The LowellArts Gallery has opened the new exhibit “Being + Wonder + Within” June 16 at its gallery located at 223 Main St., Lowell.
The exhibit, which runs through Aug. 15, combines the work of three groups of artists, each with a unique perspective on being human and how we exist as part of the world. One group of five artists will present “Ikigal: A reason of Being. Another group of five artists will present “Small Wonder/Nature, and a group of two artists present “between/within/among.”
The Gallery will be open 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday – Friday and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday.
A maximum of 10 visitors will be allowed in the gallery. Gallery visitors will be required to follow social distancing guidelines such as keeping six feet apart and wearing a face mask.
For more information, visit lowellartsmi.org.