My Invisible Day Playing Fortnite


By Joseph Montoya

4th Grade Youth Contributor

AnchorPoint Christian School


Once upon time I was playing Fortnite, and I won the game. Suddenly I was invisible.

I went to Target and got a PS6. I set money on the counter which made the manager confused.

I took it home and plugged it in. I played Fortnite for 24 hours. My parents didn’t know because they couldn’t see me.

I took my dad’s credit card, so I could get the new XBOX Series and 10 Nintendo Switches. I charged them and played them for 10 hours, but I got bored. Then I decided to get the PS5. I liked it, however I got bored of that too. So I took a break to get ice cream.

When I came home, I went to sleep. I woke up and played Fortnite for 10 minutes. I got the Dub on Fortnite, but my invisibility ran out. And my parents caught me.

The end.

Joseph Montoya (Courtesy, Kim Omanchi)

Joseph Montoya is a 4th grade student at AnchorPoint Christian School. Joseph’s short story, My Invisible Day Playing Fortnite, is his first published work.

Led by teacher Mrs. Kim Omanchi, and in collaboration with WKTV Managing Editor Deborah Reed, students created unique pieces for publication on WKTV Journal.

