By Jodi Miesen
WKTV Contributor
It was an intense battle for bragging rights for two local all-girls high school robotics teams that took part in a competition that focused on their abilities in a very male-dominated field.
The 2022 Grand Rapids Girls Robotics Competition was held at Wyoming High School over the weekend. Most high school robotics teams are co-ed but for this unique annual STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) event, only the girls were allowed to compete. GRGRC event coordinator Mallorie Edwards said the event was founded in 2016, by Wyoming High School teacher Richard Budden. Budden taught STEM and noticed female students were not as interested in it.
Edwards, who has been with the organization since 2017, said she’s passionate about the organization’s mission and was excited GRGRC could bring the competition back this year. This is the first time they’ve been able to hold the all-day event since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Turnout was lower this year than in the past with only 14 teams. The event is capped at 24 teams.
“I am hoping to grow the numbers that participate in the competition next year,” Edwards said. “A challenge I heard from many coaches that I reached out to was that they didn’t have enough girls on the team to compete. That is the exact reason why we are doing this event. To show girls that they can do these roles, be successful, and have fun.”
The key to success: the willingness to learn
The event drew robotics teams from high schools all over the state with two local teams, Red Storm (Team 3875) from East Kentwood High School and Demon Robotics (Team 858) from Wyoming High School.

Through out the competition, teams form alliances with other teams to battled in complex two-minute games against other alliances. This all done with robots that the students have built and program. Wyoming’s The Demons and East Kentwood’s Red Storm ended up being on the same alliance and were fierce competitors, losing by just two points.
“You can do it! You don’t have to be super smart to be in robotics, you just have to be willing to learn,” said Abby Strait, a Wyoming High School senior and team captain. “Your team will teach you all that you need to know.”
Strait, who has been on robotics teams since 8th grade, was excited that her school was hosting an event that promotes girls to pursue science and math fields. She said she felt that far too often girls shy away from robotics thinking it will be too hard, but she hopes events like this will draw more female interest.
“I’m hoping to go to college for some sort of engineering, something really hands on, as opposed to just math behind the desk,” Strait said as she reflected on what career she might want to pursue in the future. “But this has definitely made me more interested in the STEM career field.”
Taking STEM by storm
Red Storm team captain Sarah Shapin, a senior at East Kentwood High School, is in her seventh year participating in the robotics program. Shapin said she started in middle school and plans to continue her interest in the STEM field in the future.

Shapin she too believes that women are under-represented in this area but said events like this can help bridge that gap.
“A lot of times women are on it,” Shapin said as she relayed an analogy told to her by her mentor. “And then a guy kind of takes a screwdriver out of her hands and doesn’t give it back. So, it’s not necessarily that women are blocked from it. However, it’s very male-dominated and so therefore, giving this opportunity like this competition allows for women to really get in there, get involved and push through.”
Shapin said she hopes to attend Michigan State University, double majoring in computer science and music. Her goal is to be a software engineer and continue playing the clarinet.
Breaking the stereotypes
According to Edwards, all that hard work pays off on competition day after seeing the students’ reactions and from the correspondence she receives after the event is over.
“The Grand Rapids Girls Robotics Competition is important to me, because of the letters I receive after the competition; expressing how happy they were to be able to participate in a role that usually a male teammate would be in,“ Edwards said. “And also, during the competition, I get to see the excitement exude from these kids. They love what they’re doing! They love STEM!”
The competition also featured a panel of guest speakers, “Ladies in Tech,” made up of women successful in the STEM fields.
To learn more about the Grand Rapids Girls Robotics Competition go to it’s official website, or by e-mail They can also be found on Facebook at