By WKTV Staff
In honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, March has been designated as Reading Month. To celebrate and encourage reading, we are asking local officials, residents and WKTV staff and volunteers to tell us about a book that they enjoy. Happy Reading!
Today’s reading selections come from Kentwood Mayor Stephen Kepley, who is a licensed professional engineer and has been serving the City of Kentwood as mayor for the past nine years.

Book: The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues
Author: Patrick M. Lencioni
Genre: Team Building
Book: Discover Your True North
Author: Bill George with forward by David Gergen
Genre: Self-Help
Book: Proverbs
Author: King Solomon
Genre: The Bible
Book: How I Became a Pirate
Author: Melina Long
Genre: Children’s Fiction
The first three books represent leadership and wisdom needed to create a corporate culture that eats strategy for breakfast. The student book is simply a fun story, especially using a pirate voice. Young students love it, especially when I teach them how to talk like a pirate. I’m not too sure their parents and siblings enjoy the lesson, though.