Snapshots: Fun news you need to know from Wyoming and Kentwood


WKTV Staff


Kentwood: City plans activities to celebrate 4th of July 


Parades are big thing in Kentwood, so there will be one on July 4th. (WKTV)

All are invited to join the City of Kentwood’s annual Fourth of July Celebration for a full day of activities, including a pancake breakfast, a 5K race and a parade, followed by an evening complete with carnival rides, games and fireworks at Crestwood Middle School.


For the complete story, click here.


Music scene: Hot international band Kaleo in GR Sunday


Both dedicated and soon-to-be fans of Kaleo will get a chance to see and hear the group’s range when the band hits the stage of 20 Monroe Live Sunday, July 1.


For the complete story, click here.


WKTV YouTube Videos: Check out ideas from the West Michigan Tourist Association 

West Michigan Tourist Association’s Jeremy Witt sits down with WKTV to talk about fun, educational adventures West Michigan residents can enjoy this summer.




