Classic Cars and Renovations abound at Leadfoot Muscle Cars

Leadfoot Showroommike_dewittWhat was once a night club, pumping the bass and serving drinks to thirsty patrons, is now a car showcase full of muscle and metal. Classic muscle cars and exotic Ferraris and Porsches fill a room teeming with energy. While the nightclub is no more, it’s impossible not to feel the thrill of rising heart rate upon entering, no loud music necessary.

The cars in the showcase are all road-ready. Some needed tweaking here and there, but they’re eagerly awaiting a driver – after all – cars are meant to be driven. Where they currently sit, it’s impossible to tell if any of them have had any work done. They’re all in tip-top shape and manicured to a ‘T’. The horses have all been stabled and primed, and now are ready to be unleashed!

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A nightclub has been turned into a jaw-dropping showcase

Welcome to Leadfoot Muscle Cars, a classic car dealership located in Holland, with a little something for every car lover.

“It’s always fun working on these muscle cars. These are what I grew up with in high school, and now they’re classics!” Explains manager Marty Boysen, his passion revving up and hitting second gear. Before Leadfoot, Marty owned his own dealership in the 90’s. Some of his former employees came with him to Leadfoot when the dealership opened a little over a year ago.

For Marty and the rest of the crew at Leadfoot, to say cars are an important part of their life might be the understatement of the century – like saying the Titanic hit an ice-cube. Cars are so integral to their existence that if you cut them open, an engine might purr in place of a heart!

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A warehouse full of classic cars awaiting renovation

Leadfoot started a little differently than most dealerships, with an initial purchase of an 80-car collection. Some were ready for sale while others needed a full renovation, which Leadfoot was more than happy to furnish in their full detail and body shop. A warehouse a mile down the road houses more classic beauties awaiting their renovations, in addition to those in the showroom.

In total, Leadfoot owns an astonishing 250 cars.

As a young company, albeit one ripened with experience, Leadfoot is gearing up for Metro Cruise this upcoming weekend to entrench their name in the West Michigan community.

“We’re looking to get exposure and present our cars out at Metro Cruise. We’re bringing our five-car trailer. Expect to see some Mustangs and Chevelles,” mentions Marty. “We’ve sold our cars all over the country, but our home is in West Michigan. Metro Cruise will only help us connect to our community.”

Leadfoot Muscle Cars and their trailer will be next to WKTV’s DreamWheels! red carpet event at the old Klingman’s parking lot.



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