Days before the election, Trump makes a stop in Grand Rapids

img_1307By P. Williams


The DeltaPlex Arena was decked out this past Monday with spider webs across the bleacher rails and people in costume. And you might have thought it was just a Halloween bash except that the carved pumpkins lining the stage gave a huge hint as to who everyone was expecting – Donald Trump.


infoThis was the 2016 Republican presidential candidate’s second time through Grand Rapids, where he made a stop at the DeltaPlex before heading on to Warren, Michigan.


The 5,000  seats at the DeltaPlex were full with at least another 1,000 people standing in front of the stage. Several supporters carried various Trump/Pence signs, and were dressed in Trump t-shirts, hats, and patriotic wear. The crowd sang and danced to the Halloween theme music awaiting Trump’s arrival, creating a festive mood.


img_1296The reasons people came to the event varied. Some were veterans of various branches of the armed service and they came to hear what Trump had to say about national security. Such was the case of Robert Krul, from Sand Lake, a former Marine from the Vietnam War and a Trump supporter. “I think he is on the right track,” said Krul.


A group of Grand Valley college students said they have been following Trump and had attended the September event in Walker. “It’s a party every time,” several members of the group commented. Monday’s rally was their fourth in the last few months. They said “seriously we want to hear what Trump is going to do for Michigan concerning jobs.”


img_1298For others, it was a chance to be a part of history and to see Trump in person. Such was the case of Catherine and Catherine (who did not give their last names), both of Battle Creek. The two attended with their children Molly, Madeline, and Matt with the girls commenting, “I think he is a nice guy.”



Trump and his campaign arrived late, being about an hour and twenty minutes behind schedule. Introducing the candidate was legendary Basketball Hall of Fame coach Bobby Knight with Trump taking the stage to roaring applause and the crowd chanting eight more days. Other Republican Party representatives in attendance on stage included U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga , Peter Hookstra, Ronna Romney McDaniel, and Peter Secchia, all of whom stressed the importance of getting out to vote.


Trump started his one hour speech telling the audience “in Eight days, we are going to win Michigan and the White House.”


“I will fight for every last Michigan job,” he said.  “We are going to make the State of Michigan the economic envy of the entire world.”


img_1272Trump talked about the Ford Motor Company, headquartered in Detroit, and his call for a 35 percent tariff on products from them that relocate production to Mexico. He also addressed many issues that he has been talking about throughout his campaign, national security, Obamacare, building the wall, creating jobs, the Supreme Court, schools of choice and fighting inner city crime.


He praised the FBI director James Comey and made several references about his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton and the recently discovered  emails. “We need real change and restore honesty to our country,” Trump said.


The Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump did not disappoint his supporters. His speech brought uproar from the audience as he ended with his slogan, “We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again and we will make America great again.”


P. Williams “Patty Williams” has a life time of experience in the entertainment business. On stage at an early age with West Michigan’s first family of bluegrass music, The Williams Family. Patty started P. Williams Productions in 2003. Three Eclipse Awards and Two Telly Awards grace her mantle. Patty enjoys working with professionals, and is always open to new adventures.

