By Jacob T. Goldberg
City of Grand Rapids is one of the 292 U.S. cities signed onto the “Mayors National Climate Action Agenda.” The Agenda exists to reduce Greenhouse gas emissions that cities create, and reduce the rise of temperatures on our planet.
“I see it as a human and community issue. We need to think of the next generation.” Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss stated.
GR has been on the fast track for reducing the city’s carbon footprint. Current plans are for GR to run on 100% on renewable energy by the year 2025.
“We are in the process of building a bio digester,” Bliss said.
A bio digester is a large mechanical stomach that turns food waste into usable energy. The current plan is to build the machine in the Water Resource Recovery Factory on Market Avenue. The machine is estimated to cost 21 million dollars, and would be the first bio digester built in GR since the 1960s.
“We have partnerships with several local businesses to dispose their waste in the machine.” said Bliss. “To me it’s a matter that we know there is air pollution. We know the temperatures are rising. We want a great community. We don’t want pollution in our water. I do believe we can work together.”
GR has an onslaught of other plans to combat the rise in temperatures, and make for a more green community. Such as green infrastructure, LED street lights, and solar power alternatives.
For more information on GR’s plans for a green future take a look at their web page.