By WKTV Staff
The Kent County Board of Commissioners last week approved First Steps Kent’s proposal to administer the countywide Ready by Five millage and to push forward a plan distribute the funds intended “to help young children be ready for school success” by “support young children and their families across the community.”
The action took place at the April 25 Board of Commissioners meeting. In November 2018, county voters approved the millage, which will provide more than $5.5 million annually for enhanced early childhood services.
“We are excited to work with First Steps and the broader community to increase community based, early childhood services,” Wayman Britt, County Administrator/Controller, said in supplied information. “The Ready by Five funds will allow us to reach children and their families early in life when brain development and social/emotional bonding are critical. We have confidence that First Steps and the system that is being created will ensure that the resources are directed where it can have a significant impact.”
The millage will support programs that improve the healthy development and school readiness of children ages zero to five. The funding will be distributed to community-based organizations across the county that provide services such as in-home parenting support, developmental screenings, play and learn groups, and outreach to “ensure families know what is available and have access to the services that best meet their needs,” according to supplied material.
A review board comprised of parents, Kent County commissioners, a First Steps Kent board member, and a community member with early childhood expertise will review proposals from service providers and make recommendations about which programs and services should be funded. The first round of funding will be awarded this fall.
“We are fortunate in Kent County to have innovative and effective early childhood programs that are getting great results,” Annemarie Valdez, president and CEO of First Steps Kent, said in supplied material. “The Ready by Five Millage will allow many more children and families in our community to benefit from those services. We again want to thank the voters of Kent County, who recognize this is an investment that will pay off for our community.”
The statement from Kent County stated that research shows money invested in high quality early childhood programs saves money down the road with reduced costs for child welfare, education, health care, and criminal justice. All programs funded by the Ready by Five Millage will be evaluated to measure their impact. Those results will be shared with the public. Kent County is the first county in Michigan to have local tax dollars dedicated to early childhood.
First Steps Kent is an independent nonprofit leading a community-wide effort to build a comprehensive early childhood system in Kent County. A comprehensive system requires that programs, policies, and supports are in place to help all young children and their families thrive.
For more information on First Steps Kent visit firststepskent.org .