By WKTV Staff
Kentwood Fire Department Chief Brent J. Looman presented, and the City Commission accepted, the department’s 2017 annual report at the commission’s April 9 regular meeting, with highlights including funding, manpower and last year’s emergency calls.
“The Kentwood Fire Department continues to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the community,” Looman said to WKTV. “We are committed to providing the best fire protection and emergency medical services possible.”
The report detailed that all but 17.5 percent of the Fire Department’s 2017 operating budget of $6 million goes to employee wages and benefits, with the remainder going to continuing education, supplies and uniforms. It also detailed that Fire Department management consists of a full-time fire chief, a deputy fire chief and an executive assistant, as well as a part-time office assistant.
The fire suppression division operates out of Kentwood’s three fire stations, providing emergency response 24/7. Personnel include three battalion chiefs, nine lieutenants/inspectors, nine engine operators and 18 full-time and 10 paid on-call fire fighters. There is also one fire marshal and one full-time fire inspector. Bryan Lynch was named Fire Fighter of the Year for 2017; he has been with the department since 2002.
The Fire Department continues to accept applications for paid on-call fire fighters, for more information visit kentwood.workbrightats.com.
The report tallied the number of 2017 major incidents, with rescue and emergency medical calls numbering 3,196 of the total 4,595 calls. Responses for fires totaled 115, with 316 “false alarm and false call” incidents and three “severe weather and natural disaster” calls.
The Kentwood Fire Department also provides emergency medical services under the direction of the Kent County Emergency Medical Services, a nonprofit group designated by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, but not part of the Kent County governance structure. The Kentwood Fire Department is licensed by the State of Michigan as a Basic Life Support Agency, and all full-time uniformed personnel are licensed EMTs.
In 2017, top EMS incidents responded to include 543 breathing problems, 372 fall victims, 310 chest pains and 242 traffic accidents. Conversely, there was only one each reported animal bite, industrial accident and drowning.
The Fire Department requests and responds to mutual aid calls from other regional fire departments, with a total of 134 mutual aid calls answered and 59 received. Kentwood responded to 35 mutual aid calls from The City of Wyoming, followed by 32 from Cutlerville and 22 from Grand Rapids. Cutlerville and Grand Rapids answered the most mutual aid calls for Kentwood, with 32 and 22, respectively.
The City Commission usually meets twice a month. In May, it is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, May 1, and Tuesday, May 15. Meetings usually start at 7 p.m. For more information on City Commission as well as other boards and committee meetings, including any special times and dates, or for agendas and minutes, visit kentwood.us.