City of Kentwood
With summer soon upon us, the Kentwood Police Department is offering tips to help protect residents and their property. According to Police Chief Tom Hillen, crime incidents and arrests rise during the summer months.

“As the school year comes to an end and the temperature rises, we typically see an increase in criminal activity as more people spend time outside,” Hillen said. “We want to remind Kentwood residents of some precautionary steps they can take to deter crime and protect their families and properties.”
Because theft is a crime of opportunity, Kentwood police recommends residents stay alert and follow basic crime prevention measures. Unlocked doors, open windows and open garage doors all provide a temptation to steal visible valuables. By closing garage doors and windows, locking car doors and concealing valuables, residents can help eliminate opportunities for criminals.
The Police Department also experiences a rise in disorderly conduct calls and arrests, which are related to any behavior that creates a threat or disturbance to others, such as a loud argument or altercation. Hillen says the increase in this type of behavior could be related to how heat can affect irritability.
“When the temperatures spike, so can people’s tempers. Immense heat can add to people’s feelings of stress and irritability — and make them snap. A solution to this is simple: get cool,” Hillen said. “Residents can visit the mall or see a movie where they can relax in an air-conditioned space.”
If families seek to cool down from the summer heat in water, Kentwood police encourages them to keep water safety precautions in mind. Enclose pools, ensure pool gates are locked and do not let young children near any body of water unsupervised.
Other disorderly conduct incidents could be about loud noises or other nuisances.
While enjoying the warm weather, residents are reminded to be courteous of neighbors, and to be aware of curfew ordinances for children.
In the City of Kentwood, anyone under the age of 12 years old must not be in any public place after 10 p.m.; for children older than 12 and younger than 16, the curfew is 11 p.m.; and for minors ages 16 or 17, the curfew is midnight.
“As always, ‘If you see something, say something.’ Together we can help prevent crime, so all can have a safe and enjoyable summer,” Hillen said.
For more information about Kentwood Police Department, visit here.