By WKTV Staff
Quote of the Day
They err who think Santa Claus enters through the chimney. He enters through the heart.

Hey, Santa needs to eat too
Santa will make a stop at the Downtown Market Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14-15, when you can shop with the big guy himself! Bring your wish list to ensure you land on his ‘nice’ list this year. Go here for the story.

And Santa has to shop for the Mrs.
Photos with Santa, princess and Star Wars-themed events, live music and gift-wrapping fundraisers will deck the halls and help spread holiday cheer at Woodland Mall now to the new year. Go here for the story.

But even Santa needs a little help
The Santa Claus Girls’s history in Kent County dates from 1909 and these days they operate out of the Knoll Inc. building on 36th in Kentwood — from where they delivered more than 13,500 gift packages in 2018 and hope to meet or beat that number this year. See here for the story.
Fun fact:
The average hourly rate for Santa actors is $30 an hour, but it ranges up to $75 an hour, according to Investopedia. Multi-lingual actors who work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day might make closer to $100. Source.