Give it a shake! Prepare your mailbox for a Michigan winter

The Kentwood Department of Public Works encourages you to check the stability of your mailbox each fall.

By WKTV Staff

Temperatures have started to drop in Michigan and winter will be here before you know it. Before the snow flies and the ground freezes, you’ll want to make sure your mailbox is winter ready.

The post can become rusted or rotten over time, and you may find the box itself is missing some screws. These issues can make your mailbox more likely to fall over or be damaged by heavy snow pushed off the road by a snow plow. Plus, fixing or replacing a mailbox in winter can be difficult.

You can avoid all of this by taking a few easy steps now to determine if your mailbox is ready for winter.

To see if your mailbox is secure, simply give it a good shake.

To be secure enough to handle a Michigan winter, your mailbox shouldn’t really move, the box should be solidly attached to the post and the post firmly stuck in the ground. Additionally, the door to the mailbox should remain tightly shut (please see video above for more details).


Temporary solutions like bungee cords and duct tape won’t last a full season.

Time to replace it?

If tightening screws isn’t enough to make it secure, it’s time to replace it. Addressing necessary repairs now will save you the hassle of a damaged mailbox and delayed mail later.

Please give your mailbox a good shake today and make sure you’re prepared for the season ahead.

