Kent County commissioners’ work continues, remote meeting attendance available

The Kent County Board of Commissioners (from a previous meeting). (Supplied/Kent County)

By K.D. Norris

It may not exactly be business as usual for the Kent County Board of Commissioners during the COVID-19 emergency, but the work of conducting the public’s business, in public, continues — and the community is invited to attend and offer comment while maintaining their social distance.

“Pursuant to Governor (Gretchen) Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-15, the Kent County Board of Commissioners in order to protect the public health will conduct its (March 26) meeting via electronic communications,” according to a statement from the county administration. “Any member of the public wishing to listen to the proceedings or provide public comment” can do so.

While the March agenda is fairly short, it does — rather appropriately, given the current social restrictions — offer action on Kent County outdoor recreation issues and future projects, including Dwight Lydell Park and Thornapple River Trail Landing. For a complete agenda, visit here.

Commissioner Chair Mandy Bolter (District 5). (Supplied/Kent County)

“It is critically important, especially during this public health crisis, that government maintains its ability to conduct essential business in an open, accessible, and transparent manner while protecting the health and safety of all residents,” Kent County Board of Commissioners Chair Mandy Bolter said to WKTV. “With the use of technology, residents will be able to participate remotely in our meeting to nearly the same extent as if they were present.”

The means to provide the public comment include an internet connection and phone access with pass code, as follows: … Meeting ID: 977 751 835


Phone Options:  1(646) 876-9923 Pass Code:  977751835#

or 1(312) 626-6799 Pass Code:  977751835#

For more information about the Kent County Board of Commissioners, visit

