In love and health: Dealing with spring allegeries

By Dr. Erik Johnson
Love & Health Chiropractic

Baby’s immune system can benefit from chiropractic, too. (Supplied)

Spring has sprung — and for a lot of folks here in Michigan, that means spring allergies. Before making a run to the local pharmacy to stock up on OTC allergy relievers, consider the root cause. It really isn’t the pollen’s fault. The reason why your body reacts to pollens and other allergens is that your personal immune system isn’t working as well as it should.

What can you do to boost your immune system? Well, first of all, avoid sugar. Cutting out cookies, candy, and sweetened beverages isn’t enough. Processed foods contain a lot of hidden sugars. Surprisingly, food we think is good for us often has more sugar than is optimal. For example, one serving of Yoplait Original Strawberry Yogurt has 19 grams of sugar. That’s 10 more grams of sugar than are in a Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookie. To reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, read the nutrition information labels on the foods you buy.

Another reason your immune system may not be at its best is that you’re not drinking enough water. Dr. Jyothi Tirumalasetty, assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health in the department of clinical immunology and allergy states, “Water is vital for the functioning of all of your organs, and it’s a huge part of keeping your immune system functioning at an optimal level. We are made of 60 percent water. If we are dehydrated, the whole system of immunity could start breaking down.”

Proper hydration, along with adequate nutrition and sleep, is an essential component of a healthy immune system. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day. And remember, caffeinated beverages drive water out of your system. So, if you drink a lot of coffee or Coke, you’ll need to drink even more water every day.

Making other healthy lifestyle changes can boost your immune system, as well. In fact, the Harvard Healthbeat says, “Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system working properly. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and bolstered by healthy-living strategies.” These strategies include dos like eating lots of fruits and veggies, exercising, and getting a good night’s sleep as well as don’ts — quit smoking, drink alcohol only in moderation, and minimize stress.

Another way to boost your immune system is with regular chiropractic adjustments. An aligned spine helps your brain communicate with all of your organs and body systems. We’ve seen patients’ allergy symptoms dwindle and even disappear. And we can help you tune up your immune system, too!

