By Adrienne Brown-Reasner
West Michigan Tourist Association
The Frankfort-Elberta Chamber of Commerce is not ready to end summer so “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” on Aug. 22 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm on Frankfort Lake Michigan Beach!
Event sponsors Bob & Ginny Istnick suggested this fun beach activity to give the kids another chance to run on the beach and enjoy the joys of the winds of Frankfort. Ginny & Bob are sponsoring the event with the Chamber to purchase “Kites for Kids” and adults don’t need to be shy, they will have 100 kites for both young and old. Kites are already assembled.
Chamber staff and volunteers will be at the entrance beach turn-around with 100 free kites to give away. Donations welcome to continue this event in the future.
Greg Schmid, avid Kite Flyer, will be on hand to assist and provide kite flying demonstrations.
Come join the fun and enjoy the beauty of one more summer day in Frankfort.
Bring your mask! Participants must follow social distancing and mask requirements.
Rain date is Sunday, Aug. 23.