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Flu is on the rise

The flu hasn’t reached epidemic levels in Michigan just yet, although it has spread in other states, so there’s still time for vaccinations. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Eve Clayton, Spectrum Health Beat

Flu season hasn’t hit Michigan hard yet, but it’s definitely here.

That’s the word from Daniel McGee, MD, a hospitalist with Spectrum Health Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.

The influenza virus has reached epidemic levels in other states, Dr. McGee said, explaining that a moderate level of flu is popping up regionally.

“We’re not seeing a ton of it … which may mean that people are getting their flu shots,” he said.

For kids and adults who haven’t had a flu shot this season, it’s not too late.

“The good news is there’s still time to get a flu shot. But get it soon, because it takes two weeks to take effect,” Dr. McGee said.

Time will tell if the vaccine is a good match to the type of flu circulating this year, or how bad of a flu season it will be. So far, 11 children have died from the flu in the United States this 2018-19 flu season. For the 2017-18 flu season, 185 children died.

“It’s early yet,” Dr. McGee said, emphasizing the importance of the vaccine and getting immediate care for the flu.

If you suspect you or your family member has the flu, call your doctor right away, Dr. McGee said, because the medication Tamiflu can treat it—but you have to start taking it early in the course of the illness.

Flu symptoms include fever, coughing, headache, muscle aches and tiredness. Symptoms generally last five to seven days.

Bottom line? Get your flu shot—it’s really the best thing you can do to prevent the illness.

Beyond that, it’s what your mom always told you: Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently as you and your family practice good hygiene.

“That’s really the best advice,” Dr. McGee said. “That, and get your flu shot.”

To find a flu clinic near you, use the Flu Vaccine Finder—a blue box on this page from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you think you have the flu, get seen today with a MedNow appointment. To arrange a video visit, call 844.322.7374.

Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.


