By K.D. Norris
The City of Kentwood will be bustling with block parties, neighborhood events and other activities Tuesday, Aug. 3, as part of the city-and-community celebration of National Night Out, a nationwide annual event that “promotes community-police partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make communities safer.”
According to information provided by the city, National Night Out encourages people to turn their porch lights on and come outside to meet their neighbors, as well as community leaders, police and fire department personnel who will be out and about. The city also “encourages residents to continue to follow current public health guidelines.”
Kentwood police officers, firefighters and city leaders will join residents at more than 15 gatherings, most of which will take place between 6-8 p.m. Residents will have the opportunity to explore police cruisers, fire engines and other emergency response vehicles at events, as well as learn about a variety of safety topics.
“Positive interactions with residents are invaluable for fostering strong community relationships and safer neighborhoods,” Kentwood Police Chief Richard Roberts said in supplied material. “National Night Out creates a wonderful opportunity to bring officers and community members together in a fun and relaxing setting. Members of our department always look forward to getting to know residents better and encourage more open lines of communication.”
The Kentwood Police Department will once again partner with Woodland Mall to offer community members an up-close look at police vehicles inside the mall, from 3-5 p.m. Shoppers will be able to learn about and explore a police cruiser and motorcycle and enjoy giveaways.
In addition, several community-based events will be hosted throughout the evening and feature a variety of free activities, including appearances from McGruff the Crime Dog. Among the major event locations are:
Ada Bible Church, 1640 East Paris Ave. SE, which will offer food and activities from 5-8 p.m.
Faith Baptist Church, 1412 44th St. SE, which will have food trucks, live bands and prizes from 7-9 p.m.
Pentecostals Church, 2627 44th St. SE, which will host a party from 6-8 p.m., featuring a bounce house, food and games.
“National Night Out’s message of neighborhood connections and the importance of caring for one another is right in line with Kentwood’s community effort,” Kentwood Mayor Stephen Kepley said in supplied material. “The City’s leadership team is looking forward to a fun evening connecting with residents, celebrating community and learning about ways we can work together to keep Kentwood a wonderful and safe place to call home.”
More information about National Night Out events in Kentwood is available at kentwood.us/NNO.
National Night Out was created in the 1980s through an established network of law enforcement agencies, neighborhood watch groups, crime prevention associations and volunteers across the nation. It began with a goal to promote safer, better neighborhoods by uniting community members and police against neighborhood crimes.