By WKTV Staff
A Kentwood citizens committee — Yes For Kentwood — has formed and recently launched a campaign for public support of the City of Kentwood’s dedicated parks, recreation and trails millage, set to be voted on as part of the Aug. 2 ballot.
Yes For Kentwood, according to an announcement from the group, is “a committee of involved residents, families, and business owners working together to make the city a better place to live.”
The proposed millage would provide “sustainable funding to improve, operate and maintain Kentwood’s parks, trails and recreational programming today and for future generations,” according to the group.
The millage would also fund construction of a new multigenerational recreation center and community City Campus. If approved, property homeowners would pay 1 mill annually. For example, a residential home with a taxable value of $100,000, the cost of 1 mill would be $100 per year, according to supplied material.
“Investing in better public spaces builds a higher quality of life for Kentwood residents,” Dustin Moseley, Yes For Kentwood co-chair, said in supplied material.
For an earlier WKTV story on the millage, including specific work to be done, visit here.
The millage will, according to the city, allow for every city park and trail to receive improvements within the first 5 years, with the remaining improvements to be completed within 10 years and construction of the city campus and community recreation center beginning in the second year.
“This millage will guarantee a fulfilling future for our residents and their families,” Robert Coughlin, Kentwood City Commissioner, and Parks and commissioner on the city’s Parks & Recreation Commission — which recommends and oversees programs for parks, playgrounds and recreational areas within Kentwood.
During the coming months, the Yes for Kentwood committee will communicate the benefits of voting “Yes” For Kentwood Parks, Trails and Recreation in August, according to the announcement.
“Good parks, trails and recreational programing provide kid’s places to play, promote good health, increase property values, strengthen community, and make the city and its neighborhoods more attractive places to live and work,” Ed Kape, Yes For Kentwood co-chair, said in supplied material.
For more information about the campaign, and to learn about ways to get involved, visit YesForKentwood.com.