Grand Rapids Art Museum offers free studio events for kids at ArtPrize Nine

By Crystal Chesnik

GRAM Studio Programs Manager


Kids can get into the ArtPrize Nine action this weekend at the Grand Rapids Art Museum’s (GRAM) drop-in studios.


“Mighty Chrysanthemum Tree” by Mel Watkins

The GRAM’s ArtPrize drop-in studios will feature a project based on one of its ArtPrize exhibits, Mighty Chrysanthemum Tree by Mel Watkins.  The piece is based on the artist’s love and respect for the trees and flowers surrounding her farmhouse in rural southern Illinois.  The piece has a menacing aspect to it, because even though nature is beautiful, it can also be deadly. “Mighty Chrysanthemum Tree” imagines a tree-sized handful of Chrysanthemums swaying ominously overhead.


Kids and families will be able to create their own beautiful, and even a bit menacing, flower prints using stamps they can craft from clay. In addition, the GRAM has created a large-scale, collaborative flower garden on the walls of its studio. Guests can use their stamps to add their own unique flower to the flower garden.


The event is free and open during the last weekend of ArtPrize Nine, from 1-4 p.m. on both Saturday, Oct. 7, and Sunday, Oct. 8.  There is no need to register in advance, but more information can be found at or by calling 616-831-1000.


