Feel Like You Belong: Aladeen Al-Ashmli: Fleeing Civil War

By Alan Headbloom
Feel Like You Belong

The second-largest Arab sovereign Yemen has been in an ongoing multi-sided conflict that began in late 2014. The conflict has been between two factions: the Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi=led Yemeni government and the Houthi armed movement with both claiming to constitute th enofifical government of Yemen.

In Feel Like You Belong, host Alan Headbloom sits down with a young accountant, Aladdin Al-Ashmli, who flees the civil war in his native Yemen, was granted asylum and moved to Detroit to begin his life again.

“This husband and father of one joins us to share his personal refugee story and helps us understand global conflict and why we should care,” Headbloom said on the show. 

Reprinted with permission from Feel Like You Belong.

