I AM SOOOOO excited to tell you that Harriet, the famous Fort Myer eagle mom, laid her first egg of the season at 3:24 p.m. Nov. 19. M15, the famous eagle dad, arrived shortly after to cover her in grasses and check out the newest addition.
As April the giraffe did and many animals do, she delivered very quickly and very quietly, so as not to attract predatory attention. About an hour later, dad (M15) eagle arrived at the nest, took over, and was incubating the egg while mom flew to the nearby pond to take a bath and regroup. Typically, she will lay another egg (could even be two!) any moment to any day now. She has historically delivered an egg on Nov. 22. Juliet, the Northern Florida eagle mom, delivered her first egg of the season Nov. 2…also a bit early this year.
http://www.dickpritchettrealestate.com/eagle-feed.html (link to the live feed)
https://chatroll-cloud-1.com/clls/archive/2017/11/page155 (link to ongoing eagle chat with eagle experts and enthusiasts)
https://www.facebook.com/wskrsnwings/ (Lady on the ground at the eagle nest gives awesome reports and photos)