By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
Santa is coming to town. How do we know? Because the Wyoming Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce, along with the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood, is hosting the 12th annual Santa Parade Saturday, Dec. 8, along Division Avenue.
The parade, which starts at 10 a.m. and lasts about 45 minutes, will feature more than 50 participants including five school bands. Participants will travel down South Division from 33rd Street to Murray Avenue.
Chamber President and CEO Bob O’Callaghan said the Santa Parade provides an opportunity for many residents to attend a parade who may not get the opportunity to attend the big parade in downtown Grand Rapids. Another key element to the event is free photos with Santa, which takes place after the parade at Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille, 4157 S. Division Ave. Parade-goers and residents are encouraged to bring their children over to the restaurant along with cameras for free pictures with Santa.

“It is part of the Community Service we offer at the Chamber,” O’Callaghan said.
In the parade will be police vehicles and fire trucks from both the cities of Kentwood and Wyoming. There also will be floats and vehicles from several of the parade sponsors such as The Rapids, Steelcase, Conumsers Energy, Diversified Protection, JX Peterbilt, Marge’s Donut Den, Supermercado Mexico, Two Men and A Truck, Liberty Tax Service, Godwin Plumbing, Celebration Cinema, and Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille. Also five local high school bands are set to perform as well.
This year the Chamber will be hosting a Float Judging Contest selecting the three best decorated floats with first place being a $1,500 office chair from Steelcase.
If you miss or can not make the parade, WKTV will be broadcasting the entire event on Comcast channel 25 and AT&T Channel 99 at 12:30 p.m. and then again at 7 p.m. that day. It will re-air the program throughout the month. Check wktv.org for listings.