Signs of spring can be found at Buck Creek Nature Preserve in Wyoming

Green moss can be found blanketing the ground and fallen trees (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor

Spring officially begins Tuesday, March 19, but signs of new life are already showing at Buck Creek Nature Preserve in Wyoming.

This reporter spent her lunch break wandering the Buck Creek trail and basking in the sun streaming through leafless trees. The air – unseasonably warm for a Michigan March afternoon – stirred bare branches and fallen leaves.

Trilling birds and a bubbling creek lent a peaceful ambiance to the preserve. Flowers stretched their stalks and unfurled their petals while bushes flaunted brightly colored buds.

Wyoming residents can enjoy Buck Creek Nature Preserve, as well the other 20+ parks scattered throughout the city, as Michigan begins to bloom!

