WKTV Staff
Today is National Night Out, a time set aside for residents to turn their porch lights on and get out and meet their neighbors.
Both the cities of Kentwood and Wyoming will have a number of National Night Out events and activities taking place throughout the day. Below is a list of just some of those activities.
Consumer’s Energy Kick-Off Event
Consumer’s Energy will host its early morning event from 5:30 – 8 a.m. at its Wyoming headquarters, 4000 Clay Ave. SW. Mayors from several cities including Wyoming Mayor Jack Poll and Kentwood Mayor Stephen Kepley will participate in a joint reading of the proclamation in recognition of National Night Out.
Employees will be handing out light bulbs along Clay Avenue along with area police cruisers on display with lights on.

City of Kentwood
The Kentwood Police Department has partnered with Woodland Mall to offer community members an up-close look at emergency vehicles both outside and throughout the mall from 3 to 5 p.m. Large emergency vehicles will be on display outside by Celebration! Cinema, while other vehicles will be placed throughout the mall for shoppers to learn about and explore. A table featuring Kentwood Police Department giveaways will be located in the Barnes and Nobles wing.
In addition, several public community-based events will be hosted from 6 to 8 p.m. and feature a variety of activities, including appearances from McGruff the Crime Dog. Locations of those events include:
Pentecostals Church, 2627 44th St. SE, will host a party featuring a bounce house, free meal, face painting, music, carnival games and other kids’ activities.
South United Methodist Church, 4500 S. Division Ave., will have free ice cream and hot dogs, a live band, door prizes and a small water slide for young children.
Faith Church, 1412 44th St. SE, will have food trucks and a live band.
More information about National Night Out events in Kentwood is available at kentwood.us/NNO.

City of Wyoming
The Wyoming Department of Public Safety will join several other law enforcement agencies for activities at Celebration! Cinema at RiverTown Crossings from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
The Wyoming Concerts in the Park series hosts its last concert tonight with Shadows of the Night, music of the women of rock from 7 – 9 p.m. The evening is centered around National Night Out with a variety of activities taking place along with a visit from a couple of representatives from the city’s most popular police unit, the K-9 Unit.
Other National Night Out events, which will take place between 5 – 9 p.m., taking place are:
The South Godwin Neighborhood Association at Southlawn Park, 4125 Jefferson Ave. SE. This is one of the biggest National Night Out events with lots of activities.
Grace University, 1011 Aldon St. SW, will have activities and food.
Calvary Christian Reformed Church, 3500 Byron Center Ave. SW, will have activities and food.
Oriole Park, 1380 42nd St. SW, will have activities including a children’s parade.
South Kent National Night Out
The Kent County Sheriff’s Department and the Kentwood Community Church have teamed up to host the South Kent National Night Out set for 4 – 8 p.m. at Kentwood Community Church, 1200 60th St. SW.
The free event will feature food, games, splash pads, AeroMed Helicopter, KCSO Mounted Unit, and much more! For more information on the South Kent National Night Out, click here.