An employment gap is an extended period of unemployment on a resume. Employment gaps occur for many reasons: staying home to care for children or an ill family member; a lay off and extended job search; a medical condition.
Whatever the reason, a gap in your employment history can be a red flag to potential employers and can be uncomfortable to discuss. If you have a gap on your resume, you will most likely be asked about it in an interview. Here are a few tips on how to discuss this with a potential employer.
Prepare. Create a compelling answer. Your statement should highlight activities you engaged in during the gap that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Practice answering the question before the interview so you come across as calm and confident.
Don’t hide it. It can be tempting to change your resume format to try to cover up an employment gap. Most hiring managers will see right through that. Instead, explain the gap in your cover letter and offer to answer any questions a potential employer might have.
Be honest. Even if you were serving time in prison, be honest about how you spent your time. It is better to be up front about situations you aren’t proud of than to lie and have an employer learn about it later.
Stay positive. Focus on what you learned and how you grew during that time. How did you spend your time? If you volunteered or participated in training, include that in your resume or cover letter.
Employment Expertise is provided by West Michigan Works! Learn more about how they can help: visit or your local Service Center.