Creating memories: Hero’s Corner and Battle Ground JKD sponsor upcoming Daddy Daughter Dance on June 14

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

Two local organizations have teamed up to provide a fun and safe event for young girls and the positive male role models in their lives in the form of a Daddy Daughter Dance on Friday, June 14.

Though labeled a “Daddy Daughter” dance, Reginald Howard of Hero’s Corner and Reggie Macon of Battle Ground JKD LLC recognize that a wider light needs to be shed on fatherhood in the community.

“In some cases, some people might not have a father,” said Macon to WKTV. “We say ‘Daddy Daughter,’ but we want any positive male role model and niece, granddaughter – whatever the case may be – to come out and enjoy themselves.”

In with the positive, out with the negative

Reggie Macon with his two daughters, Leilani (left) and Kailani (Courtesy, Reggie Macon)

Macon went on to say that the positive father-daughter, or positive male role model-young girl, relationship within families is not often seen or recognized.

“There is so much negative stuff going on when it comes to stuff like that, so we want to give fathers – or that positive male role model – a chance to celebrate not only themselves, but the kids’ lives that they are impacting,” said Macon.

Macon’s own father demonstrated that positive influence throughout Macon’s life.

“He was somebody that worked hard, showed us love, provided, protected and gave us a sense of security – for our household, and for our whole neighborhood,” said Macon. “My house was the house that the neighborhood kids would come to, and if we had extra food, my dad would provide for them.”

Macon defines a positive role model as an individual who has a positive impact in someone’s life. And he believes the importance of showing positive versus negative family relationships to young girls in the community is vital.

“Show them the positive love so they won’t go out into the world looking for it,” said Macon.

With three children of his own, two daughters and a son, Macon strives to be that positive influence he experienced with his father.

“[Becoming a father] gave me a sense of: it’s not just about me anymore,” said Macon. “Having somebody else that depended on me actually lit a fire under me to want more [so] I can leave something behind for them.”

Bringing the community together

Reggie Macon with daughter Leilani (Courtesy, Reggie Macon)

The idea for the Daddy Daughter Dance came from Macon’s brother, C Dot, who is hosting the upcoming event.

Having recently attended his first daddy daughter dance at his daughters’ school, C Dot told Macon that he had a great time – but felt awkward standing by himself when his two daughters walked off with their friends. “He didn’t know anybody at the school,” said Macon. “He said, ‘I think we should have something where we can get all our friends and their daughters together.’”

Having already formed a partnership with Howard at Hero’s Corner, Macon and Howard began brainstorming ideas.

When Macon mentioned his brother’s idea for a daddy daughter dance, Howard offered the use of his facility.

What partygoers can expect 

Reggie Macon with daughter Kailani (Courtesy, Reggie Macon)

Dance attendees will be treated to door prizes, raffles, a photo booth with a professional team, food, refreshments and games. Those in possession of a dance event ticket with a star on the back will also win a prize. A few surprises will be revealed during the event as well.

“It’s music, and fun times to create those memories and enhance that bond between fathers and daughters,” said Macon.

The Daddy Daughter Dance will take place Friday, June 14 from 6-9 p.m. at Hero’s Corner, 4809 Eastern Avenue SE, in Kentwood. Ticket cost is $10, and space is limited.

For more information and ticket purchases, call Reginald Howard of Hero’s Corner at 616-635-2768, or Reggie Macon of Battle Ground at 616-255-7571.

Tickets can also be purchased through the Battle Ground JKD website.

(Courtesy, Reggie Macon)

