By Kent County
On Thursday, June 27, the Kent County Board of Commissioners approved its 2019- 2023 Strategic Plan which establishes the County’s mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities and goals.
The planning process, launched in May 2018 in partnership with Public Sector Consultants, engaged a variety of stakeholders through bilingual surveys, community forums and direct interviews. In total, more than 300 individuals shared their vision for the County in a meeting or survey.
“I am excited to release our strategic plan to the community,” said Kent County Board of Commissioners Chair Mandy Bolter. “Community participation not only helped us develop our priorities and goals but will assist us in establishing performance and outcome metrics which will ultimately increase our transparency and accountability to residents.”
The foundation of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan are the new vision and mission statements, which are:
Vision: Kent County is where individuals and families choose to live, work, and play because we are a forward-looking, intentional, and inclusive community that serves as the economic engine of West Michigan.
Mission: Through responsible budgeting and thoughtful planning, Kent County government is committed to providing resources and services that promotes high quality of life for the community.
The plan’s five priorities, which establishes a framework for all facets of the County operations, include:
Economic Prosperity: We will focus on sound fiscal management and policies to support the economic prosperity of the County as well as the West Michigan region.
High Quality of Life: We will foster a high quality of life that promotes safe and healthy communities, strategic growth, and world-class outdoor resources.
Excellence in Service Delivery: We will adopt innovative ways to deliver services that maximize efficiency and provide an exceptional experience to those we serve.
Inclusive Participation: We will provide innovative and inclusive ways to engage residents and involve them in County government.
Effective Communications: We will be transparent and clear in the communications and decisions of the County.
Within these five priority areas are 19 associated goals, both short-term and long-term.
“One of our biggest challenges is balancing community needs with federal and state mandates and ongoing operations,” said Kent County Administrator Wayman Britt. “Our plan provides us with another tool to use when deciding how to allocate limited resources for current and future residents as well as well-defined priorities and goals on which we can measure success. I look forward to working with our talented staff in implementing the plan.”
The County’s strategic planning process is an ongoing activity. County leadership will quarterly review the plan and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the priorities and goals reflect the changing economic and demographic conditions and community needs.
“Our strategic plan clearly communicates the priorities and goals that will guide our decision-making, investments and service delivery,” concluded Bolter. “Translating these areas into tangible outcomes will ensure Kent County remains a place where all residents can live healthy, happy and purposeful lives.”
The 2019-2023 Strategic Plan is available on the County’s website at accesskent.com.
A Spanish version of the plan, translated by the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan, will be released In July.