand Rapids Audubon Club for their 124th Annual Christmas Bird Count as they share ways for everyday citizens to involve themselves in supporting birds. The local area’s Polish Heritage Society and Korean Connection offer an inside look at their culture’s holiday traditions and how they’re observed each year. Finally, various Christmas-themed classes present jolly learning opportunities for patrons of all ages. Fees for these events are all included with admission costs. The exact dates and times for events and details about the Exhibition can be found here

Looking beyond this year, VanderHaagen noted that the Gardens will continue to expand their new offerings in 2024. “We are also excited to launch a series of new events later this winter in January called Winter Nights at Meijer Gardens. These new experimental evenings feature unique performances, food and drink specials, and fun photo opportunities in the Garden Pavilion surrounded by Jaume Plensa’s monumental Utopia sculpture.”

The Railway Garden. (Courtesy, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park)

WKTV Friday Night Highlights is Back! Check out our first show of the basketball season featuring local high schools

By Cris Greer

WKTV Managing Editor

Check out our first WKTV Friday Night Highlights show of the basketball season featuring many area high school teams in action.

Every Friday, we’ll bring you several high school boys and girls basketball clips from the Wyoming and Kentwood areas, highlight some top performers and give a snapshot of the latest conference standings.

Thanks for watching, and see you next Friday!

East Grand Rapids uses late run to hold off Wyoming in our WKTV Friday Game of the Week


By Greg Chrapek

WKTV Contributor

A fourth-quarter run proved to be the difference as the East Grand Rapids boys basketball team turned back Wyoming 67-52 in a non-league game at Wyoming in our WKTV Friday Game of the Week.

The setback prevented Wyoming from breaking into the win column this season. The Wolves started the new season facing a strong string of opponents. Wyoming fell to Unity Christian and Coopersville in the first two contests and then dropped a five-point decision to Grand Rapids Christian in a game the Wolves led heading into the final minute.

Tied 32-all at the half with EGR

The game with East was much closer than the final score. Wyoming led 14-12 at the end of the first quarter and the contest was tied 32-32 at halftime.

East Grand Rapids pulled ahead of the host Wolves in the third quarter and headed into the final stanza with a 48-41 lead. Wyoming tied the game in the final quarter before East pulled away late with the bulk of its points coming at the free-throw line in the final minutes.

“It was a fairly close game, but we had to put them on the free-throw line at the end,” said Wyoming Coach Thom VanderKlay. “Defensively we broke down quite a bit in the second half. Our field-goal percentage was also not very good. The shots we took were decent and we did get 15 offensive rebounds so we had some second chances, but we just could not put the ball in the basket.”

Wyoming finished the game shooting 27% from the field and also had 16 turnovers. The Wolves did a solid job on the boards with 37 rebounds while the defense created seven turnovers.

Wyoming junior Avonte’ Wiggins from last year. (WKTV/Greg Chrapek)

Avonte’ Wiggins led Wyoming in scoring with 22 points and Brayden Williams added 10. Wiggins also led the Wolves with eight rebounds.

Shooting woes have been the main drawback for the Wolves this season.

“Coming into the season I expected us to be a pretty good shooting team,” VanderKlay said. “We can spread the floor and do a pretty good job of running the floor. On defense we work hard and can run pretty well and can create a fast pace.”

The Wolves also have more experience this season with several players returning from last year including a trio of returning starters.

Wyoming returns three senior starters in Warren Williams, Donavyn Edwards and Gage Behrenbrinker. Rounding out the starting lineup are freshman Brayden Williams and Wiggins, a junior.

Wyoming also is a deep team this season with 12 players on the roster who are all capable of contributing.

Wyoming also returns seniors Maxi Morales, Buster Cross and Chris Jackson along with senior Brendan Nesbary, who is new to the team. Rounding out the squad are juniors Zy Debose, Tarren Calvert and Duane Droughn.

“We have some good depth this season,” VanderKlay said “Any of the guys on our roster can step in and play well. All 12 of them can play.”

