D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s shines spotlight on need for safe and affirming homes for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care

DABSJ seeks to build awareness of the need for safe and affirming homes for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

By WKTV Staff


During Pride Month, D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s (DABSJ) seeks to build awareness of the need for safe and affirming homes for LGBTQ+ youth in foster care.

The organization is also actively seeking foster parents from the LGBTQ+ community. With over a century in service to children and families, DABSJ is dedicated to providing safe, affirming, and loving homes for all youth. Including those from marginalized communities.

LGBTQ+ youth face additional challenges

According to the Human Rights Campaign, 30% of youth in foster care identify as LGBTQ+. This is a proportion much larger than identified in the general population.

These young people often face additional challenges and disparities in their care experiences, stemming from trauma related to abuse, neglect, and many times rejection due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Love and acceptance can make a difference in the life of our youth (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

“LGBTQ+ youth in foster care need safe and loving homes just as all children do,” said DABSJ Chief Programs Officer Joel Bell. “During Pride Month, we want to especially reach out to those who might join us in providing that crucial support for youth in care. Your love and acceptance can make all the difference in their lives.”

Inclusive approach = thriving youth

As DABSJ continues to innovate and adapt to meet the evolving needs of children and families, the organization recognizes the unique and vital role that LGBTQ+ foster parents can play. By opening their hearts and homes, these foster parents can offer a nurturing environment where youth in care can thrive.

“To some, there is a discussion of whether to allow foster parents from the LGBTQ+ community. For DABSJ, we are actively seeking foster parents from the LGBTQ+ community,” said Bell.

“We are looking to do what is best for each child as they heal from trauma, abuse, or neglect. Having an inclusive approach is key to that.”

For more information on how to become a foster parent with DABSJ, and to learn about the support and resources available, please visit www.dabsj.org or email fosterparentinfo@dabsj.org to take the first step.

