By WKTV Staff
The Kent County Health Department is partnering with the Black Impact Collaborative and LINC UP to provide a free COVID-19 community testing today, Monday, June 29, from 2 to 7 p.m., at the Gallery at LINC UP located at 1167 Madison S.E., Grand Rapids.
The county announcement is also available in Spanish at the link at the end of this story.
In Kent County, members of the Latinx community account for 39.4 percent of the COVID-19 cases while comprising 10 percent of the population, while African Americans have 19.25 percent of the cases but make up 10 percent of the population.

“We know that COVID-19 has been disproportionately impacting the African American and Latinx communities, so the Black Impact Collaborative wanted to partner with Kent County to make sure that African Americans and Latinxs in our community have the opportunity to get tested,” Robert Womack, Kent County commissioner, said in supplied material. “This is such a needed resource for our community to allow anyone to get tested and we are thankful that the County put this testing day together.”
Any person, 6 months of age or older, can get tested, according to the county statement. Pre-registration for this event is encouraged by going online through this link or calling 616-632-7200 but walk-in testing is available.
The specific location of the free testing is based on county data.
“Our data is showing that 17 percent of our COVID-19 positive cases are located in the 49507 Zip Code and yet only six percent of Kent County’s population resides in this area,” Dr. Adam London, director of the Kent County Health Department, said in supplied material. “This type of data continues to inform our response to COVID-19 and ensures our resources are accessible to the most impacted neighborhoods.”
The county health department “will continue working to address the racial and ethnic health disparities by collaborating with community partners to offer testing in areas that are showing a higher prevalence of positive cases,” according to the county statement.
“We are excited to work with community partners like the Kent County Health Department, who recognize that racial health disparities exist and are actively working to address them by changing their practices,” Vincent Thurman, communications manager at LINC UP, said in supplied material. “COVID-19 has further revealed how stark these disparities are and how much needs to change.
“Partnering with KCHD is a great step forward to improving equity in healthcare. The data shows that Black and Brown communities are at a higher risk for contracting COVID-19 and we are happy to have free tasting available to residents in our neighborhoods.”
To learn more about Kent County Health Department services visit accesskent.com/health.