That depth will come in handy during the long 22-game season especially when OK Green Conference play begins. As usual, the league will be solid from top to bottom.

“Zeeland West, Reeths-Puffer and Muskegon are all very good teams,” VanderKlay said. “Mona Shores also looks much improved. I also think we can be in the mix. We’ve had our moments this season, we just have to be more consistent.”  

Community reading initiative, “On the Same Page,” announced by Kent District Library

(Courtesy, KDL)

By WKTV Staff

Kent District Library (KDL) is encouraging adults to get “On the Same Page” with reading. KDL is introducing a new initiative to bring people together around one book, Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. 

“At KDL, we love reading and we love people, and On the Same Page will bring two of our favorite things together,” said Hennie Vaandrager, Programming and Outreach Manager at KDL. “Many people feel lonely, and this program is designed to provide connection and enjoyment.”

On the Same Page will include numerous events around Kent County. There will be book discussions, programs featuring themes in the book, and a Meet the Author event at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, April 24 at the Covenant Fine Arts Center at Calvin University.

The author event will also feature special guest Kevin Wilson, author of Now is Not the Time to Panic.

Free registration for the Author Event will be required and will open on March 15. To sign up for updates and reminders, visit

Compelling storytelling and rich characters

Ann Patchett is a celebrated American author. Known for her compelling storytelling and rich character development, Patchett has received critical acclaim for novels such as Bel Canto and Commonwealth. With numerous literary awards and a reputation for thought-provoking narratives, she has made a significant impact on contemporary fiction.

Tom Lake has been described as both “quiet and reassuring” (New York Times) and “poignant and reflective” (Kirkus Reviews). It is a beautiful and moving novel about family, love and growing up that takes place on a cherry farm in Traverse City, MI during 2020.

How you can read Tom Lake

Because Tom Lake is now the book that everyone is reading, KDL has purchased many copies to keep the hold times as short as possible.

KDL has 670 regular print copies, 50 large print, 76 eBooks and 61 audiobooks in its collection. Tom Lake and Now is Not the Time to Panic are also available through KDL’s Talking Book and Braille Center in both audio and Braille formats.

On the Same Page participants should also sign up for KDL’s Let It Snow Winter Reading Club, which runs from Dec. 1 – Feb. 29.

(Courtesy, KDL)

Adults and teens (grades 6 and up) who read six books in various categories will receive a collectible mug. One of the categories is “Ann Patchett Title.” Those who read an additional four books will be entered to win a Kindle Scribe. Learn more at

On the Same Page is offered in partnership with Calvin University’s January Series. To learn more, visit

Hip Grandma with a Camera gives insight on living life after 50 and a “100 Things” bucket list

Veronica Bareman is a Hip Grandma with a Camera – and she is living life to the fullest (Courtesy, Veronica Bareman)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

Bareman fell in love with Holland right away (Courtesy, Veronica Bareman)

West Michigan’s “Hip Grandma with a Camera,” Veronica Bareman, urges communities to explore their own backyards with her book, 100 Things to do in Holland, Michigan Before You Die.

Released in September 2023, 100 Things is an ode to the town Bareman fell in love with 20 years ago when she moved to Holland, Michigan.

A native of the Wyoming-Kentwood area, Bareman had only been to Holland once during her childhood – while on a school field trip to see the De Klomp Wooden Shoe & Delftware Factory.

“That was my sole experience with Holland,” says Bareman. Many years later, Bareman met her husband, got married and moved to Holland. “In the short time after moving to Holland, I just fell in love.”

The artsy, close-knit community calls to Bareman. Being a college town, Holland also offers a variety of events throughout the year.

“We have a lot of really cool events and tons of parks,” says Bareman. “It’s just a beautiful town, and right on the lakeshore.”

How Hip Grandma with a Camera was born

Bareman loves to travel and make friends at every stop (Courtesy, Veronica Bareman)

Bareman’s love of photography founded Veronicajune Photography. Over the years, she became known as “the girl with the camera.”

“Whenever I would show up I would have the camera, so people would laugh about that,” says Bareman.

