Save Your Time Using MI-TIME

A visit to the SoS is no longer a call for SOS!
A visit to the SoS is no longer a call for SOS!

“I can’t wait for my visit to the Secretary of State!” – Said no one, ever.

A visit to the Secretary of State is a mystery and a hassle. It’s impossible to know exactly how long the wait will be or what to expect upon arrival. A trip to renew a drivers’ license was seen as a burden with no sense of convenience… until the Secretary of State introduced MI-TIME back in February of 2014.

The popular “get-in-line-online” service was installed in the 10 busiest offices around the state starting in February 2014. The revolutionary service was added to eight more offices late this summer, boosting the number of users to 2 million. For the first time at Secretary of State offices, customers now can make appointments for transactions.

MI-Time Line“Customers love this service because it’s all about convenience,” stated Secretary of State Ruth Johnson. “You can sign up for an appointment online, by phone or from the office, and then go about your business until it’s almost your turn. The feedback has been tremendous.”

About that feedback, one happy customer took to social media to call MI-TIME Line, “The greatest idea, since the bottle opener, is the online wait-in-line function at the @MichSoS. 13 minutes and out the door.”

When you sign into MI-TIME Line, it estimates your wait time, and if you have a phone or texting capability, the system will call or text you when your turn is coming up. You can also ask for more time if you’re not ready to come into the office when alerted.

When a transaction must be made in person, such as first-time license application or a title transfer, you can save time by going to an office that offers the MI-TIME Line service. Customers can get in line online in Genesee, Ingham, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kent, Macomb, Oakland and Wayne county.

You can find out specific MI-TIME Line locations here. If the service isn’t offered in your area, the Branch Office Locator will show you locations and hours of operation for nearby Secretary of State offices.

