Kentwood’s newest commissioner, disability advocate on latest WKTV Journal: In Focus


WKTV Staff


What do you do when your running for a seat on the Kentwood City Commission and then your opponent drops out? Tom McKelvey, who in November won the 2nd Ward position, tells WKTV Journal: In Focus host Ken Norris what he did — still get out and meet people, and try to get up to speed on city matters as quickly as possible.


Also on the latest episode of In Focus, Madeline Schaab, a project specialist for local non-profit Disability Advocates of Kent County, discusses what her group does to promote accessible and welcoming communities, and what the public can do — including just keeping snow off the sidewalk in front of your house.


The episode will debut Tuesday, Dec. 19 , at 6:30 p.m., and will again air on Thursday, and again next week on the same days and times on WKTV channels but all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVVideos.



The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.


