By WKTV Staff
The Michigan Oak Wilt Coalition wants people to take action to prevent the spread of oak wilt, a deadly insect-borne disease that is destroying oak trees in Michigan.
“Oak wilt is different from other tree diseases where there is little people can do stop them from spreading,” said Julie Stachecki, ISA Certified Arborist and Co-Chair of the Michigan Oak Wilt Coalition’s awareness campaign. “like when Dutch Elm disease and Emerald Ash Borer took its toll on Michigan’s trees. Homeowners could not stop these pests from spreading. Oak Wilt is just as deadly, but with awareness and a few precautions, people can stop this deadly disease of oak trees from spreading through Michigan and beyond.”
To preventing the spread of oak wilt:
- Avoid pruning April 15 through July 15
- Paint immediately if wounds occur.
- Prune oaks in winter when possible.
- Do not move firewood.
Oaks are a valuable component to Michigan’s natural resources. May is the highest risk period for oak wilt infections. Preventing oak wilt is the best strategy for protecting Michigan’s oaks, and that means preventing cuts or wounds during the high-risk infection period of April 15 – July 15.
“Oak wilt has been reported in the Wyoming/Kentwood area,” said Estelle Slootmaker, chair of the City of Wyoming Tree Commission, “The Tree Amigos.” “Oaks are a legacy tree here in Wyoming. We have already lost too many to gypsy moths, development, and neighbors who don’t recognize the tremendous value of these trees to our health and environment. Yes, leaves can be a pain to rake, but the benefits far outweigh the hassle.”
When oaks are pruned or wounded, they attract native sap beetles, which carry disease spores from infected trees to open wounds on healthy oaks, starting new disease infections. Once infected, red oaks die rapidly, often within six weeks. The safest time to prune oaks is during the winter months. If wounds do occur, paint them immediately with a pruning sealer or latex paint. Don’t move oak firewood, which can carry the disease to new locations.
“Utility trims are also currently impacting our tree canopy, including oaks,” Slootmaker said. “If Trees LLC trims oaks in your yard, make sure that they immediately paint the wounds.”
One oak wilt-killed tree leads to many killed trees because they are linked together by their roots. When an oak gets infected, the disease moves into its roots and to other oaks within the root system, infecting and killing the trees as it progresses. Pockets of dead oaks from oak wilt can span huge areas if left unchecked. Michigan needs oaks for wildlife habitat, soil stabilization, water filtration, and clean air. Oaks are also often highly valuable and beloved landscape trees that deserve to be protected.
Since 2018, the Oak Wilt Awareness campaign has gained a lot of momentum. In 2021, the campaign received a boost through a grant from Michigan DNR to broaden oak wilt awareness. The coalition will publish informational brochures and posters for distribution through fourteen Michigan Welcome Centers and sponsor a May billboard along U.S. 23.
“Trees take care of us; we depend on them for clean air and so much more. Now we need more people to help us save the trees. With Oak Wilt Awareness, we can make a real difference.” said Ruth Dorando Marcy, “May is Oak Wilt Awareness” campaign co-chair.
For more information about oak wilt, to report infections, and find trained specialists go to MichiganOakWilt.org. Watch for a Governor’s proclamation that supports “May is Oak Wilt Awareness Month” and additional oak wilt information as the campaign kicks off in May!
The Michigan Oak Wilt Coalition is a partnership between private, nonprofit, and governmental organizations. Led by ISA Michigan, the partnership includes representatives from Michigan State University, Michigan Departments of Transportation, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Rural Development, ReLeaf Michigan, Michigan Forest Association, Michigan Green Industry Association, electric utilities, private companies, and others.