Five years ago, Bareman began blogging about photography – and welcomed her first grandchild into the world.

“People started laughing and saying, ‘Oh, you’re the grandma with a camera,’” says Bareman. “Then I had a friend who took one look at me and said, ‘You can’t be the grandma with the camera. You’ve got pink hair, you’ve got to be hipper than that. You’re a Hip Grandma with a Camera.’”

Between the pink hair and Bareman’s energy level, Hip Grandma with a Camera stuck.

A life shift: becoming a travel blogger

The photography blog led to traveling as Bareman’s five children grew up and moved out of the house.

“Life has a way of just kind of morphing here and there,” Bareman says. “All of a sudden, I find myself in this travel space where I’m traveling.”

And wherever Bareman travels, her camera goes as well.

People often miss what is right in front of them in their own communities, says Bareman (Courtesy,

Invited into communities across the country, Bareman visits destinations and then posts on social media about what the communities have to offer.

At every travel destination, Bareman chats with hotel employees and waitstaff at local establishments. They always ask why she is in their town, and Bareman replies that she travels to see what that town has to offer.

The travel blogger says the responses are overwhelmingly similar: We don’t have anything to see or do around here.

“No matter where I go, this is what people say,” says Bareman. “We’re all so busy thinking about where we should go next, and what plane we should get on.

“If you just look around, most communities have a ton of things to see and do.”

Bareman believes she was given a unique perspective on her own community because she moved to Holland as an adult. Instead of taking the town’s offerings for granted, she embraced each new opportunity to explore what was right in front of her.

“We just kind of take it for granted that ‘Someday we’ll go see that, but we’re planning something else right now,’” says Bareman. “It’s definitely a phenomenon. It happens everywhere, not just here in West Michigan. It happens all over the country.”

An ironic revelation

Then, almost two years ago, Bareman realized the irony attached to her travel blog.

“I’m writing about everything and I come home to the best town…why haven’t I written extensively about Holland?” Bareman asked herself.

Bareman realized she had never written about the place she loves most (Courtesy,

Bareman found the response from her previous travel destinations was the same response she found in Holland.

“People don’t know what’s within twenty minutes of their own back door,” Bareman says.

That revelation led the travel blogger to contact publishing company Reedy Press.

“They have a series of 100 Things books,” says Bareman. “I pitched the Holland, Michigan idea to them, and they were on board.”

100 Things to do in Holland, Michigan Before You Die has been well-received by people, Bareman says. Many local readers have told Bareman they had no idea certain attractions existed in their own backyard.

What came before and what’s next

(Courtesy Photo)

Bareman’s 100 Things is actually her second publication.

Twelve authors throughout the Midwest came together and compiled an informative book on Midwest state parks.

Titled Midwest State Park Adventures, the book covers all state parks in the Midwest states, with Bareman penning the Michigan chapter.

“Michigan has 108 state parks,” says Bareman. “I did a deep dive into those to figure out who has camping, trails and kayaking, then specifically wrote from firsthand experience.”

Bareman is looking at participating in another author compilation that will cover Midwest museums. She is also in conversation with Reedy Press about writing a bigger, more Michigan-centric book.

Never stop exploring

“Life goes on past 50, and it can be the most exciting time of your life,” says Bareman. “I’m in my 50s now, and life has taken off in my 50s in a bigger way than through all of the years prior.”

Bareman is loving her Hip Grandma Life and continues to carry her camera everywhere she goes. Her days consist of traveling, writing, photography, and speaking engagements.

Bareman says we should never stop learning and exploring (Courtesy,

And, most importantly, being a grandma to her two grandchildren while looking forward to welcoming more into the Hip Grandma fold.

Bareman encourages those around her to never stop exploring, no matter their age.

“Don’t forget to explore your own backyard,” says Bareman. “We have the gift of a lifetime of experience and look through a whole different lens than we would have when we were 25 and trying to figure life out.

“Now we’ve kind of got the gift of having it figured out. We never stopped learning, and we never have it completely figured out, but certainly those years of experience are a huge gift when you’re at this point in life.”

