By Deborah Reed
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is venomous, slithery, and not at all cuddly, but the conservation department at John Ball Zoo (JBZ) is working hard to preserve the endangered species.
The only venomous snake out of 18 snake species found in Michigan, the massasauga is an extremely valuable part of Michigan’s wetland ecosystem. Several other species, including butterflies, small mammals and amphibians, rely on the massasauga’s habitat to survive.
As a benefit to both wildlife and humans, the massasauga also consumes a large number of ticks.
“There are some studies that suggest that a healthy snake population actually helps reduce the number of ticks on the landscape,” said Bill Flanagan, Conservation Manager at John Ball Zoo.
As the JBZ conservation team works to preserve the massasauga snake population, they are also working to protect other endangered species in the area that live in the same kind of habitat.
“All the work that we do to protect the massasauga, or one of those other species, works for all of those species,” said Flanagan.
However, the massasauga is declining in numbers and considered a federally threatened species in Michigan due to fragmented habitat and habitat loss.
“This is a really unique, threatened species that is linked to Michigan in a large way,” said Flanagan, adding that Michigan has more massasauga populations than any other state or province. “Michigan is critical for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Whatever happens to the massasauga in Michigan will define the outcome for the species.”
Counting snakes and building fences
John Ball Zoo has partnered with Sarett Nature Center in a long-term monitoring program to learn more about the massasauga with the goal of helping their population recover and thrive.
“One of the biggest challenges with these kinds of efforts to save species is that it’s really hard to actually count them,” said Flanagan. “The methodology for counting them has evolved over the years.”
Severe damage can be done to the habitat simply by walking through it while counting the species.
“We want to be really cautious and figure out a way that we can do that without having to walk into the habitat as much as we have in the past,” said Flanagan.

In May, members of JBZ’s conservation team began data collection at Sarett Nature Center using new technology that is less disruptive than the traditional approach of sending out conservation team members on foot. The conservation team set up a two-foot drift fence that runs across the habitat where the rattlesnakes are most active. The fence functions as a funnel, encouraging small animals to crawl through a bucket that has a camera.
“It’s a passive way to count and see what’s there,” said Flanagan, noting that massasauga snakes have a unique saddle pattern on their backs like fingerprints and unique markings on their heads that can help identify individual snakes.
The fence will stay up indefinitely and capture data when the massasauga is most active — in May and during the fall months of September and October.
“Working with Sarett Nature Center, John Ball Zoo has been able to monitor the massasauga rattlesnake,” Flanagan said. “This new monitoring system will be an excellent low-impact method to track massasaugas while protecting the habitat that supports them. What we learn from this program will help inform us for future conservation strategies.”
Preserving more than just snakes
This conservation project is part of the Zoo’s greater mission of preserving wildlife and wild places.
“Part of our mission is to protect wild animals, but also wild places,” said Flanagan. “The work we do to protect wild places is critically important for those wild animals, but it also makes a nicer place for people too.”
Enjoying the massasauga experience – from a distance
Some of the massasauga’s population decline, aside from habitat loss, is intentional killing due fear of it being venomous. Flanagan, however, said that massasaugas are shy and will often freeze and wait for human observers to move on, often rattling their tails as a warning if they feel threatened.
JBZ encourages those who encounter the species, or another type of snake, to leave it alone and do not attempt to handle it.
“Enjoy that experience – from a distance – if you encounter one,” said Flanagan, saying the best course of action is to take a picture from a safe distance and report the viewing. “That’s the kind of information that is really valuable for the conservation community and knowing where these (massasaugas) are.”
Reports can be made to the Michigan Natural Features Inventory or to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources “Herps of Michigan” iNaturalist project.
If bitten by any snake, call 911 and seek immediate professional medical care.
“With modern treatments for snake bite, a fatality from a massasauga bite would be extremely rare,” said Flanagan.
Safe viewing at John Ball Zoo
An option for safely observing a massasauga snake can always be found at the Treasures of the Tropics building at JBZ.
“We feel it is important for people to see and appreciate (the massasauga) and meet Michigan’s rattlesnake,” said Flanagan.