There is something new for this year’s Camp Curious program at the Grand Rapids Public Museum – a special Watershed Wonders camp.
The new program will utilize the recently added exhibit “Grand Fish, Grand River,” which explores how the Great Lakes region’s largest and oldest fish, the Lake Surgeon, once found in abundance, is now a threatened species. According to Museum officials, the exhibit will be used as a way to teach students about the endangered species in Michigan’s watersheds and what has caused it. Students also will be using the Grand River, which runs right outside of the Museum to learn more about the Grand River watershed and the creatures that call it home..
The Watershed Wonders is one of several Camp Curious programs offered June 22 – Aug. 10. The Museum’s summer camp program is designed to explore the wonders of science, history, culture, art and fun. For nine weeks this summer, kids ages 4 – 14 can use the Museum as a learning lab.
Camp Curious offers sessions with a focus on a variety of themes from space exploration to building with Legos®, and from fossils to exploring what it was like to grow up in the Victorian Era. Camp options vary for each age group and are suited to their interest. Age groupings are 4-5 years old, 6-8 years old, 9-11 years old and 12-14 years old.
Registration for the Camp Curious programs is now open and officials say it is better to register earlier than later since some programs fill up quickly.
Discounts are available for enrollment in multiple camps and by registering multiple campers. Additionally, Museum members receive discounts off each camp.
Camps range in dates and duration, including Be Curious Day Camp offering one day sessions every Monday, each based on a different topic. Others camps are multiple days and have options between morning or afternoon sessions.
The Watershed Wonders program is in conjunction with Grand Valley State University’s Teaching English as a Second Language program and is available for age groups 6-8, 9-11 and 12-14.
The Grand Rapids Public Museum is located at Pearl St. NW, Grand Rapids. To register and to learn more about Camp Curious, visit the Grand Rapids Public Museum’s webpage or call 616-456-3977.