Calling all ghouls, monsters, superheroes, princesses and other trick-or-treaters: You are invited to attend the City of Kentwood’s annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, Oct. 21.
Trunk or Treat will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Kentwood Department of Public Works, 5068 Breton Road SE, Kentwood. The City, which is celebrating 50 years in 2017, is inviting families from West Michigan to join in the event.
Children are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes and bring their own candy-collection bag. More than 20 businesses and City departments will be handing out candy and other treats throughout the morning. In addition to the trunks, there will be games, face painting, a bounce house and hay rides.

“Trunk or Treat gets bigger every year, which is really reflective of the growth in our community,” said Laura Barbrick, marketing and events coordinator of Kentwood’s Parks and Recreation Department. “It was created to provide families a safe and fun opportunity to trick or treat.
“Local businesses and organizations are invited to attend and decorate their vehicles with Halloween themes. It’s a great time for families to connect with local organizations and businesses in a fun, high-energy day.”
The event is free for those participating in trick or treating. There is no cost for those organizations wishing to reserve a parking space, however they must supply their own candy. For more information or to register a vehicle, please contact Laura Barbrick at barbrickl@ci.kentwood.mi.us or 616-656-5272.
Information is available at www.kentwood50.com.