Inspiration to get you started

Adventures of the pink-haired, high-energy Hip Grandma with a Camera can be found on her website, Hip Grandma Life.

You can also find Veronica Bareman on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Local author Chavonne Mateen reveals heart behind fantasy novel set to be released Dec. 19

WKTV Managing Editor Deborah Reed went behind the scenes with author Chavonne Mateen and her debut novel, Shaylah Marston and the Rogue Roots, on WKTV Soundbites (Courtesy, WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

(Courtesy Photo)

Local author Chavonne Mateen will be launching her debut fantasy novel, Shaylah Marston and the Rogue Roots, on Tuesday, Dec. 19.

Set in an urban magical realm, Mateen’s middle grade novel contains everything the author loves about the fantasy genre – and about life.

“I have always been a huge fan of fantasy fiction,” said Mateen, adding that the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling and the Children of Blood and Bone series by Tomi Adeyemi are among her favorite reads.

When not writing, Mateen fills her time as an HR Technologist for HRIS Streamline Consulting, is an Associate Integration Consultant for iCIMS, and is a self-professed serial entrepreneur.

Already living a life busy with the HR works she loves, this reporter couldn’t resist asking Mateen about the driving force behind her desire to pen a novel.

Living life to the fullest

“People go on journeys in life,” said Mateen. “One day I was writing down things I wanted to accomplish. Starting a business was one, finishing school was another, and writing a rap.

“The next one was to write a book. That’s how this was born.”

Mateen talked with WKTV Managing Editor Deborah Reed about what lies at the heart of her debut novel (Courtesy, WKTV)

Not only did Mateen decide to write a book, she decided to create something groundbreaking that was also relatable.

Mateen wanted to write what she deemed was missing in the fantasy genre – a series featuring a beautiful, strong and present family that sticks together.

“I decided that I wanted to write something that I could relate to,” said Mateen. “This is more in an urban setting, and it’s characters that I can relate to.”

Shaylah’s journey is one of self-discovery.

Suddenly inundated with nightly visions of her deceased grandfather, Shaylah begins asking her mother some hard questions. As long-kept family secrets are revealed, the young teen realizes that she also holds magical powers and abilities.

Mateen chats about Shaylah Marston merchandise and fan art (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

“When they begin telling her these secrets, that’s when the story begins to unfold and the magic occurs,” said Mateen.

The young heroine embarks on a mission with her family and friends, intent on saving a distant world and restoring her family’s name.

With a diverse cast of characters and a relatable and inspiring protagonist, Shaylah Marston and the Rogue Roots weaves powerful themes of friendship, courage and self-discovery throughout its pages.

Deemed “an exhilarating coming-of-age extravaganza” and “unapologetic fantasy fiction at its finest” by beta readers, Mateen’s novel will transport readers to a world brimming with adventure.

Interested readers can visit Mateen’s website to pre-order a copy of the novel, sign up for notifications regarding Shaylah Marston events and news, and purchase Shaylah Marston merchandise.

But Mateen isn’t stopping there.

Big screen goals

Bringing Shaylah Marston to the big screen as a Netflix series is a goal Mateen is already working to set in motion.

“That’s the ultimate goal, to bring it to the big screen, bring it to life, and bring the awareness to Grand Rapids that we do have offerings and more creatives in this space,” said Mateen.

Expanding worlds, chasing dreams

Mateen is currently working on the second Shaylah Marston novel (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Mateen plans to expand Shaylah Marston’s world through writing, though she admits that the writing process is not always easy.

“I’ve experienced roadblocks, setbacks, tumbles and stumbles,” said Mateen.

But she doesn’t let that stop her, and she encourages others to push through those difficulties as well.

“Just continue to write,” said Mateen. “Pick up that pen. If you don’t have a pen, pick up your phone. Jot those ideas down. You can always revisit and expand on it, but you have to start somewhere and keep at it because it’s a work in progress.

“It’s not going to always be perfect. But continue pressing forward.”

To learn more about Shaylah Marston and the Rogue Roots, visit the Shaylah Marston website and Facebook page.