By Care Resources
Care Resources values all the veterans they tend to throughout the year. But on Veterans Day in particular, the organization takes the time to publicly salute the men and women who brought honor and dignity to the uniform they wore and flag they served.
For the last several years, Care Resources has hosted a ceremony during which the veterans in their care are showcased for the sacrifices they’ve made. A married pair of active-duty officers from the Michigan National Guard are only too happy to emcee the special event held every November at the organization’s day center at 4150 Kalamazoo Avenue SE.
“We’re so thankful for them and it truly is an honor to let them know it, to show our appreciation,” says Sgt. Maj. John Gebhard.
His wife, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Krista Gebhard, adds: “We get to hear their stories, and make such important connections. It’s a great opportunity for us all.”
This year’s program is set for Friday, Nov. 10. It will feature the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, remarks from Sgt. Maj. John Gebhard, and the presentation of a pin and a commemorative coin to every veteran in attendance.
Honoring its veterans is just one way that Care Resources – a community-based program for people 55 and over who wish to remain in their homes – utilizes its Grand Rapids site, which features a day center, clinic and pharmacy.
Care Resources also makes daily home visits to nearly 60 men and women – veterans included – who are seeking ways to prevent being placed into nursing homes. Promoting healthy and independent living while working to prevent nursing home placement is the mission of the organization.
“We’re there to assist in every way we can,” says Jacky Achenbach, Care Resources’ home care scheduler. “That includes anything related to housekeeping, meal assistance, medications, the need for companionship and much more.”
The Gebhards, who volunteer for Care Resources, say the time they spend with veterans is priceless.
“We’ve met veterans from World War II, as well as the Korean, Vietnam and Middle East wars,” John says. “These soldiers laid the foundation for the freedoms all of us enjoy today. But some didn’t get the same welcome home as others might have, so it’s a pleasure to recognize them on their special day.”
“No matter their role, they proudly served their country,” Krista notes. “And we think it’s important not just for those who served abroad, but also here at home.”
Both John and Krista are impressed by Care Resources’ mission to honor its vets.
“It’s a big day for them,” says John, “and Care Resources goes above and beyond caring for them, which is to truly honor them.
“There are certainly a lot of smiles, but a few tears, too. And every year, the honorees include a non-verbal veteran who just answers with a hug, which is heartwarming.”
At Care Resources, veterans have access to a wide range of services, from physical, occupational and speech therapy, to daily meals and activities in the day center, to rehab and durable medical equipment, such as walkers, wheelchairs, oxygen and diabetic testing supplies.
“Care Resources does a really good job in providing vets the resources they’ve earned,” Krista says. “They make sure they get the care they’re entitled to. I’ve heard stories of veterans coming into Care Resources and not even realizing they’re eligible for these services.”
Participants are at the center of all services. The organization creates a team to work with each individual. Together, they develop a comprehensive care plan unique to their physical, mental, emotional and social needs.
“It’s about making sure they’re taken care of,” says Achenbach. “It’s just so rewarding.”
To learn more about Care Resources, visit CareResources.org or call 616-913-2006.